
Monday, April 28, 2008

When there is health, there is hope, when there is hope, we can have everything...

It suddenly dawned me that I should write more on these everyday tips of getting healthier and happier. Very recently, I came to know of several health shocks that happened to some of my close friends and new friends. It has been a while that I haven't really blogged about body and mind health.

Many of us took our body's health for granted. Or most of us take for granted that our heart will beat for us, our lungs filtering our air, our kidney filtering our blood, our liver, our bladder and many others. We over-ate, we over-worked, we over-stressed, we over-looked, we over-slept, we over-drank.... Too much 'over...' just gone too far away from the law of nature.

What have we done? Are we greedy? Are we too serious? Are we not doing our jobs well? We did set good models, good examples to many, but what has happened to our physical body? Something has definitely gone wrong.

The day is 12 hours broad daylight, 12 hours dark. The invention of bulbs, lights have added to our working hours. Actually we cannot see in the dark. Our energy levels are a little down, meaning for us to rest and be rested. But deadlines, responsibilities, crazy goals, unrealistic breakthroughs have unknowingly forced us to become supermen and superwomen. But are we?
Can we?

The spirit of winning, the spirit of being the best, the aspiration to becoming wealthy, the dream of becoming a role-player , the will to set records, to succeed, to move up the ladder of success, to rule, to have power have all led us astray, beyond and crawling over the limits.

We can if we think we can. Of course, one is aware of the potentials inside us. But too many people have stretched their energies too hard. Too many people are stretching the hands of the clock. Too many people have stretched their gray matters too hard, forgetting that our body system needs to be rested, to be relaxed, to be fed only the necessary, to be cleansed, to be exercised, to be given proper food and fluids.

Atlas, the body eventually cries out to be attended to! The body refuse to work! The body refuse to heed your command! The body is boycotting you! Something is out of balance... and I always call it dis-ease. Our body is 'not at ease' thus now complaining.... Yet part of our mind screamed to be attended to! Part of our mind says 'No!' Part of our mind says, "It will not happen to me!"

Poor guys, poor poor child... Nothing is without a cause. There is no smoke when there is no fire. Our body is screaming to our mind to STOP! Our body is screaming to our mind to "STOP POISONING!' Our body or later our mind is screaming to our body to FIGHT! Sad to say, something is lost.... something is missing... something is not working! Something has gone wrong!

Well, be aware that our body needs to be rested, to be cleansed, to be fed the appropriate food and drinks, to be given the right kick. What is so difficult about it? Why should we be so harsh on our body? Why haven't we allow ourselves to rest and be relaxed!

Yes, be aware that we ourselves are wholly responsible for our body health. We are what we eat! We are what we think we are! Ask this question, are we in harmony with Mother Nature? Are we in balance with Mother Nature? Are we principle-centered?

Are we on the right track? Are we healthy body, mind, emotion and spirit? Stop and be aware of the balance and harmony of Mother Nature! Think twice.... think wise...

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