
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Who isnt a sinner? All of us are...

Sometimes, somehow, somewhere....
we committed mistakes, small or big...
Our flesh is weak, our mind sometimes unsettled...
Yet it is still our choice to be or not to be...
It is still our choice to continue or not to...

Happy are those who realize one's sins...
Happy are those who really care for their souls..
What had happened have happened...
And our God is forever forgiving us...
But we should be sincere and getting nearer to our goals...

A step a day, we walk our spiritual journey...
No one can walk that for one..
It is just us, just you and me... just everybody..
To be fully responsible for what we did...
To be fully realized and not to repeat the same mistakes...

God knows our intention...
God knows our weaknesses...
God loves to know that we are repending...
God knows everything about us...
There is nothing to hide at all, yes nothing to hide at all...

Be courageous, be faithful... it is really not easy...
But no matter how, the decision need to be made...
For the better or for the worst..
God loves us all and provides us with this wisdom..
And all will turn out safe and sound, happy and blissful...

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