
Monday, November 5, 2007

Worry is a habit. To break it you must reject its course... and recognize its danger...

Stop worrying...

1. First one thinks…then he gets in a habit to think too much…then it becomes his nature to think…then he plans his tasks through the stress of worry…only worry begins to finish his daily tasks…in the end he is consumed by worry. All that becomes real to him is what he has thought…what he is thinking and what he is about to think!

2. There is no day you absolutely need to worry. But there is an absolute need for you to be happy every single moment.

3. How foolish is that man who keeps himself content in all the suppositions that may happen in his life. While he keeps his whole present in fears he plans his tomorrow to be free of them.

4. Do not worry! Not because you will receive whatever you want…you have to keep the strength to face reality and the will of God!

5. WE often go before God…say that we surrender to Him and then worry if He heard our prayer!

6. As you learn to love without a motive…free of all dependence…you will realize that the thoughts of gain will dwindle…fear of doership will decrease and contentment will reign the state of mind.

7. Does worry make the world move faster? It is hard O child to move back when you have reached your dream and for it you have left the reality behind!

8. Worry is the movement of time in circles…in the wheel of desires. Come out of it…right now…there is so much more for you to do!

9. Worry is a habit. To break it you must reject its course.

from a divine source

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