
Let's come back to sky fruit.. from my several interviews with the local folks, I came to know that this sky fruit is great and effective..

[1] A taxi driver who had stroke took sky fruit twice a day, each time only one seed for one month.  He is now back to work, aged approximate 45..

[2] A lady whose blood sugar was high, took only one seed a day, her blood sugar came back to normal.  She took it for a few months and stopped.  She said it is so much better than medicines because she felt the allergic negative effects on her when she started taking prescribed medicines for her blood sugar.  She is 65 now and she said if her blood sugar comes back, she will eat again.  She is small built.

[3] A friend's father is taking sky fruit after stroke.. his condition is improving..  

[4] There is a middle-aged lady whom I know, when I gave her sky fruit, her energy levels improved greatly.  Before taking, she must need afternoon sleep.  Now she need not spend her time sleeping or resting that much, yet she is fully energetic...

[5] A middle-aged man had his sexual appetite improved.

[6] A middle-aged man who also used to sleep too much, cannot concentrate on his work now is so much better..

I will continue to write some more life experiences on sky fruit..  
To me, this sky fruit is much better and cheaper than medicines...  
God provides.. God never ask us to pay dearly for cures..
God put these great seeds everywhere.. 
He sprinkled these seeds from heaven to those who need them... 
Cheers!  We are so thankful and grateful...
For me, I took them too, I feel so much energetic and healthy...

Sky Fruit (Swietenia Macrophylla) contains high saponins and flavonoids...{search taken from internet]

Skyfruit, How Beneficial Is It To Human Body?

In 1996, a renowned American biochemist Dr. Larry Brookes, whom during his research he encountered a major discovery, that is he found abundance resources of Flavonoids and Saponins to be the active ingredient of SkyFruit.

Active Ingredient of SkyFruit:
1. Flavonoids Found in Skyfruit
- Able to promote a smooth blood circulation and to interfere with the formation of atherosclerotic plague.
- Lowers cholesterol levels and lowers fats build-up in the blood stream.
- Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.
- Have an anti-inflammation action, it is able to inhibit body's natural enzymes that produce the chemical which park tissue inflammation.
- Ability in reducing pain, bleeding, bruising, and the fluid retention that result from tissue injuries.
- Act as anti-oxidant.
- Act as a free radical scavenger.

2. Saponins Found in Skyfruit- As an agent in cancer prevention and reduces body fats.
- Enhances immune system and improves vitality.
- Reduces blood clotting and alleviates blood sugar.
- Enhances the functions of the heart and prolonging blood clotting process.

In addition, the SkyFruit contains various natural proteins, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and other body essential nutrients, where its easy absorption contributes an important factor for staying healthy.
In recent years, the SkyFruit has been widely accepted by medical specialists and doctors. Its consumers' testimonials have made its recognition of its core values to be one of the best health products among those available in the market. Not only is SkyFruit pure in nature, its basis of suitability to health makes it an excellent product. No ill side effect is encountered even for long term consumption.

Core Usage of SkyFruit:
  • Revitalize sex drive
  • Revitalize energy
  • Increase strength
  • Rebuild tissues
  • Increase pregnancy rate
  • Supporting healthy energy
  • Reactivate cells
  • Beauty agent
  • Anti-aging
  • Strengthen stomach, heart, lungs, liver, spleen
  • Replenish blood and strengthen arteries
  • Regulate blood sugar
  • Restore healthy heart and brain, etc.

Target Users of Skyfruit:
  • Diabetes,hypertension,
  • skin allergy,
  • malaria,
  • heart problem,
  • asthmatic,
  • menstruation pain,
  • Alzheimer,
  • first stage stroke,
  • gastritis,
  • rheumatic,
  • impotency,
  • poor appetite, poor health
  • liver disease,
  • sensitive skin, pimples and blisters,
  • low immune system,
  • inconceivable,
  • foul breath,
  • high cholesterol,
  • constipation, digestive system problem,
  • neuralgia,
  • secretion disorder,
  • tumour or growth,
  • remove pimples and freckles,beautify skin and etc.

if we desire to increase the beauty, intensity and size of our aura, it will certainly happen as we focus more and more on all that is positive, kind, compassionate, forgiving, just and loving.

The human aura is a field of subtle, luminous radiation surrounding us and extending outward from our physical form. Auras are related to the electromagnetic field of the body and serve as a visual measure of our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual states.
Everything that we do or think affects the aura so it is usually in a state of flux, ever changing, based on our mental meanderings and physical health. The aura is also affected by the energies of the environment, the forcefields of the planet and the radio frequencies that interpenetrate all forms of matter. The aura is an electronic signature of who we are.

The colors of the aura

The colors of the aura may glow and radiate with joy and vitality as we maintain a state of blessedness in God. Or the colors may become dull, contracted and stultified when we are gloomy, when we allow ourselves to be depressed, when we complain or see life as less than beautiful.
Appreciation intensifies the aura as the heart emanates a pink and golden sun-like radiance. And at other times when we put ourselves down or enter into the deprecation of others, the size and radiance of our auras lessen. Holding images and concepts of ourselves and others as less than whole also impinges on our ability to send out auric fields of light energy that bless and uplift.
Feelings, Thoughts, Diet and the Human Aura
So it is always important to self-assess, to self-observe. What are we feeling? What energy or mood are we under? How are our feelings, thoughts, let alone our actions, affecting others? Are we joyous? Are we in harmony? Are we in balance?
Diet has an effect on the aura. But more importantly, what we take in through our eyes and ears and what we think affects the strength and coloration of the aura. When we put our attention upon God and all that this term represents for us, the spinning of our chakras¹ accelerates and a resonance with the qualities of God begins to cleanse the aura and expand it.
The Human Aura and the Chakras
The chakras are like generating stations within us. Similar to the mitochondria, those organelle power houses which reside within each human cell, these stations of light can be a great self-regenerating focus.
We can visualize our chakras daily. And as we focus on a specific chakra, we see its petals spinning and then accelerating in perfect symmetry and balance. We see the total radiance of these seven major generating stations expanding and blessing ourselves and all those who come within our sphere of influence.
The quality of our prayers is dependent upon the quality of our heart, our consciousness…and, therefore, our aura. If we desire to be of greater service and effectiveness, if we desire to perform alchemical feats² for the good of mankind, we must first go within, self-assess and get in balance. We must attend to our chakras and bathe them daily in the light of God. In turn, their acceleration will create a rise and expansion in consciousness that is transformational.
The totality of who we are is broadcast to the world through the aura that radiates out from us, even though most individuals do not see this aurora borealis-like light show around themselves and others. And if we desire to increase the beauty, intensity and size of our aura, it will certainly happen as we focus more and more on all that is positive, kind, compassionate, forgiving, just and loving.
David C. Lewis

What is an aura?

Aura is a sort of energy field that surrounds every object in the universe; humans, organisms, animals and even objects have an aura. It was also known as an electromagnetic field or some people call it Human Energy Field that covers the human physical body. The auras that our body emit have different densities that enter and exit through the body and this energy is often in an oval shape (therefore it is called an auric egg). It surrounds us in all directions.

Some people can see auras and some people can’t, but whether it is magical, physical or mystical, auras are a part of everyone. It is said that children are very good at seeing and experiencing the aura. A healthy person will usually have an aura that covers his or her whole body, from above the head to below the feet. An aura is made of seven interrelated layers and each layer has distinct and unique frequencies. These layers interact and relay information between human body through its seven chakra energy centers, as well as the immediate external environment. The energies from the chakras produce the auras.

Each of the layers relates to the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional conditions of an individual. Energetic vibrations of our feelings, thoughts, awareness, state of health and past experiences are stored in our different aura layers. The outermost layer of an aura’s energy field could extend anywhere from 5 – 7 feet from a person’s body, depending on his overall health and well-being. Spiritual, emotional and physical health affect the size of the aura.

Aura Colors and Meanings

aura colors meanings
Regarded as the most sensitive and wisest of colors. It implies psychic, magical and artistic abilities. It may also means that one is in complete harmony or comfortable with oneself. These aura colors are usually found around the head.
Quite similar to a clear blue aura, this color symbolizes sensitivity and intuition and is related to the third eye. Those who have this aura are able to ‘see’ into the future. Purple, violet and indigo are spiritual colors, they are associated with the third eye chakra.
If your aura is blue, you are a calm and peaceful person. You are also reliable, warmhearted, good talker as well as good listener. Those who radiate a blue aura are known to be very intuitive and like to help others. These people are very caring, supportive and more concerned about others. To them, love, god and spirituality are very important. However, blue aura people often have problems setting boundaries or saying no and many of them are not very ambitious or goal-oriented.
  • Soft or light blue indicates clarity, peacefulness and communication.
  • Muddy blue indicates a person who are full of fear, has lots of worries and scared of the future. Such person may also be scared of expressing him/herself in front of others.
  • Royal blue indicates highly-developed spiritual intuitive or clairvoyant.
aura personality and characteristicsThis aura color symbolizes growth, renewal, balance and change. Those who emit a green aura is someone who love nature and is a very social person. To them, relationships and friends are very important and many of them do love animals. Green is also the color of healing – many psychologists or doctors have green in their aura. These people also have calm and balancing effect on others.
  • Those who have a bright emerald green aura possess natural healing abilities – medical professionals and people who are involved in the healing arts of any kind often have this kind of aura color. A rich dark green symbolizes abundance, wealth and prosperity. These people usually have their own business and are goal-oriented.
  • Muddy green can signify possessiveness, jealousy and untrustworthiness.
A person who emits a yellow aura is someone who is cheerful, optimistic and happy person. It is also the color of awakening, intelligence, and inspiration. These people have the ability to brighten the lives of those aruond them. They are usually playful, humorous, fun loving and somewhat childlike.
  • Pale or light yellow indicates emerging psychic and spiritual awareness. It also represents hopefulness and optimism; positive excitement about new ideas.
  • A dull yellow is linked with selfishness.
This color aura symbolizes good health, vitality and excitement. Those who possess this aura usually have plenty of energy, productive and adventurous. These people are also creative, sociable, extroverts and are willing to take risks. Orange may also indicate sexual passion or ambition.
  • A person emitting an orange-yellow aura is intelligent, organized, detail-oriented, scientific, creative and perfectionist.
A red aura person is powerful, passionate, competitive and sexually charged. It represents passion, courage, strength and physical activity. Most children have bright red auras – especially males.
  • Being nature’s warning color, red color aura can also indicate high levels of emotion such as anger, hate, aggression or impulsive. It can also mean ‘heat’ and telling us that there is swelling, injury or pain on the physical body.
  • A deep red aura color indicates that the person is down to earth, realistic, practical and has an unshakable determination.
  • Those who have murky red aura may be anxious, frustrated, obsessed with money, worried and may be unable to forgive easily. These attributes are believed to repel positivity.
A black aura pulls or draws energy to it and converts it in the process. Someone who emits a black aura is someone who has not let go or forgiven past mistakes by him/herself or others. Many people think this is the color of death but it indicates health problem (when seen in the specific body parts), grief and vengeance.
This indicates abundance of energy that has not been tapped yet. It is believed that angels are nearby when white sparkles or flashes of white light are seen. Someone with this color aura is said to have angelic qualities, honest, pure and spiritual. These people tend to be introverted, withdrawn and quiet.

Aura - Characteristics and Personality

Every living beings is surrounded by an atmosphere – this atmosphere is known as aura, belonging only to them. Auras contain many different colors and these colors are not always permanent, they change constantly. Your mood, what you are experiencing in life as well as what you are doing will determine the colors of the aura at any given time.

The aura colors pattern is dependent upon someone’s physical, spiritual, emotional and chemical state. Within each color, there are also many different tones and shades. Each unique shade communicates a different meaning. Different tones of the same color communicate different meanings. Bright and soft colors reflect positive state of mind whereas dull, dark and murky shades usually means negative condition.

The colors are classified broadly as positive colors (clean colors) and negative colors (dirty colors). The color of rainbow, violet, indigo, green, blue, orange, red and yellow are considered as clean colors, while brown, black and gray are considered dirty. The purest color of an aura is white. Other colors include lavender, turquoise, purple, pink, aqua, magenta, sulfur, golden, etc. The colors of your aura can also be affected by the energies of other people, and having someone else’s energy in your aura can create many problems including health problems, confusion and inner unrest.

How to create and tap good aura that shows stability, peace, love and high energies...

  • Surround yourself with people who are positive. Spend more time with people who can make us feel energized or comfortable, mix with those who can make us feel good even after we have left.
  • Do a lot of kindness for others. Sincere and kind people who are happy and healthy have a natural glow about them that is unmistakable.
  • Our aura can be weakened by negative habits, lack of rest, lack of exercise, lack of fresh air, stress, poor diet, drugs, alcohol, tobacco and improper psychic activity. To strengthen your aura, then you should meditate, go and have plenty of physical exercise, and cleanse the bowels to remove toxins.
  • Certain music and fragrance can also be very helpful in strengthening our aura. Flower petals, blooms and blossoms can be used to create an atomizer spray for aura cleansing. Some fragrant flowers such as honeysuckle, rose, jasmine, orange blossom or almond blossom are placed in spring water overnight for aura cleansing.
  • Smudge the area surrounding your body with smoke from lavender, sage, sweet grass, or other smudging herbs. Inhale the smoke through your mouth and nose, holding it for about 10 to 30 seconds. You can also soak or immerse your body in an Epsom salt bath.
  • Essential oils such as Cinnamon, Juniper, Diktamos and Cypress can also be useful. Use a few drops on the finger tips and apply to your back of the neck, wrists and inner ankles. You can use this essential oils in an oil burner so that you can inhale the aroma.
  • Of course, the element of water is an obvious aura cleanser. Many people stand under a shower or walk in the rainfall in order to cleanse their aura. Sea breezes or ocean winds are especially beneficial as it contains salt, moisture and minerals.

    Some people also run playfully and freely in the wind to do that. The wind or element of air can help you release unwanted energies.
  • Hugging a mature and deep rooted tree (element of earth) can also be done to do the cleansing. Or if you like, you can get help from fire element to cleanse your aura - Gentle exposure to sunlight will stimulate the flow of your energy.

Know something about a person's aura.. It is actually his or her energy field..and all of us have this unique aura...

how to protect your aura

A person’s aura is his or her energy field. Each of us has a unique aura that reflects our condition. Our aura is controlled by how we feel. In its pure state, it can be found humming along beautifully with a nice clean color. If we are feeling happy or positive about life, our aura will be bright, full of light and very easy to see. If we are sick, feeling depressed, our aura can become weak and small and thus very hard to see.

When you feel your energy being drained or suddenly you become tired, it may be because your energy is being pulled out or leaking out from your system. This can happen after you have finished talking to someone (face to face or on the phone), this is why you always feel exhausted after that. Some individuals draw or suck off the energy of others – although they do not realize that. In many cases, your energies is used to supplement their own rather than to build up their own. There is also a possibility that the person you meet has negative energy or he/she is transferring some of his/her unhappiness onto you.