
Monday, November 5, 2007

A to Z of life...

A - always depend on God

B - bear insult, near injury

C - control your tongue

D - do not cheat anybody

E - evil company is dangerous

F - fear nothing

G - give, give, give. God will love, love, love

H - helping others is virtue

I - injury is vice

J - japa is your coat of arms

K - knowledge is the fruit

L - live for others

M - mind deceives, beware..

N - now is the best time to utilize

O - overcome grief by liberality

P - pure mind is your friend

Q - quietness will lead you to progress

R - recite the name of GOD

S - speak sweetly, speak softly

T - to love is to serve

U -understand yourself

V - virtue is the staff of life

W - within you is bliss

X - [E]xert yourself for Good

Y - your treasure is God

Z - zero has no value, if not attached to a unit. So life has no value if not attached to God

from a divine source

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