
Illness, both physical and mental is a reaction on the body caused by poisons in the mind....

Illness, both physical and mental,
is a reaction on the body caused by
poisons in the mind.

An uncontaminated mind alone
can ensure continuous good health.

Vices breed disease.
Bad thought, bad habits and bad company
are fertile grounds in which disease thrives.

A sense of elation and exultation
keeps the body free from ill-health.

The evil habits in which people indulge,
are the chief causes of disease,
physical as well as mental.

Greed affects the mind;
disappointments make people depressed.

You can justify your existence
as a human being only by the cultivation of virtues.

Then you can become a
worthy candidate for Godliness.
It is progress in virtue that announces
the progress of man towards divinity.

Virtues also confer freshness,
skill and long years of youthfulness.

from a divine source

The emotion "HAPPINESS' we can be happy even in the clutches of adversities...

Daily routine revealing...
Decaying thoughs evoking...
Hurting words speaking...
Hurt giving birth to more attacking...

Disputes that happens...
Disagreements that continues...
Unhappiness brewing...
Attachments that is hurting....

What is happiness?
Where is happiness?
Why seek for happiness?
Who will give you happiness?

The world is a place...
The world is a space....
To which we accept...
A right and proper concept...

What is this concept?

Duality is the answer...
The mind plays that trick...
Duality should be treated
with equanimity...

Why remind ourselves of negatives?
Where there are so many positives?
Why put our mind in sad memories?
Why put our mind to repeat memories?

Don't remind oneself on unhappy thoughts...
Don't remind oneself on unhappy occasions...
Those are just remembering...
Just mere negative self-affirming....

Thus happiness is today...
Happiness is this minute...
Happiness is this second...
That we know that we are living...

Be grateful!

Be grateful that we know the answer...
Be careful of what we put into our mind...
Be thankful that happiness is sought within...
Be truthful to our faith from within...


Happiness is simple...
Happiness is peace at heart...
Happiness is to be carefree and relaxing...
Happiness is all positive reprogramming...

Happiness is thus a choice....
to choose pp from happiness...
knowing and accepting peace...
at heart and mind...

Happiness is thus a choice....
to choose the e from it...
understanding equanimity...
towards any emotions...

Happiness is thus a choice...
to choose the ss from it...
keeping it simple and sunny...
towards any incidents...


Sunday, December 9, 2007

EQ is inexpensive to obtain, but expensive to lose..

EQ is inexpensive to obtain...
but expensive to lose....
EQ is never easy to maintain...
but easy to get loose..

All of us are not immune to negative emotions...
It all depends on how we manage them...
All of us are thus subject to negative provocations...
It all depends on how we evaluate them...

Build up faith and confidence..
Be acquainted with hope and indifference...
To stay as positive as possible...
To prevent negative terribles..

Wake up to love and kindness...
Wake up to joy and be fearless...
To tame our passion so raw...
To rekindle our emotion not by law....

Laws and rules never did their job right...
Laws and rules are set to be broken...
If what is done will put things right...
If what is done is for the better.....

Good EQ is a positive passion that creates....Poor EQ is a negative passion that destroys...

Good EQ is a positive passion that creates...
Poor EQ is a negtive passion that destroys..

Good EQ when nurtured will glow....
Poor EQ when watered will not grow...

Beware of the knife,
with its double edged sharpness...

Beware of the knife,
with its double edged pointedness....

Our tongue can do the same job...
Our tongue can do the same hurt...

Who is at fault?
Why the fault?

It all starts from an evil thought...
It is a yes-or-no war well fought...

It all starts from evil possibilities...
It can bring forth many difficulties...

Thus we ought to control our mind...
our tongue, our character all those we should mind....

Importance of Education....

Importance of Education :

Many boys study only to empty their heads in the examination. This is like Polaroid camera. But in the other type of camera, you can get negatives. Your studies ahould be like that. Whatever you study should be imprinted in your mind. Whenever you need, you should be able to use it.

Memory Power :

Don't think too much. It may cause a decline in memory power. You should have purity, patience and perseverance. Wastage of energy diminishes memory power.

Examinations :

You should welcome tests. Everything in life is a test. Test gives you rest and rest is the taste of Love.

Writing :

You read at home but write in examination hall. This is not good. You should practice writing the answers too.

Manana :

You must read two pages at a time and think over what you have read. When you read twenty pages at a stretch, it is like a Polaroid camera. When you read two pages at a time, it will be like a photo negative;whenever you want, you can take copies out of it. When you study this way, the pustaka (book) and your mastaka (head) become one and the same.

Sleep :

It is not right to study all through the night. It will diminish your memory power. Boys need 7 to 8 hours sleep. Go to bed early. Think of what you studied, till you get sleep. This is manana. Get up early - at 4:30a.m. But do not sleep during daytime. Also, don't rush to the school or institute immediately after lunch. Sit on a chair, close your eyes and take rest for five minutes.

Anxiety :

When you get deep into work, you get enthusiasm, not anxiety. So, get involved in your work. But.... - When you have no interest, don't sit in front of the book. Go for a short walk. Sing hymns. Come back with enthusiasm and interest. Then study.

What else...

Faith in yourself and faith in God, this is the secret of success.

from a divine source

Friday, December 7, 2007

Love in action is right action...

"Love in action is right action;
as speech is truth;
as thought is peace;
as understanding is non-violence. "

from a divine source

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Death is but the casting off of old clothes..

Before death nips life and
thrust him onto another birth,
man must, by means of spiritual discipline,
learn the mystery of the indwelling Divinity.

When death comes,
one must be glad to meet it,
knowing that one has come
for the last time.

One weeps when he is born;
one should not weep when one dies.
One must die triumphantly over death.

Otherwise, he lives only to consume food
and is a burden upon the earth.
One seeks to escape pain and grief,
but these are inescapable.

All have to die, sooner or later.
No one will be anxious to have
the same dress on for years.

Death is but the casting off of old clothes.

from a divine source

Jealousy on the part of a person ultimately results in his own ruin...

Once the organs of the body like eyes,
ears, limbs became jealous of the tongue,
saying that they make all efforts for securing food,
but the tongue enjoys this.

They stopped working and never sent any food.
Tongue is the one that tastes the food and
passes only palatable items of food inside,
which is converted by the internal organs
into energy giving blood.

The tongue does not retain it.
But for this vital part played by the tongue,
the other organs would not be able to function at all.
When the other organs became jealous of the tongue
and stopped sending food with a view to harm it,
they spelt their own ruin by such action,
as they could not function when there was no food
and consequently no supply of energy for these organs to function.

Similarly, jealousy on the part of a person ultimately results in his own ruin.

God's call is essential....

As far as God is concerned,
along with our will,
God's call is essential.
He invites you, waits for you,
makes all arrangements for you,
takes care of you, showers
hospitality on you and loves you.
He loves his devotees.
He treats them as his kith and kin.

God often said that - let My man
(Devotee) be at any distance,
a thousand miles away from Me,
he will be drawn to God, like a sparrow,
with a thread tied to its feet.

The sparrow is ignorant.
It leads its life instinctively.
It goes in search of food
to any place in any direction.
Prompted by its vision
of the eye, it goes to get its food.
It does not know that its legs
are going to be tied by somebody.
Unaware of the thread tied
to its legs it goes as it lives in search of food.
But it is pulled by the puller and it goes to him.

Similarly, when God
draws us near, we can't resist him.
Our free will loses its freedom.
Since the sparrow is tied
by a soft silken thread,
it does not feel wounded.
There is no friction.

Gently and slowly, gradually and steadily,
the puller pulls the sparrow towards him if it
yields willingly to the pull, the journey will be easy and comfortable.

The sparrow tries to look sideways
and stay in places of pleasure and mirth.
Now and then, it tries to free itself from the thread and the pull.
All its efforts are in vain. The puller wants the bird.
Therefore he draws it towards him.
The bird can't resist anymore.
It is ultimately taken to the hands
of the puller and it is given food and shelter,
pleasure and peace, in the owner's garden.

God is our gardener. He draws us to his garden
and he provides everything for our comfort and peace.

If we do not understand
why God is calling us,
we may feel uncomfortable
initially like the bird.
If he is drawing us away from
the world and the worldly attractions,
it is certainly for our good.

We think world and its attachments
are the source of pleasure, but really
they are the source of pain.
It is better we respond to the call
of God and proceed towards Divinity.
Let us not be caught in ignorance.
Let us not lose ourselves in Maya.
Let us respond to the loving call of God.

from a divine source