
Monday, April 28, 2008

The 2 tables... for a new friend I came across today... a smile that bridged the friendship...

One table is recently bought.
It looks brand new, it is in perfect condition.

The other table is already 15 years old.
It doesn't look good. It needs repair, needs
some polish, needs some adjustment.

Which table do you think will last longer?

A more appropriate answer can be
the first table which is new and in good condition.

The other table which has served
15 years might be the loser, perhaps.

But what is there to do with our health?

The answer is not a definite answer
that the first table will last longer.
In the case of destruction, an axe
can bring the new table into pieces.
If one bang on the table, kicked it,
poured acid or burn it, the new table
will also be destroyed.

Likewise, the other table when given
the proper repair, some polish,
proper care will last longer.
It depends on how we treat these 2 tables.

Likewise, a healthy people if indulged in bad
and destructive habits will kill him over-night.

But a someone who is kind to himself,
treat himself well, take extra care, understands
himself well, manages his health well will prolong his life.

Please remember this, my friend, Chris..

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