
Friday, September 25, 2009

The past is a guest, tomorrow is a stranger...

The past is a guest...
Tomorrow is a stranger...
Now is the 'present'!

God and us should live in the present..
Most of us dwell in our past..
Running the present worrying about the future...
Worrying ourselves out and feeling depressed....

Everybody goes through disappointments...
and setbacks from time to time...
but if we hold on to hurt and pain...
we end up living negative and bitter lives...

Maybe we have made some mistakes...
Maybe we have made some poor choices...
and now you are tempted to sit around and feeling guilt..
and condemned thinking something such as..

"I wish I had been more careful.."
"I wish I had chosen another career.."
"I wish I had married that other person.."
"I wish I had been a better parent..'

It is so easy to live life focused on that reviewed mirror..
We can't do anything about the past...
and we have no guarantees regarding the future..
But we can do something for ourselves right now.....

Right now, shape up and look good...
Right now, take a deep breathe and smile...
Right now, start your studies and get going....
Right now, plan your work and work your plan....

Remember, universal love is the answer to all....

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