
Friday, September 25, 2009

Look, don't be prisoners of the past...

My friends, don't be a prisoner of the past..
Some people are always dwelling on their disappointments...
They just can't understand why their prayers aren't answered...
why their financial problems were still there...
and why they were ill treated or mistreated...

They don't realize the power of negative sayings..
They don't realize that they are allowing their past..
to poison their future..

God has a new beginning in store for all..
and restore what's been stolen, but they won't let go of hate..
They don't want to let go of their miseries...
They don't want to let go of their past...

Unfair things might have happened to you...
Make a decision that you are quiting reliving those...
Make a decision to quit from remembering those memories...
Instead, think on good things that will build you up once again...

Forgive the people who have hurt or mistreat you...
Rid yourself off the feelings of bitterness or regrets...
And forget and forgive them and yourself...
Quit looking back... strive forward, that is what we are going to do...

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