
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Part 2... from the earlier post.. LIFE PAGES.. PAGE 1, PAGE 2 AND PAGE 3...

Page 1 refers
to positiveness..
When one dwell
more on this page of life..
All those things
will happen as accordingly..
We are thus ATTRACTING
good things to happen...

We are then tapping
our inborn potentials..
We are then moving on
with good magnetic fields..
We are allowing ourselves
to be connected with God..
Because God is love and
He is omnipotent and omniscient..

Page 2 refers..
to unfortunate incidents,
unrealized dreams and goals,
unhappiness, disturbances,
worries, stress, deadlines...
complains, revenge, hatred..
the lists goes so long and never ending..
self-affirming oneself to be that unfortunate..

How can one smile
and be happy with such long lists?
Not to say where one is connected..
Just being and knowing all those situations,
are enough for frowns and dismays and sighs..
Discomfort, dis-ease, poor digestion or assimilation..
Well, here you are connected to the dark side of life..

All your wishes be granted..
All your poor wishes also realized..
The dark power of life has that same greatness..
To be with them and be one of them..
Heed this... if you really care..
Start erasing what you have written here..
Start finding solutions and go for them..

The shorter page 2 contains..
the more time one dwell on negatives..
Dissolve those hatred, those revenge..
Dismantle bad habits, delete impossibilities..
Be detached.. be uplifted, go nearer to love..
Brain wave B is too suffering.. too cruel..
Life is not a rehearsal, treasure all moments...

Take off the shirt of page 2..
Throw and burn them, never to wear..
Then, try to wear the shirt of happiness..
Of love, of solutions, of hope, of better tomorrow..
And never take off that shirt of love..
Brain wave at A is so wonderful and awesome..
Brain wave at A is so inspiring and rewarding..

Because we are connected to the right source..
We are then moving along with the greatest..
We are then attracting all possibles, all happiness..
We are connected to the bright side of everything..
We are the air, the water, the wind, the sun..
We are the hope, the wonders, the life, the best..
Because we are love embodied, feel Him in us..

Page 3? Brain wave O? read more..