
Monday, March 19, 2012

Exercise your perceptive abilities... BRAIN FITNESS sight, smell, memory, hearing, smell and touch....

Exercise your perceptive abilities
The goal is to exercise perception in all five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

Sight. Each day, observe an object (a picture, for example) or a person you pass on the street. Draw it (or him or her) immediately. This exercises short-term memory. At the end of the week, redraw the seven objects or persons you have observed. This promotes long-term memory

Smell/Taste. When dining in a cafe or at a friend's home, try to identify the ingredients in the dishes you are served. Concentrate on the subtle flavorings of herbs and spices. Ask the boy or your host to verify your perceptions.

Memory. Try to memorize the dishes offered on your favorite restaurant's menu. To make the exercise more challenging, memorize the prices as well. At the end of the day, recall as many of the dishes/prices as you can and write them down.

Hearing. On the telephone, practice recognizing callers before they identify themselves. Then memorize callers' phone numbers. At the end of the day, write down the people you have spoken with that day, as well as their phone numbers. At the end of the week, try writing down as many of these as you can.

Smell/Touch. Exercise your senses of smell and touch by trying to identify objects with your eyes closed.

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