
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

There are 2 pages of life we mostly dwell..the positive page or the other negative one. But the outcome is too great..

Am sharing with
you some answers..
That you might have been
seeking, wondering and asking...

Our 2 pages of life..
One is connected positively,
the other the opposite..
But the outcome is too big...

Get 2 pieces of paper..
On the first paper, you write..
All positive goals and good missions..
On the other, all bad ugly thoughts..

The first paper will contain..
joy, peace, kindness, hope, good things,
love, wonderful occasions, appreciations,
thankful and grateful notes to do..

The second paper will contain..
your worries, your stress, your deadlines...
unhappy incidents, problems facing now..
revenges and hate yet to accomplish..

Which page has the longest lists?
Which page suits your mood and situation now?
Just the truth and from your heart and mind..

Then continue to my next article..