Sunday, July 29, 2012

Violets for special friends...

We always keep our friends in prayers...

These lovely flowers are for you, my friends.... to add up to your smiles and just be happy...

Great friends can easily talk over cups of tea....f

Tease with more roses and flowers, your friends will love them...

With love always... friends care...

Friends may forget small details but nevertheless they care for your small needs...

Friends always keep in touch...


Roses for friends... so that they will shine and stay more happy...





Small gifts... are valuable and keep friendship alive and going...


Yes, Happy sunday to all.... and HAVE A GREAT DAY... everyday...

True friends grow with you.... they can laugh and cry with you...

True friendship never fear tests....and they never fail in times of need....

True friendship is so sweet and overwhelming.... especially when we need them most....

It needs two to tango...

Just be the friend that your friends will be so missing you and never can drop you off...

Always be with friends and leaders that will add value to our lives.... and at the same time, growing in virtue and duplicating more to be righteous and positive...

True friendship is also time-testing to be understanding with patience and genuine love....

True friendship is also man-made and God blessed...

To be sincere is not difficult... just tell the truth.. and be GOD FEARING AND GOD LOVING... these are the 2 most important guidelines....

And always be caring and kind to friends... send them warm salutations that will touch their inner souls... let them find NO WEAK POINTS, NO REASONS that can make them de-friend you...

Our body is actually the 8th wonder of the world, you know why? when we feel so exhausted or tired, we just sleep and the next morning, we be so refreshed and all tiredness gone.... and it repeated itself nightly.... smile and be happy.. we all have our body that can replenish and revitalize...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

HUG each other... hugging speaks by itself... hugging can also speed up recovery...

11 painful things that can make someone SAD... so go for a change if you want to be happier...

Make the best out of love... but not to take advantage of love...

This will be why no one dares to care for you... and that everyone is avoiding you... change your attitude... leave those negative bags of annoying hell...


Take a moment to be thankful for the many more things that are sill going right....


RUDENESS is the weak person's limitation of strength... What one needs is to keep on practicing staying strong to external critics or misbehaving...

HAPPINESS keeps us sweet... TRIALS keep us strong... SORROWS keep us human... FAILURES keep us humble... GOD keeps us moving...

Only then one can fly with hope, fly with faith and be at peace with oneself and others... leave those heavy burdens of our minds and hearts...

Release the burdens of yesterday and try to reload yourself with faith and peace for all the tomorrows.... all can do that...

Royal blue color is good for health....