Health is inclusive of all in all that is in us, visible or invisible. Achieving total health and happiness is possible for all those who earns and wills it. When we have health, we have hope, when we have hope, we have life. It's our utmost duty to maintain balanced body, mental, emotion and spirit and persist to be whole and intimately connected. Prevention is much better, cheaper and smarter than cure. Understand that this is the only race where all humans should be winners!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Life is a mosaic of pleasure and pain, grief is an interval between two moments of joy...
grief is an interval between
two moments of joy.
Peace is the interlude between two wars.
You have no rose without a thorn;
the diligent picker will avoid the pricks
and gather the flowers.
There is no bee without the sting; cleverness
consists in gathering the honey nevertheless.
Troubles and travails
will haunt you. But you must not allow
them to deflect you from the
path of duty and dedication.
The world today is afflicted with
anxiety, fear, depression, hatred, greed and suspicion.
The only way
the world can be set right is for man
to realise his high destiny;
for every man yearns for two boons -
attainment of joy and escape from sorrow.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Do not count your tears of pain, do no pour over your grief...
do not pour over your grief.
Let them pass through your mind,
as birds fly through the sky,
leaving no trail behind, or as flames and floods
appear on the screen in a picture house,
without affecting the screen.
Give up in order to gain;
restrain in order to receive;
sacrifice, so that you may be saved.
You have to sacrifice your animality,
the beastly lust and greed, hate and malice.
Sacrifice these and you earn the heaven of un-flinching peace.
If you analyze the difference
between God and man, you will find
that life plus desire is man and life minus desire is God.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sow in the field of your heart the seeds of good thoughts, charged with humility...
charged with humility; irrigate with waters of love;
protect the growing crop with fertilizer concentration;
then the plants of devotion will yield the harvest of the eternal wisdom,
that you are He, and when that revelation comes, you become He,
for, you were always He, though you did not know it so far.
Invitations are sent out, bands strike music,
flags are hung, guests are fed, announcements are made -
all with the intention of having many witnesses
for the marriage of the groom with the bride.
So too, festivals, holy days, vows, rites, pilgrimages,
fasts, are all to invoke the blessings of the good and
the Godly upon the marriage of the Soul with the over soul.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Courage is the tonic for getting both physical as well as mental health and strength..
physical as well as mental health and strength.
Give up doubt, hesitation and fear.
Man by means of the inner divine strength
with which he is equipped, can achieve any thing.
The chief source of bliss is dedication to God;
nothing else can give the genuine and lasting joy.
You do not know how to make
an ornament out of gold, so you give it to a smith.
Why worry if he melts it
and beats it and pierces it and
pulls it into wire and twists it and cuts it?
Let him who knows the art,
shape the child into an ornament of society, do not worry.
The progress of the universe is interlinked with the progress of man...
interlinked with the progress of man.
Any amount of development in scientific,
economic and social spheres will not be
of much use without mental transformation.
How can we bring about this transformation?
It is by keeping in check one's passions and emotions.
Since mental tension is most detrimental to man's health,
man should learn the art of controlling his passions and emotions,
which cause stress and strain.
Man should make an earnest endeavour
to lead a serene and pure life. He should realise
the truth that troubles and turmoil are temporary, like passing clouds.
There is no scope for agitations
to arise if one realises this truth.
One who realises this truth will not
allow his mind to be swayed by the passions of anger, cruelty, etc.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Goodness, compassion, tolerance....
virtues one can perceive the Divinity in oneself
and in others.
Softness of heart is often
condemned as weakness, cowardice and want of
intelligence; they say that the heart has to be
hardened against pity and charity, but that way
lies war, destruction and downfall.
Love alone
confers lasting happiness and peace. Sharing can
alone reduce grief and multiply joy. People are
born to share, to serve, to give and not to grab.
and the ocean as being blue in colour,
but this is incorrect.
Neither the sky nor the ocean
are actually blue themselves.
It is the vastness of space and
the depth of the ocean that
produces this illusion of blueness.
If you take some seawater in your palm,
you will see that it is actually colourless.
Likewise, good and evil depend on our own thoughts and feelings.
Difference of opinion must be like the 2 eyes, each giving a different picture of the same subject...both of which coordinated to give a complete pic
Those who know will not speak; those who speak do not know, can not know. It is the ignorant man who argues loudly and angrily and talks cynically. The wise man will pause before judging; he will see all sides of the problem, relate it to his own experience and hesitate to accept it or condemn it. He will hear less and taste more.
It is foolishness to brood over mishaps and mistakes once committed and punish yourself for them...
mishaps and mistakes once committed
and punish yourself for them.
What is good of ill-treating the body
for the sake of correcting the mind?
when grief overpowers,
you do not recollect similar incidents
in your past experience and
add to the sum of your grief;
recollect rather incidents
when grief did not knock at your door,
but you were happy instead.
Draw consolation and strength
from such memories and raise yourself
above the surging waters of sorrow.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fight against bad thoughts and bad deeds...
Love love love, there is always love, full of love...
lies the backbone of love.
Truth is important in a relationship of love.
You cannot lie or be deceitful,
for your love also becomes a lie.
Behind patience, also, lies the foundation of love.
Why else would you bear or endure,
if there is no love?
You forgive the faults of someone close,
only because of love. You are humble,
because you want to please the one you love.
You will want to give away the best you have, only out of love.
Even if one hurts you,
you will not hurt back and
you will swallow the anger and pride, only out of love.
Try to love, want to love,
for love will make you a better person.
Your virtues are the compartments that follow the engine of love.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Look, don't be prisoners of the past...
My friends, don't be a prisoner of the past..
Some people are always dwelling on their disappointments...
They just can't understand why their prayers aren't answered...
why their financial problems were still there...
and why they were ill treated or mistreated...
They don't realize the power of negative sayings..
They don't realize that they are allowing their past..
to poison their future..
God has a new beginning in store for all..
and restore what's been stolen, but they won't let go of hate..
They don't want to let go of their miseries...
They don't want to let go of their past...
Unfair things might have happened to you...
Make a decision that you are quiting reliving those...
Make a decision to quit from remembering those memories...
Instead, think on good things that will build you up once again...
Forgive the people who have hurt or mistreat you...
Rid yourself off the feelings of bitterness or regrets...
And forget and forgive them and yourself...
Quit looking back... strive forward, that is what we are going to do...
The past is a guest, tomorrow is a stranger...
Tomorrow is a stranger...
Now is the 'present'!
God and us should live in the present..
Most of us dwell in our past..
Running the present worrying about the future...
Worrying ourselves out and feeling depressed....
Everybody goes through disappointments...
and setbacks from time to time...
but if we hold on to hurt and pain...
we end up living negative and bitter lives...
Maybe we have made some mistakes...
Maybe we have made some poor choices...
and now you are tempted to sit around and feeling guilt..
and condemned thinking something such as..
"I wish I had been more careful.."
"I wish I had chosen another career.."
"I wish I had married that other person.."
"I wish I had been a better parent..'
It is so easy to live life focused on that reviewed mirror..
We can't do anything about the past...
and we have no guarantees regarding the future..
But we can do something for ourselves right now.....
Right now, shape up and look good...
Right now, take a deep breathe and smile...
Right now, start your studies and get going....
Right now, plan your work and work your plan....
Remember, universal love is the answer to all....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Who isnt a sinner? All of us are...
we committed mistakes, small or big...
Our flesh is weak, our mind sometimes unsettled...
Yet it is still our choice to be or not to be...
It is still our choice to continue or not to...
Happy are those who realize one's sins...
Happy are those who really care for their souls..
What had happened have happened...
And our God is forever forgiving us...
But we should be sincere and getting nearer to our goals...
A step a day, we walk our spiritual journey...
No one can walk that for us...no one..
It is just us, just you and me... just everybody..
To be fully responsible for what we did...
To be fully realized and not to repeat the same mistakes...
God knows our intention...
God knows our weaknesses...
God loves to know that we are repending...
God knows everything about us...
There is nothing to hide at all, yes nothing to hide at all...
Be courageous, be faithful... it is really not easy...
But no matter how, the decision need to be made...
For the better or for the worst..
God loves us all and provides us with this wisdom..
And all will turn out safe and sound, happy and blissful...
One should exercise control over the senses... and see that one do not repeat our mistakes...
you do not consider them as sins.
You think that they are quite natural to human beings.
You keep committing mistakes, '
yet you pray for pardon.
Actually, one should never seek
pardonfor the mistake committed.
One should beprepared to undergo the punishment.
Only then can one be free from defects.
When a person commits
a serious offence, he is put in a jail.
He is released only after he undergoes
the punishment for the required period.
Likewise, if you want redemption,
you should atone for your sins and
be prepared to face punishment for your mistakes.
You should exercise control over
the senses and see that you do not repeat your mistakes.
from a divine source
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Good students of life recognize real mentors...
good teachers being reasonable and good...
Bad students at school will complain
good teachers being unreasonable and bad...
That's for sure...
Because bad students hate to be disciplined
and scolded for their mistakes....
so it is just as natural that someone call you undisciplined....
Have no thorn of hate in your mind..
Develop love towards all...
Desire is a storm, greed is a whirlpool,
Pride is a precipice, attachment is an avalanche,
Egoism is a volcano!
Keep these things away, so that you can
enjoy undisturbed in your heart...
Then there is warm sunshine and cool breeze!
And the gurgling waters of contentment
will feed the roots of faith in your heart...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
All weaker thinking people will feel defeated before actually going into the battle fields of challenges...

All weaker thinking people will feel defeated before actually going into the battle fields of challenges, thus proving themselves a failure... nobody else say so, it is they themselves who feel so lost. And there are so many types of eagles... if you know what I mean.. Perhaps not even an eagle, just a big chicken... haha
Friday, August 14, 2009
Only with our best attitude that we can climb to higher aptitude to succeed, so make sure that we possess them...
Everyone wish to achieve our goals of life, be it small or big...
Coming to realize that one needs to polish one's attitude...
Coming to realize that one needs to possess good attitude...
Thus only with our best attitude,
that we can climb to higher levels..
To succeed, thus make sure that..
we possess our best attitude...
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A good yield needs time and favourable environment to produce...
When we only see small results...
When we havent seen any bigger results...
What can be the reason behind that?
There is nothing of anything
to complain or grumble of who
and what or how we are now...
Why fear when we have been doing the correct thing?
Always remember that
there is this growing process
that all of us have to face..
soon the maturing stage will come..
Sow only good seeds... only then it will bear good fruits...
reflected in the days to come...
thus sow only good seeds,
only then they will bear good fruits...
These fruits will be then so sweett...
These fruits will be then so satisfying...
And the seeds are ready to be replanted again...
And happiness and sunshine will always be there...
for you and for all...
Post 833...Realize this miracle.. you will always get what you really want, provided they are with good intention and vision...
you will always get what you really want,
provided they are with good intention and vision...
It might be just the law of attraction...
or the power of intention...
or if there is a will, there is a way...
Understand this...
Wish hard enough..
Be specific in what you really want...
Plant the law of patiecnce...
Plant the law of persistence...
Plant the law of LOVE...
this is the secret to success...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
As is the food, so is the mind...
Friday, May 22, 2009
He is truly a wise man, who knows that by which everything also is known...
Sins do not adhere to the man of devotion....
True love is the sweet fruit that grows out of the fragrant flower of good deeds...
considering everyone as embodiments of the Divine,
with no expectation of reward, is true Love.
With this attitude, when one regards divinity
as present in all beings, he experiences true love.
Whatever be the vicissitudes one may face,
whatever be the personal sorrows and privations
one may undergo, true love will remain unaffected.
Today, the moment a difficulty arises,
love turns into hatred.
True love is the sweet fruit that
grows out of the fragrant flower of good deeds.
Love rules without recourse to the sword.
It binds without laws.
Only one who has such true love
can be described as human, for,
divine love is the basic quality of a true human being.
Man should lead selfless lives....
This may seem difficult. But, in reality,
there is nothing easier than this.
It is selfishness that creates
all kinds of difficulties for man.
Selfless love gives no room for any evil.
Selfless love may meet with opposition
from one's kith and kin and from worldly persons.
But one should not be deterred by such opposition.
Love should be cherished as one's life breath.
Make love the basis for all your actions.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
One has to acquire humility, activate discipline and a good character....
Truth is realized that the spirit will experience true peace and contentment...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Post 820 Be at peace with one another.... to husband and wife, to siblings, to friends.... 'forgive and forget'
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
The art of balancing... Too much of anything is never good, but lack of just a small portion is fatal...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Post 812... The foundations of good health...[part 2]
[3] Health knowledge
I used to share this..."If you know what to do or can solve all health problems, it is because you know how. This 'know how' is appropriate knowledge applied. Thus likewise, to obtain health, we should at least must acquire health knowledge.
A doctor in the making needs at least 5 to 6 years. Learning is inevitable. Thus when one talk about good health, one should be at the very least know about preventive measures. One should at least know the reasons why one will get sick and how to prevent illness!
We have our immune system to heed, our repair system, our detoxifying system, our anti-aging system, our anti-stress and anti-cancer capabilities. What about our respiratory system, our digestive system, our immune system, our lymphatic system, our reproductive system and nervous system and all the lots...
One should learn about food pyramids, the importance of balanced diets and nutritional values of different types of food. It too include the awareness of the danger of wrong eating and over eating. And are we cooking healthy, eating healthy and seldom or take no rubbish foods!
The skill comes along with what to eat and not to eat, when to eat, how to eat, how much to eat! And the art of balancing what we eat. What about those habits or food that cause us to fall sick? How will rubbish foods or destructive foods affect all of us?
And more important of all, health should be achieved in all 4 dimensions of health, physical body, mind, emotion and spirit!
Once again, it is the know how, the preventive measures that all of us should acquire! Don't wait till it is too late.
[4] Health investments in the form of time and money!
All of us want health. We need to buy health, we need to invest time! Air, water, food and drinks... are they safe to breathe, take or eat? In this modern time, water filter is a must, food supplement is a must, balanced food is a must but are we doing them well?
How balanced is our food we take? 'Macro' refers to the 3 meals of the day. The 3 meals refers to the 'more' intake. 'Micro' refers to the trace minerals, vitamins, phyto-nutrients that our body also need but in small amounts. Too much of anything is never good, but lack of just one rare mineral or vitamin will cause havoc. To get a balanced diet is the most important duty in the maintenance of good and proper health.
Scientists have proven that our body needs at least 40 nutrients a day! It contains 10 types of amino acids that our body cannot make, some vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients to keep our body fit and healthy!
And we need time to do proper exercise. We need time to do relaxing or detoxifying. We need time to recover! We need to earn them...
This really is a vast topic! One can write tons of books just from health care. Thus are we willing to invest our money to buy all those healthy foods and food supplements or spend time to get to know more about preventive measures?
[5] Persistence in action
Nothing is more important than to be consistent and persistent in what one is doing. To achieve total health, one should never stop in action. Our body metabolism must keep on, our body cells must be fed well to go on living healthy and we need to survive fit!
The above 5 fundamental points that contribute to our good health is too important to ignore. Health knowledge, health care, health prevention are a MUST! One will not live to regret when one is equipped with the basic knowledge of self health care. It PAYS!
Many 'doctors of the future' will appear, talking about the same thing, on preventive measures to stay healthy! Many now are more health conscious and at least rays of hope are shinning amongst us. Thus good health is earned! My message of today, 'Stay healthier and be happier!'
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Post 811 The foundations of health..[part 1]
Health and wealth, health and beauty. They are always inter-related. If you want to be attractive, you need to stay healthy! If you want to enjoy life, you need to stay healthy too! Each one is never complete without the other. Let's talk more about health....
[1] Health awareness
Health awareness might come in the form of:
- own illness
- sufferings/pain
- illnesses from loved ones
- from health sources
- self awareness of good health
- from books and mass media
Health awareness is always a wake-up call for a person to be more health-conscious. Only then a person will be more conscious and be aware of the importance of health. Health is hope. When there is hope, we can have everything. Without health, one can never enjoy his assets or wealth or just being a good friend to another person. He is just too tired to get involved!
[2] Health goals
Health goals are for all of us. One should feel the need to be healthy and remain healthy. Good health needs to be earned. It never just happened or can be taken for granted. One need to understand his health line before adjusting himself to achieve GOOD health.
Draw a graph, one side good health, the other EARN, then draw a health line with 4 points, naming it A, B, C and D. Thus one will see a health line with 4 destinations/points. Earn refers to proper exercise, positive attitude, enough rest and balanced nutrition.
At A, one is under medical care or being hospitalized. He cannot work and is ill. He is in a great deficiency and suffering. His condition might either be going up to B or sliding down towards death. I call this level POOR health.
At B, one looks fine, he can work, can eat, can move around but in actual fact, he is under medication. He is dependent on pills. He might have all the modern sickness like high blood pressure, diabetes, headaches, sleepless nights, fatigue, allergies, stressful days, heart problems or kidney problems. Sometimes he is ill but not at all times. He is either underweight or overweight. Due to his illness, there are some food or drinks that he should never touch. I call this level FAIR.
At C, one really looks fine, he can work, can eat and is healthy all the time. He doesn't take any pills or under any medication. He can easily adapt to all environment and is not afraid of cold or heat. He can move around fine and is free of any modern sickness! He can eat almost anything given and feels good all the time! I call this level GOOD.
At D, one is at optimum health. Well, to say the truth, no one can be at this level unless it is a someone who is a saint and meditating in the Himalayan Mountains. He is stress free, work free, perhaps just meditating. He can well live through ripe ages, as long as 150 to 180 years old. Air is perfectly clean, water is perfectly clean and he worries for nothing, just emphasizing on his spiritual journey. I call this level OPTIMUM.
Understanding all these few points, one should aim to achieve the level of C. So, are you willing to go forward to attain level C? If this is your goal, then I congratulate you... when one has a goal, one knows the direction of his health clear and loud.
How much effort are we putting into it to earn and gain our health? To be fit and not ailing?
to be continued...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Good health should be earned...
E - enough exercise
A - positive attitude
R - enough rest
N - proper balanced nutrition
Friday, March 20, 2009
Post 808 What is happiness?
He moves heaven and earth to get
the happiness he wants from sensual objects,
and lo, gets himself entangled in the extricable meshes of illusion.
Poor man! He does not know that these objects
are perishable and evanescent, finite and
conditioned in time, space, and causation.
And what is more, he
fails to get the desired happiness from them.
Sensual pleasure is
tantalizing. There is enchantment so long
as man does not possess the objects.
The moment he is in possession of the object, the charm
vanishes. He finds that he is in entanglement.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Richness is not money, it is grace, wisdom and righteousness...
You have deposited your money in His bank.
In order to withdraw money from this bank,
you have to submit the cheque of sacrifice
with the signature of love.
Love is God; live in love.
Any thing may happen,
your love for God should not change.
Only through such love can
you follow the path of sacrifice
and withdraw 'money' from the Divine bank.
Here 'money' does not mean currency notes.
It is the 'money' of grace, wisdom and righteousness.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
So, here we are back to the 5 capabilities of our body and are we equiped with all of these?
The answer is referring to more natural foods like vegetables and fruits, unprocessed cereals and wild fished or wild gathered foods or fowls.
We need the 40 essential foods or nutrients to make us healthy, thus the need to supplement enough to be enough.
Too much is an excess, too little is inadequate! It is really a skill in how to maintain our health in all 4 levels. Follow the tao of eating!
How do one measure our ability to fight against cancer?

Antioxidants are powerful nutrients found in certain foods. As their name suggests, they work to protect your health by fighting against free radicals in your body and preventing damage from oxidation. Antioxidants are a necessity to every diet because no matter how healthy a lifestyle you lead you will be exposed to free radicals. In fact, we are all exposed to free radicals everyday,
Some free radicals are generated from normal body functions like breathing, metabolism and physical activity. Others are created by the immune system to neutralize viruses and bacteria. Still others are a result of environmental factors including pollution, radiation, herbicides and cigarette smoke. Free radicals attack healthy cells, causing them to weaken and become more susceptible to disease.
Flavonoids, found in fruits and vegetables, are the largest group of several thousand compounds belonging to the antioxidant-rich polyphenol family. Flavonoids are further broken down into subclasses that you have likely heard of such as anthocyanins, flavonols, flavones, flavanones and flavanols.
How much do we really know about foods that fight cancer? And how much can we eat?
How anti-aging are you? Do you still have a youthful look?

The largest group of these anti aging foods are the ones that contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are molecules that clear away free radicals, damaging particles that damage body cells and accelerate aging.
Free radicals are always being produced in our bodies, so antioxidants are constantly needed to remove the free radicals before they have a change to do damage. Many foods, particularly fruits, vegetables, and whole grains contain antioxidants, while a few are astonishingly high in these beneficial anti-aging food molecules. Three of the best are blueberries, red kidney beans, and cranberries.
Anti-aging food stars are the whole vegetables and fruits. Proteins should come primarily from beans, nuts, and seafood, with a minimum of dairy, poultry and red meat products. Healthy fats include olive oil and, to a lesser extent, other vegetable oils - avoid trans fats and saturated fats as much as possible.
Anti-aging foods are definitely worth a try. Supplementation can also ensure that you get the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients you need, as sometimes even the most well-balanced diet is lacking in some essentials.
Can we eat them all?
How can you fight stress? How stress-fighting are you?

Important nutrients in the anti stress diet include zinc, which can be found in seafood such as oysters, whole wheat, nuts, seeds, eggs and lean meats. If you are not sensitive to dairy products, include cheese and yogurt in your anti stress diet.
When you are feeling stress, you may become deficient in magnesium. The anti stress diet emphasizes magnesium found in dark-green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, grapefruit, figs, sweet corn, raisins, carrots, seeds and nuts. You will want to consume fruits and vegetables such as those high in vitamin C including citrus fruit, cabbage and broccoli, strawberries, blackberries and kiwi.
Experts suggest an anti stress diet should include B vitamins, which are found in whole grains, yeast extract, yogurt, dates and liver. Your anti stress diet might also include brown rice, rye, oatmeal, quinoa and buckwheat.
When selecting protein sources, choose the leaner cuts of meat for your anti stress diet. Vegetarian products, such as those made from soy, may make a fine addition to an anti stress diet.
The best fats for an anti stress diet include sunflower or safflower oils, avocado, extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed walnut, unsalted nuts and sesame seeds.
Try to consume between five and 10 servings of fruits and vegetables every day to get enough fiber in your anti stress diet. A physical trainer may be able to tell you how much protein you should be consuming based on your particular lean muscle mass. Generally, experts say protein should be spread out throughout the day in four or five mini-meals.
It’s best to avoid foods high in refined sugar while on an anti stress diet. If you crave sugar, try eating fruit such as red grapes or treat yourself to raw honey. Bee pollen is known for reducing stress, making it a great supplement to an anti stress diet.
Also, herbal supplements that fit with the goals of an anti stress diet include Siberian ginseng, which supports adrenal gland functions when the body is challenged by stress. Chamomile, widely used for relaxation, may also be enjoyed as a tea.
Is it that easy to fight stress?
How strong is your immune system? Can your immune system protect you?
What can I do to support and maintain a healthy immune system?
- Support a healthy digestive process. In particular, the acidic environment provided in your stomach and the presence of digestive enzymes can destroy some bacteria and viruses that you ingest in food, and therefore, provides protection for your body.
- Consume adequate protein and healthy fats.
- Provide for balanced immune and inflammatory functions. Clinical studies have shown that maintaining a healthy balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is one way to support balance in your immune and inflammation responses system.
- Provide micronutrients and phytonutrients that support healthy immune function.
- Decrease intake of allergens and toxins. Eating whole grains, fresh, organically grown fruits and vegetables, wild-caught fish, and meat and eggs from organically raised animals is one way to minimize the intake of toxins and unhealthy molecules that can inhibit your immune system's ability to protect your health.
- Maintain healthy weight and cholesterol levels. We need to be consuming optimal levels of micronutrients and immune-supporting phytonutrients.
We eat to survive, not survive to eat! We eat food so as to continue living...

Food for Growth
Scientists have discovered that we need over 40 nutrients for growth!
There are six classes of nutrients. They are carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. You need different amounts of each nutrient each day due to the role each of them plays within your growing body. Depending on your body size and activity level you may need more or less of a certain nutrient than your friends do.
It can be hard to get enough of some nutrients at certain times. Sometimes nutrients are lost from foods. Vitamins and minerals are lost when grains are made into flour. But these nutrients are so important that they are added back into bread products. This is known as enrichment.
By eating a wide variety of foods you can be sure that you are getting the 40 nutrients you need each day. The Food Guide Pyramid will help you choose from each of the food groups in order to meet all of your needs.
Can we consume that much?
Thursday, February 26, 2009
How repairing is our 'repair ability'? 你的修补能力能修的好吗?
Every day, every one of us are exposed to tear and wear. All of us are easily exposed to polluted air, polluted waters, polluted foods, UV rays, viruses, bateria, stress, illnesses, emotional disturbances, free radicals and natural aging.
"We wake up when the sun rises and sleep when the sun sets." Nature's law. Well, fair enough, we work and we rest, but are we willing to sleep when the sun sets? Thanks to Edison, yes, thanks to his invention. But do we not sometimes overuse this facility? And never feeling that time is enough for us?
Enough rest and sleep will revitalize and regenerate our energies. But do we really rest enough? Sometimes we rested but never felt really rested. And the food we eat. We are what we eat, we are what we drink, we are what we fill our stomach and lungs. What have we eaten? What have we drank? How clean is the air around us?
We study from school that our skin, cells, body organs, hair are made up of protein. So what protein have we been taking? How complete is the protein? How absorbable is the protein we take? And our eyes which need Vitamin A or carotenoids... Our body system is such a very complicated system that one needs to attend to every single part of our body.
Take a very careful look at what we have been eating and drinking. All these foods and drinks are the RAW MATERIALS that our body is using to grow, maintain and repair our body parts, from head to toe!
Ask oneself:
[1] do we consume ALL of those RAW MATERIALS that our body system need?
[2] do we consume ENOUGH of all those RAW MATERIALS that our body system need?
[3] do we consume TIMELY ENOUGH to have all those RAW MATERIALS to do the repairing?
[4] can one really understand what all these RAW MATERILAS should include?
[5] can one really understand what all these RAW MATERIALS can do for us?
We need not TAKE IN ACCESS, or too much BUT not even one should be missing!
什么都不多,一样有不可以少!This slogan should be referring to how much we need to take!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
健康5大方向。。。。5 questions to ask oneself???
[1] How much can your body repair itself from damages done daily?
[2] How much can your body fight against bacterias, microbes, germs or viruses?
[3] How much can your body detox all those chemicals or toxic chemicals we ate, we drink, we breathe unknowingly or knowingly?
[4] How much can your body stand the stress or pressure of work and life's expectations or adapt to environmental changes?
[5] How much can your body fight against free radicals or premature aging or aging itself?
1)你有修补力吗? [repair ability]
2)免疫力? [immune or fighting ability]
3)排毒力? [detox ability]
4)抗压力? [anti-stress ability]
5)抗老力? [anti-aging ability]
Here are some of these considerations that one should take. We grow and survive from just those food we eat and take. Do you think we can survive healthy from just the 3 meals we eat daily and have all the above abilities to maintain our health?
Think twice... and think back what have we eaten everyday.....
Monday, February 9, 2009
Here is an article on arthritis or gout for a friend...
Gout or arthritis is a disorder which results from an overflow of uric acid in the body. Uric acid is a product which develops when the body breaks down purines. Typically, the uric acid will flow through the blood, pass through the kidneys and end up in the urine to be expelled from the body. When uric acid overflow occurs in the blood, crystals deposit onto the joints and tissues of the body. A great deal of pain and swelling can be caused by gout, which is one of the many forms of arthritis.
Symptoms of gout include:
Difficulty moving around
Kidney damage
Sudden pain
Itchy skin
Permanent joint damage
Peeling of skin
Kidney stones
Heat in the joints
Gout is more severe when the weather is more humid. It can become extremely painful sometimes unbearable. The big toe gets it first because of the shoes to experience the effects of gout. Then the ankles, knees, wrists, spine, elbows, and fingers are other common areas. But more often it occurs at our joints because of the difficulty our body can flush out uric acids.
Chronic cases of gout last for long periods of time and may eventually result in permanent disability. It is best to stop it at the start, not allowing it to deteriorate.
Early treatment is the best way to quickly eliminate gout. Prevention is better than cure.
Several ways to treat gout include:
Consuming enough clean water
Not eating foods with high purine content
Not eating foods with high uric acids [red meats and fish]
Maintaining a daily exercise routine
Getting adequate rest
Appropriate medication/treatments
Surgery to replace joints
Glucosamine helps
Food supplement for bones and joints
Maintaining healthy body weight
Avoiding alcohol use
Foods like red meats and fish that contains uric acids when taken in excess will worsen the problems. It will induce more pain and swell. Foods that has high purine content include varieties of beans, asparagus, scallops, herring, gravy, mushrooms and internal organs.
The food itself is of no problem, it is the EXCESS INTAKE and LACK OF CLEAN WATER TO FLUSH OUT that cause all these miseries. In some foods, purine can be extracted out!
Stretching of limbs occasionally will help to release the pain. But most of the time, gout is not the only problem, there might be other problems associated with gout.
I always emphasize on natural foods, thus one must reduce canned and preserved foods too. Always take fresh foods instead of salted or overnight stale food. The acidity of overnight foods are unexpectedly high.
Secret remedy:
Here is a simple thing one can do at home to reduce the pain. Fry some 50 gm of garlic till brown and hot. Wrap with a cotton cloth and rub the affected areas while hot. Try it several times a week and it helps.
Copper rings or keys when placed on the affected area will also reduce its pain.
Remember to drink more clean water and most important of all is to reduce weight. Most of these people are overweight and eat too much of the wrong food and never bother to exercise. A new health program to start with, a change of diet, a change of lifestyle will be necessary for a healthier and a happier you...
Cheers, be healthy and happy!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
What are these 3 blazing hearts referring to? [part 3]
The 3 blazing hearts drawn in the middle of the base of the isosceles triangle can represents 3 posibilities, 3 answers and 3 situations...
The first heart to represent who you think you are.
The second heart to represent who you actually are.
The third heart to represent what other people think you are.
The blaze or the fire refers to the everchanging changes for the better or for the worst. Sometimes things happen to refine us, to educate us, to make us a better person. And again the power of choice is here again.
What are negative emotions? [part 2]
These emotions are negative and are destructive! It is a feeling so desperate and desolate! It gives birth to bad influence.s.. it gives birth to hell in heaven...
Negative emotions DESTROY! They include:
- Hate
- Hell
- revenge
- negative
- destructive
- fear
- unforgiving
- anger
- worries
- sadness
- kills
- dislike
- unkind
- selfish
- sacastic
- inhuman proctises
Of course, the lists continue... Fear not, all of us are given the power of choice. The power of choice, to choose to be at the state of positive emotions!
Be tuned to a better emotional mood, be acquiring to improve our EQ!It can all start from being patient... have patience in everything! Slow to anger, slow to revenge, slow to fight back... and you will feel so much better!
This is taken from my health forum open for discussions. It can be reached at http://health-forum.us/forum/
What are positive emotions? [part 1]

Friday, February 6, 2009
These are apples of different colours, but without the skin, they are the same... apples are apples...

Human beings live in this planet we called the 'earth' but sometimes divided by religion, race, colors, places, backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and differences or opinions. But we all are creations of our Creator who is the master of the cosmos, of this universe and all the other planets.
One should not allow the color of our skin to differentiate between one another. If one is born a black or a white or yellowish, can we change the fact and deny this very fact? No, we can't. We are born with our own colors of skin but it doesn't really matter.
Racial discriminations isn't going to help to attain peace and harmony. Check this out, if we were to close our eyes and listen well with our hearts, the other person sitting next to you is also breathing and his heart beating! There isn't any differences. Only when one opens his eyes that he knows his color is different!
All are brothers and sisters, all should live with love and unity..All are one, be alike to everyone! This is a message from a divine source!

All are brothers and sisters! Hence, all should live like brothers and sisters with love and unity. "All are one; be alike to everyone." This is God's special Message.