
10 good reasons to eat right. 'Healthy eating' perhaps is the most frequent topic that am writing. Why? Cos am really concerned about YOUR HEALTH...

Yes, it is always healthy eating that am always emphasizing here. Why is it so?

[1] A healthy eating habit will make a person grow healthy and glow..

[2] A healthy eating habit can prevent obesity and modern illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, high uric acids, high cholesterol, high fats, cancer or heart attack.

[3] A healthy balanced diet can prevent many deficiencies such as scurvy, anemia, beri-beri, night blindness, rickets, soft teeth and bones, osteoporosis and many others

[4] A healthy balanced diet can put most diseases at bay

[5] A healthy balanced diet will make a person more confident of himself, thus smarter and more intelligent than those with frail body frame, mind or emotion...

[6] A healthy balanced diet will boost his or her immune system

[7] A healthy diet will too prevent colon disorders, digestive disorders and many more

[8] A healthy diet will be anti-aging, anti-stressing, life enhancing, life prolonging, life sustaining and best of all, less sufferings, less pains, less worries...

[9] A healthy diet will also cut down professional health care and health bills

[10] A healthy diet will not only maintain our health but only can repair our body by itself...

Here are enough reasons on why am emphasizing all about healthy eating. Prevention is so much more important than cure. If it can just start from controlling what we can eat or not eat, isn't it easy?

It is the tao of eating...

We are what we eat, we are what we think who we are, we are who we feel we are, we are who we actually are.

Let natural foods be our medicine and medicine be our natural foods. Balancing is a skill, but learning do not need too much skill. Just a click of your mouse and you will be easily reading all possible health knowledge and food or drinks that one need to prevent.

Thus one must understand the fuel we feed into our mouth are not all the time categorized delicious, but it should be nutritious and healthy. It should be of great advantage to our body not just to please our palate.

The power of choice is still yours but it is all each of our responsibilities to keep ourselves as healthy as possible. Don't join the crowd to line up for professional 'cut and stitch' ' saw and repair' or be swallowing medicines and pills, our main jobs at our old age.

Seeing is believing, learning is improving. This is the winning game that all of us have to heed so as to go for a healthier and happier you, now or in the near future....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010

Seeing is believing... Here is another blog ... videos regarding health, beauty & wealth.

I have just created another blog full of videos.. regarding health, beauty and wealth...

Below is the website... Enjoy your video, seeing is believing...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This is another treasure in the kitchen, not to be missed out...

When we talk about pepper, we can refer to two separate parts of the pepper plant, the fruit, which is an edible herb, and the ground seed which is used as a spice. The fruit of the sweet pepper, which is large and hollow, is popular for adding color and flavor to salads and stir fry dishes. They are also popular for stuffing with a rice mixture and baked as ‘stuffed pepper.’

Then, there are hot peppers that may be eaten whole and used in many ‘hot’ dishes. Peppers ripen only on the vine. Most of them are grown in tropical countries and harvested once a year.

When we refer to pepper as the spice, we are talking about the familiar ground seeds that make the black pepper and white pepper that we have in our kitchens. White pepper is milder than black pepper. Each provides their own distinct character.

Ginger is another food herb... not to be missed out. There are more info from my health-forum....

  • Ginger has been found to be helpful in blocking the harmful effects of prostaglandin, a substance that can lead to inflammation of the blood vessels in the brain and even cause migraines.
  • Ginger has been associated with alleviation of the feeling of nausea, even in case of pregnant women.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger make it effective in alleviation of the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Ginger helps to promote warmth in the upper respiratory tract and thus, is quite effective in treating cold and flu.
  • Those suffering from cramps, caused by stomach gas, have found ginger to be quite effective.
  • Ginger makes the platelets less sticky and is thus, pretty helpful in case of circulatory disorders.
  • The cineole content in ginger has been found to be a mood enhancer and can help in relieving stress.
  • Even ginger tea is said to be a great stress buster and has been found to have refreshing properties.
  • Ginger is a natural and effective mouth freshener and also aids digestion.
  • Ginger reduces inflammation and also helps lower cholesterol.
  • Ginger is good for those suffering from gas and bloating.
  • Ginger is believed to have anti-cancer properties.
  • Ginger has been associated with easing of menstrual cramps and mitigation of headache.
  • Ginger is quite effective in treating diarrhea.

Onion is another goodness... Excellent indeed if one can add it to our daily foods...

  • Fresh as well as cooked onions have anti-platelet adhesiveness, which helps in preventing thrombosis.
  • Onion has been found to be very good for those suffering from high blood pressure.
  • Onion helps reduce inflammation and is therefore, beneficial for those suffering from Neuritis, Vertigo and Bronchitis.
  • Onion, being a diuretic, increases the secretion of urine.
  • Onions are rich in flavonoids and thus, provide protection against cardiovascular disease.
  • Onions are very good for the health of hair, finger and toe nails and even the eyes.
  • Onions contain a number of sulfides that help in lowering blood lipids
  • Onions have anti-allergy properties, apart from being slightly laxative.
  • Onions help drain out mucus from the cavities and loosen phlegm, in turn alleviating the symptoms of sinus.
  • Onions help the body in destroying worms and other parasites.
  • Researches have revealed that onions prolong longevity.
  • Since onions have the property of helping lower blood sugar, they are good for those suffering from diabetes.
  • The extracts of onion, being rich in a variety of sulfides, provide some protection against tumor growth.
Taken from lifestyle lounge from

Garlic is one of the 4 treasures in the kitchen that can be daily consumed....It is a food herb full of goodness, safe and beneficial to our health...

From my experience, I always introduce Nutrilite garlic which is an excellent food supplement for those with high cholesterol and sticky thick blood. It is a great blood thinner and 6 tablets is recommended for a day. It can be taken for about 3 weeks before taking 3 tablets a day. It is best taken with gingko-ginseng [2 tablets] and Lecithin E [3 to 6 tablets depending on the person's needs]. It works marvels for those with high blood pressure too.

All these are natural goodness... And with a revised health food pyramid and lifestyle, all of us can go for a U-turn to becoming a healthier and happier person. The result will be so delightful...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Nutritional value of garlic... excellent for blood thinning...

  • Garlic is known best for keeping cold at bay. Eating a clove of garlic when you feel like you may have an onset of cold, improves your immune system and strengthens up the natural defense system of the body.
  • Garlic is also credited with anti-oxidants that help fight cancer and cancerous tumors. Medical science has proof that garlic contains compounds like diallye disulphide and s-allycystein, which have anti-tumor properties and help in slowing down the growth of tumors and also reduce their size.
  • Garlic has compounds that help prevent any kind heart disease. It helps in lowering the cholesterol level in blood, which in turn makes sure there is nothing to block the arteries. It helps keep the aorta of the heart flexible and enables it to pump the blood effectively.
  • Garlic also helps in the control of blood pressure or hypertension. A chemical known as Ajoene is found in garlic which helps in thinning the blood, thus reducing clots from forming and reducing hypertension. Garlic was used in ancient China to treat people suffering from angina attacks and poor circulation.
  • Garlic is effective against fighting off a host of infections. It is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties and has been used since a long time to treat wounds, typhus, cholera, intestinal parasites, recurrent yeast infections and candida albicans.
  • Garlic can also be used as an effective aphrodisiac and may be used to treat impotence. Garlic produces an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase, which is required to get an erection. Garlic stimulates the production of this enzyme in people who have lower levels of it.
Taken from Lifestyle lounge from

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I recently created another blog on 'home education' and I strongly recommend it to all friends.... just click on

Education starts even before we were born. Just being a few months old, we have been learning inside our mother's womb. And it will continue till the last breathe leave us. The important part of educating is rather on how to be a quality person than that to be a highly educated person.

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. We at an early stage are exposed to influences, good or bad, useful or useless, meaningful or meaningless and it is up to us to reproduce and use them in our own part. To become another great, positive, quality person as expected to be...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Let's eat the nuts but do not go nuts.... nuts and seeds are rich in minerals and vitamin E...

Eating one and a half times 'handful' nuts or about 1.5 ounces of nuts daily is good for health, Nuts and seeds gives nutrition values. They contain fat, protein, fiver, vitamins, calcium and iron in common nuts... without cholesterol, best of all...