
Monday, February 9, 2009

Here is an article on arthritis or gout for a friend...

What is Gout?

Gout or arthritis is a disorder which results from an overflow of uric acid in the body. Uric acid is a product which develops when the body breaks down purines. Typically, the uric acid will flow through the blood, pass through the kidneys and end up in the urine to be expelled from the body. When uric acid overflow occurs in the blood, crystals deposit onto the joints and tissues of the body. A great deal of pain and swelling can be caused by gout, which is one of the many forms of arthritis.

Symptoms of gout include:
Difficulty moving around
Kidney damage
Sudden pain
Itchy skin
Permanent joint damage
Peeling of skin
Kidney stones
Heat in the joints

Gout is more severe when the weather is more humid. It can become extremely painful sometimes unbearable. The big toe gets it first because of the shoes to experience the effects of gout. Then the ankles, knees, wrists, spine, elbows, and fingers are other common areas. But more often it occurs at our joints because of the difficulty our body can flush out uric acids.

Chronic cases of gout last for long periods of time and may eventually result in permanent disability. It is best to stop it at the start, not allowing it to deteriorate.

Early treatment is the best way to quickly eliminate gout. Prevention is better than cure.

Several ways to treat gout include:
Consuming enough clean water
Not eating foods with high purine content
Not eating foods with high uric acids [red meats and fish]
Maintaining a daily exercise routine
Getting adequate rest
Appropriate medication/treatments
Surgery to replace joints
Glucosamine helps
Food supplement for bones and joints
Maintaining healthy body weight
Avoiding alcohol use

Foods like red meats and fish that contains uric acids when taken in excess will worsen the problems. It will induce more pain and swell. Foods that has high purine content include varieties of beans, asparagus, scallops, herring, gravy, mushrooms and internal organs.

The food itself is of no problem, it is the EXCESS INTAKE and LACK OF CLEAN WATER TO FLUSH OUT that cause all these miseries. In some foods, purine can be extracted out!

Stretching of limbs occasionally will help to release the pain. But most of the time, gout is not the only problem, there might be other problems associated with gout.

I always emphasize on natural foods, thus one must reduce canned and preserved foods too. Always take fresh foods instead of salted or overnight stale food. The acidity of overnight foods are unexpectedly high.

Secret remedy:
Here is a simple thing one can do at home to reduce the pain. Fry some 50 gm of garlic till brown and hot. Wrap with a cotton cloth and rub the affected areas while hot. Try it several times a week and it helps.

Copper rings or keys when placed on the affected area will also reduce its pain.

Remember to drink more clean water and most important of all is to reduce weight. Most of these people are overweight and eat too much of the wrong food and never bother to exercise. A new health program to start with, a change of diet, a change of lifestyle will be necessary for a healthier and a happier you...

Cheers, be healthy and happy!

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