
Saturday, May 3, 2008

Heard about the importance of AQ? Adversity Quotient...

What is AQ?

AQ Adversity Quotient'

No matter what happened, we have to pass all adversities. We ought to pass all small and big tests alike.'

Who is without adversity?
Where is there no rain or pain?

To be able to face or deal with negatives is really a skill that all should master! Without AQ, a rich, young, successful professional, when jilted will still jump from the tallest building to end his life. That would be the end of the story. He couldn't manage his emotion nor could he pass his adversity test!

No journey of life is just a stretch of smooth and straight road. No one's life is made of honey and milk only. No one lives in beds of roses as one expect of life.

Know this story? It is about eating a chicken. Before one can have chicken meat to eat, ever gave a second thought of what has been done to the chicken before we can eat them? The bird have to be breed, caught, slaughtered, feathers plucked and chopped, then cooked and meats eaten without the bones!

Can we just eat the chicken raw like some other animals? Of course, not. Thus life is never without small tasks or challenges. Fear it, you fail, Run away, it follows you. Catch it, it still stays!

The only choice left is to have these small tasks solved or done with. Only then we can enjoy the fruits. Face all brave and fearless. We too gain valuable life experiences, learning and improving oneself as we go.

Our life journey is made more meaningful when spiced with challenges and tasks. It will strengthen our character and be fearless to further challenges in life. The skill in passing all these small and big tasks are expected of all of us.

Even when one possesses IQ, EQ, TQ, DQ, CQ or other Qs, lack of AQ makes things difficult and meaningless. This setback will hinder a person's success and he will have no strength or skill to deal with negatives of life. All wise men are said to be touched with certain levels of adversities of life. Master this skill and pass the test with doctorate!

Adversities come in the form of misfortunes, poor health, jilts, incurable sickness, accidents, divorces, separations, unstable marriage, miscarriages, retrenchments, handicaps, unemployment, poverty, debts, deaths, failures, bankruptcies, lost of fame and many uncountable defects of life.

Can we stand firm and steady at our feet to face them? To face them without tears or fears? Do we all have this ability or capability to pass these tests? How can one possess such AQ?

Be courageous and strong, face them, pass them, learn from them, treasure these valuable teachers of life. Adversities make one realize the importance of TIME and treasure TIME! And most important of all is 'learn to love, be loved and share our love and pass on LOVE... True love never die....'

Remember 'Everyday is a fight adversity!'

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