
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

健康5大方向。。。。5 questions to ask oneself???

Some questions to ask oneself:

[1] How much can your body repair itself from damages done daily?
[2] How much can your body fight against bacterias, microbes, germs or viruses?
[3] How much can your body detox all those chemicals or toxic chemicals we ate, we drink, we breathe unknowingly or knowingly?
[4] How much can your body stand the stress or pressure of work and life's expectations or adapt to environmental changes?
[5] How much can your body fight against free radicals or premature aging or aging itself?

1)你有修补力吗? [repair ability]
2)免疫力? [immune or fighting ability]
3)排毒力? [detox ability]
4)抗压力? [anti-stress ability]
5)抗老力? [anti-aging ability]

Here are some of these considerations that one should take. We grow and survive from just those food we eat and take. Do you think we can survive healthy from just the 3 meals we eat daily and have all the above abilities to maintain our health?

Think twice... and think back what have we eaten everyday.....

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