
Sunday, September 6, 2009

One should exercise control over the senses... and see that one do not repeat our mistakes...

Though you are committing many sins,
you do not consider them as sins.
You think that they are quite natural to human beings.
You keep committing mistakes, '
yet you pray for pardon.

Actually, one should never seek
pardonfor the mistake committed.
One should beprepared to undergo the punishment.
Only then can one be free from defects.

When a person commits
a serious offence, he is put in a jail.
He is released only after he undergoes
the punishment for the required period.

Likewise, if you want redemption,
you should atone for your sins and
be prepared to face punishment for your mistakes.

You should exercise control over
the senses and see that you do not repeat your mistakes.

from a divine source

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