
Saturday, December 23, 2006

The 8 pillars of health...

The 8 pillars of health

We have to earn our health first, E.A.R.N refers to:

[1] Exercise

We need to exercise so as to have a good blood circulation, our brain needs to be irrigated with sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Exercise always come best with proper breathing, how to inhale deep and slow and exhale used air in a relaxed mood. Do more walking instead of driving like parking our car further away from our working area. Swimming is also one of the best form of exercise where every part of our body movable can be exercised. Tedious or over exercising that makes a person feel exhausted or tired out is not recommended. Exercise is meant for moderate movements that exercises every movable parts of our body and feeling relaxed and great after doing it. An exercise that over-exercise only certain parts of our body is not a smart way of exercise. A game doesn't necessarily means that it is a good form of exercise; like playing badminton where only one of our hand is being over-exercised.

[2] Attitude

Positive attitude, self-affirmation on healthy and beauty concepts plays a very important role in maintaining physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. I used to emphasize that it is our attitude that determines our altitude. Our attitude towards many things will determine our success in that specific field. Good and positive attitude is the key of success. Positive attitude towards survival, health, love, food, family, jobs, money, freedom, personal success, teamwork, spiritual enlightenment, religion and friendship.... the lists will be endless..... if one's attitude is proper and correct, you will be a happier person and the world will be at peace, not war. Start from oneself, then family, then neighbourhood, then the society and the world.... We will be living in a nicer and happier place... Heaven is a place where there is peace of mind and peace at heart, it can be anywhere......I will be discussing more on this subject in the time to come...

[3] Rest

We are no robots, our body system is designed in such a way that it listens and obeys the sun and moon. When the sun is up, we should be up too. To 'absorb' or to 're-energize' the life-giving source, free and eternal..... energies from the sun, it is really too wonderful. But sad to say, too many people take this valuable source for granted. And still wished and demanded for more and better sources of energy which is impossible. To replenish ourselves with this 'power' from the sun will prevent a person from 'wilting'.... can you imagine a life without the sun? The moon is just a reflection of the sun.....

When to rest then? YOu will know, right? If one wakes up early, the body system will also tell us so naturally when to rest. We sleep at night when it is meant for us to rest. A very systematic route already destined by the most powerful source of the universe that plays such an influential role in our everyday life. Resting means to be rested so as to be able to be re-energized for further journeys of life. Without resting, our body system will break down and no doctors or any miracle pills are there to help you. It is just like if one is thirsty, just drink and your thirst will be quenched. There is no other better way, unless you come from other planets, but are you? Listen to our body mechanism, it is wise to heed our body symptoms... It is never too late...........

We need at least 8 hours a day, an afternoon nap [half an hour] from 11am to 1 pm is good for our heart too. To be rested so as to go further....

[4] Nutrition [macro]

Make sure we that we are sufficiently nourished during the 3 meals we eat. The foods and drinks we eat should contain all the necessary nutrients required for growth, repair and maintenance. We are not asking for eternal life, but a life-span whereby we can live healthy and without diseases. This is the real wealth that everyone of us should aim and achieve. When we have health, we have hope. When we have hope, we have everything!

Be aware of the wonders of food and herb therapy and the art of detoxification for those who have over-ate. And learn to differentiate those rubbish foods to shun, miracle foods and herbs to eat. Remember to eat 70% full, know when to eat and when not to eat. That is smart eating. Remember, we are what we eat!

[5] Food supplements [micro]

Not too much, not to miss out, but just enough is enough!

Micro comes in small or little amounts, but it is not to be missed out in our diet... If we don't have them, it is wise to supplement those vital enzymes, trace minerals and vitamins…for better health, immune system, and to cope with sicknesses caused by deficiencies. Free radicals that goes wild needs antioxidants to counteract...and minimizing the problem of pollution, stress, overdrive, going the extra miles…. If one doesn't invest in our health bank, we cannot withdraw any good health from it... No pain, no gain. One have to work out the health plan, it isn't that you just wish for it and whoosh....comes good health!

Recognize our condition of health first before one can work out a health plan that works. I will also be writing on one's health line which explains clearly our state of health....soon....just bear with still learning to put graphs and drawings into this blog..... graphs and drawings will help to explain much better.... There are many things that I should upgrade for easier understanding.

[6] Proper medical care

Not to miss out early vaccinations, medical check-up and proper medical care that comes handy in times of prevention and emergencies. All of us and doctors from all specialized fields should join hands to do our jobs well and effective. Who says that we don't need any doctors? Who dares say that we need no doctors in our lives? We have ourselves to work hard to maintain and prevent illnesses, but when one is sick and needs to be hospitalized, one should know where to go. Reliable and effective surgeries have saved countless lives....and especially in emergencies.. Our society is still short of good doctors and nurses...

[7] Hygiene health care

It is our responsibility to keep personal and home hygiene. This is the simpliest and the least required from just anybody. It is the basic requirement of health. Keeping ourselves clean and maintain cleanliness in our homes, working areas and even the public is each and every one's job. Many hands make light work! Remember? We share the same air, we breathe in the same air.... so clean air, water and a cleaner environment are all our goals, Meanwhile, one can consider using water filter and air-filter to get better results.

[8] Reducing risk factors

To recognize those risk factors about our family genes that affect our health is also a must. Be smart to troubleshoot. Be conscious of these powerful genetic heritage that either destroy or strengthen certain categories of our health. Go for health knowledge and care and preventive measures to be a healthier and happier you.

These are just brief explanations on the 8 pillars of health that one should heed and try to understand..... There are more to come....

These 8 pillars are supposed to be strong, firm and steady, but if we destroy them, they will also collapse! How and why would anyone destroy? Tell you what, yes, there are many people out there who destroyed the 8 pillars and collapsed at the end of the day. No pillars even those in Rome can withstand destruction...self-destruction and self-mutilation and suicide, a common trend of today! Destruction is easy, building it up is never easy!

Be mentally fit, be emotionally fit and go for spiritual health, there are more invisible pillars to build that will never ever collapse! Believe and stay to believe and see the results. We will get and harvest what we plant!


  1. Hi Lucy,
    I feel great when I see your blog such full of health contents. I really appreciate it. I am planning to create a blog with title "Way To Longevity ".
    I am working in factory as robotics engineer. I am not a health professional, but for me, to be healty is the most important thing in our life ! I always think that prevention is better than cure .
    Can I put your blog link in my health blog when I create one? I need to collect some acticles so that I can spread the health message to the world.
    For your infomation, last few months, I start to spread the message "prevention is better than cure" from my website. Please take note, I am not doing direct sales. I just want to spread the knowledge to mankind. One of the key point to be healthy is our immune system must be healthy.

    By Choo

  2. What a great blog ! Full of health contents.... Great job. Keep it up.

    By choo
    Prevention Is Better Than Cure

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi All,

    I am another admirer of Lucy's blog on "A Healthier and Happier You!"

    Lucy is doing a great job by spreading her message about healthy living.

    She is a lady with a mission to teach the world how to eat and live right!

    I am linking her to my link directory on health at:

    Suggest Link Web Directory

    Also, I am linking her to my article sites on health at:

    Ezine Articles Directory


