
Thursday, February 26, 2009

How repairing is our 'repair ability'? 你的修补能力能修的好吗?

How capable is our 'repair system'? How much can it really repair our body system?

Every day, every one of us are exposed to tear and wear. All of us are easily exposed to polluted air, polluted waters, polluted foods, UV rays, viruses, bateria, stress, illnesses, emotional disturbances, free radicals and natural aging.

"We wake up when the sun rises and sleep when the sun sets." Nature's law. Well, fair enough, we work and we rest, but are we willing to sleep when the sun sets? Thanks to Edison, yes, thanks to his invention. But do we not sometimes overuse this facility? And never feeling that time is enough for us?

Enough rest and sleep will revitalize and regenerate our energies. But do we really rest enough? Sometimes we rested but never felt really rested. And the food we eat. We are what we eat, we are what we drink, we are what we fill our stomach and lungs. What have we eaten? What have we drank? How clean is the air around us?

We study from school that our skin, cells, body organs, hair are made up of protein. So what protein have we been taking? How complete is the protein? How absorbable is the protein we take? And our eyes which need Vitamin A or carotenoids... Our body system is such a very complicated system that one needs to attend to every single part of our body.

Take a very careful look at what we have been eating and drinking. All these foods and drinks are the RAW MATERIALS that our body is using to grow, maintain and repair our body parts, from head to toe!

Ask oneself:
[1] do we consume ALL of those RAW MATERIALS that our body system need?
[2] do we consume ENOUGH of all those RAW MATERIALS that our body system need?
[3] do we consume TIMELY ENOUGH to have all those RAW MATERIALS to do the repairing?
[4] can one really understand what all these RAW MATERILAS should include?
[5] can one really understand what all these RAW MATERIALS can do for us?

We need not TAKE IN ACCESS, or too much BUT not even one should be missing!
什么都不多,一样有不可以少!This slogan should be referring to how much we need to take!

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