
Monday, March 19, 2012

Exercise your logic abilities...

Exercise your logic abilities
Logic is the art of reasoning--finding an orderly sequence for disparate elements. The following exercises/activities will awaken the inherently logical being inside of you.

Don't use a list when shopping. Instead, invent a system to take the place of the list. Use memory aids, such as forming a simple word, or one that can be completed by adding a certain vowel or consonant from the first letters of the words for the things you need to buy. Or, you can classify foods into raw and cooked. Or, use any short forms that works for you.
All games involve logical activities. Card games such as pinochle and bridge or board games of strategy such as chess or checkers are good choices. So are crossword puzzles anagrams, and other word games. They are all great..

Avoid playing the same games all the time. Playing the same game all the time leads to routine, which is the opposite of activation. The same cerebral circuits and neuronal regions are constantly used and everything else remains unused.

Find new games, fun and interests. Explore activities that are completely new to you and find new partners for old--and new--games and activities. Soon, you will feel the difference..

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