
Sunday, December 10, 2006

the second and third reason why food supplement?

This is a continuation from the previous blog, for you to understand better, please go through it first. The first reason being the most important reason why we need those wonderful antioxidants to do the cleansing jobs. It works and antioxidants are no longer new to many. From my experience, to take antioxidants is just a smarter way of keeping healthier, yes, very much healthier......

Second reason - Stress
Stress is the second reason why we need to supplement. Who is stress-free? Who really is stress-free? In this modern world of high technology and expectations, competition is everyway. Stress is a state of low or unstable emotion. Stress eats up happiness and peace. Stress is a state of poor and unstable mental health. Diseases are plenty due to stress, like worries, anxieties, nervousness, uncontrolled anger, lost of appetite, indigestion, lost of concentration and sleepless. Some serious cases will even lead to self-mutilation, self-destruction and even suicides. Unknown cases of ulcers, stomach disorder or some forms of cancers are said to come from stress!

Most diseases are caused by dis-ease! The proper way to de-stress is to be at ease with oneself. My heart still bleeds with pains to remember some of those unfortunate incidences and deaths caused by stressful living and the untold pain and suffering where people are too busy to notice their close relatives or loved ones. It is a shame itself where we are sometimes too busy to notice the well-being of our loved ones, ignorant of their stress.....of todays.... thinking of self only.... or is that another form of stress?

Living a stressful life is negative in all aspects....that is why I so much emphasize the importance of having genuine friends or loved ones. Happy are those who have such understanding friends, be them be just with reason or season or in a lifetime friendship. Treasure what we have in hand, value those friendship built on pure love and care. I will again be writing on LOVE, the 10 types of love for all of you to understand better...... your first thing to do... love yourself so that you can love others......

I have personally met several suicidal cases whereby B Complex really saved stressful people. An intake of 6 tablets a day will very much help to stablilize a person's mind. Of course, we need to work very hard on these people on daily positive foods for the mind, but nevertheless these people also needs to be replenished with enough B Complex supplements and natural foods that contain too for their body!

Health is never just restricted on the body or mind.... we have our emotion to take care of. We have spiritual care too of which these people will cling to it so tight! What they believe and can believe or trust makes such a great difference.

Stress comes everywhere where emotion and feelings are concerned. Stress not only comes from work, but there are so many that comes from home, from schools, from friends, from enemies, from everywhere and anybody! This is actually a very important topic that needs to be shared amongst all ages. To lead a quality life requires a skill of 'deleting the negative forces' and 'self-affirmation of positive charges'......... I will emphasize on this powerful tool of happiness and to stay stress-free!

I used to tell my friends.... 'to be positive is good, but to be skillful as to know how to manage negatives is even more important! How one can manage our emotions when provoked or induced is a skill! How one can manage challenges and adversities and be stress-free....ha...I salute them! I used to say.... laugh at your adversities, don't let people laugh at us, and become victims of stress unknowingly..... yet too many out there are ignorant of their stressful lives and prefer to larment on negative and unfortunate happenings.

Friends....dear friends... our actions, our speeches, our thoughts.... like a chinese proverb that says...... 'sickness comes from what we eat, misfortunes comes from what we say!' Remember, all of us have a pair of ears and only a mouth! Listen more than talk.... talk less, since our tongue is just like a double-edged sword that cuts without bleeding unseen! Mind our speeches, care instead of destroy...... love instead of hate.....

There are some other great stress fighters like ginseng and ginko, passionflowers and chamomile, some other great herbs.... that will help to soothe our emotions and passion....believe me, to stay stress-free is one of the requisite to live a healthier and longer life. Treasure life and you will never regret!

Third reason - improper, unhealthy lifestyle
Who am I to teach you how to live proper? Who am I to meddle with your private lifestyle? Who am I to prive into your personal habits? Well, I am a nobody....then who am I? tell you this.............. I am just a somebody who treasure life and now is just sharing.... you listen or not is of no importance..... just know these facts.

Smoking, excessive drinking, late nights, drugs, pills, medicines, excessive indulgance of sex, or anything in excess, that are beyond healthy levels will eventually drain our energy and deplete our nutrients and upset our immune system or body clock! To be barely surviving on medicines and living in pain.... is like living in hell.... Have you ever been sick? Do you like the feelings? Do you look good? What will your loved ones feel? How can you smile while others are crying? Or how do you feel when others are smiling while you are crying?

Change your lifestyles?..... or sometimes people say.... forget about it! I have too much to lose, and have the whole family to look after.... this is my living.... I can't stop! I am stuck! I have no other choices! and the lists continues..... I understand..yes, I do understand... but just a moment, there is this power of choice. God so much loves us that He gives us the freedom to choose! He gives us the freedom of choice! We have misused the meaning of this freedom. Who cares? Why me? I don't care! I am a born loser! I am damned! I am hopeless! I am useless!...................

Why become a loser? Why? Afterall we all have this freedom of speech..... Why not these? God cares..... You are wonderful! You are special..... there are so many good people out there that cares! You are a winner! You are lucky! You have hope! You have guts! You will be successful! You will be alright! You will be healthy! I am still using the alphabets, just that I mixed them up in a healthier me?

Just be aware that improper lifestyles will do no good to our health. Resume our body clock that has been working with us for the same years of our age. The sun.... the wonderful sun that provides endless energy and revitalize all living things on earth....... but sad to say, where are these people when the cock crows? Where are these people when the sun shines? I know... they dislike the sun, the prefer the moon.... haha..... I used to joke, these people benefits too much from Thomas Edison that they have forgotten the sun, the real source of energy and power but go for the artificial light.... It helps, it is undeniable, but for the sake of proper and better health..... a change of habit, a change of attitude will make a great difference.

Again, all these unhealthy habits will deplete our body system's natural nutrients and one needs to be supplemented! If we are healthy now or very healthy then, it doesn't mean that you can destroy! A healthy man if not taken care proper, will be a sick person in just another few minutes. A paralized person, a moment ago will say....I am healthy! I can talk! I can walk! but how then????? Our health, once lost will not be easy to replace. It is our will to do or not to! It is our will to listen or not to! It is our choice, to follow or not to! Destruction is not a day old nor prevention is! Heed them! We will be a healthier person... a happier person...if one wills it!

Remember...dear friends...there are people out there who cares!

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