
Saturday, November 3, 2007

Be happy, be light-hearted!

1. Give greater thought to the attitude you do your work with. Do not pick out the fruits from a tree that you have not even planted yet.

2. Be careful of the frame of mind you conduct yourself with. Be carefree of the effort of what the work entitles and its results.

3. Yes! We all have to plan. But what? We have to prepare ourselves to be strong during the course of the work. When we make plans to make our work easy we have in its course weakened our minds even before the onset of the work.

4. We plan not because it makes the work easy. We plan because it makes us less fearful of our own fears that come and go before the work even begins.

5. We must not worry of what may happen. If that happens we have to think what we must do so that the unnecessary flow of thoughts is uprooted. Think positive at that time. Think that the One that gave you your breath will also provide the best ways for you to survive.

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