
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Mum...what is for breakfast today?

Breakfast.... to break a fast that continues from the previous night. It is at least 10 t0 12 hours we haven't eaten. One is never advisible to eat and sleep on a full stomach. It is very much wise to refrain from eating late, so finish your supper or dinner at seven or eight at the latest. Ask me why and I will tell you..... it seems nobody is interested to know why we shouldn't go to sleep immediately after a full meal. Ok, I will wait until someone ask, only then I will tell you then. There are reasons behind it.

So, what is the best breakfast that one should eat? Maybe I am just talking to those handful who are health-conscious, and the rest are not interested at all. I know I am.....

Look at the typical breakfast, chinese food? or western food? Remember what I have always emphasized? We must obtain and acquire all those necessary [macro and micro] nutritious food requirements from the 3 meals that we consume daily to stay nourished! Look at the food we are eating? Do you think it contains all those necessary 7 classes of food? Are you taking enough roughage from fibrous vegetables and fruits? Are you eating to survive only? What about repairs? What about maintenance? Let me add in this... what about going the extra mile?

We eat to grow/survive, to maintain and repair our body tissues and system. We cannot ignore these facts, or else we need to go to the doctors' workshop to be repaired and operated on...hehe... got my meaning? If the operation fails or our spare parts irreversible, we will soon be nailed into the coffins and buried forever..and say bye bye to this lovely world. You may have bought a lot of insurance, well, somebody else is enjoying what you your expense! Yes, I am not joking... I am telling you the truth. Think twice and be wise!

Let me share with you about how to eat a nice and healthy breakfast
[1] choice 1
Ok, we are now all going for vacation and staying in a nice hotel where breakfast is provided. So, one will wake early, take a bath and down to have breakfast. Most hotels provide porridge, bread with butter, eggs, maybe some mee or meehoon goreng, meat curry, cornflakes, milk, western food like bacon, sausages and cold cuts. You will also find some fruits, cakes and some salads. Some fruit juices, coffee and tea and yogurt and in some grand hotels, Hong Kong dim sum and some delicacies. Well, what should we choose to eat then?

Start with a plate of fruits, then a plate of salads with yogurts, then to starchy foods like mee or porridge. Only then we can eat eggs, meats or delicacies made from prawns, fish or sausages. Only then a taste of some cakes and some milk to finish off. Don't wash down the food with big cups of teas or coffees. WE take for granted that all foods prepared are wholesome and fresh and nutritious as we hope for. But are these salad bars clean and green and safe? Is it natural or added with preservatives? Let's just believe that they are fresh and safe.... With sufficient time and a relaxing dining hall, it can be fun.

The above can be a good breakfast to start the day... but how many times can we eat these buffets?

[2] choice 2
Blend a protein drink, add a packet of positrim[contains protein, fiber, fats, carbohydrates, more than 26 vitamins and trace minerals required for a day per pax] half a packet of Active 8 lemon or cherry, 250ml fresh low-fat milk and some vitamins like Cal. Mag, Lecithin E, Bio C, B complex, Daily, garlic and a green apple. Add some ice. This is a drink which I strongly recommend for those health-conscious for a good breakfast. A tall glass that contains 500ml of the above goodness will do. I sometimes add tomatoes[unripe], cucumbers or other fruits like guava and mangoes. One will not feel hungry too. And best of all, one will enjoy the drink, instead of swallowing those vitamins, we mix and blend them together as a wholesome drink. Easy to make and delicious to drink.

什么都不多, 一个也不少! This is a very wise saying that all of us should follow when coming to eating skills. Too much of the good or delicious food is never good or wise! Eat for the sake of health, not just to pamper one's taste buds. Beware of all delicious foods that are full of artificial flavourings and additives and colorings to lure and stimulate one's appetite! Eat sparingly!

[3] Choice 3
Steamed rice, some freshly sauteed vegetables, steamed fish and a light chicken soup. A plate of fruits too.... what do you think? will it contain all the 7 classes of food? what about the preparations? What about the time needed to cook and tidying up?

[4] Kampua
This is a very common noodle dish. A plate of carbohydrates, few pieces of thin slices of meat, a tablespoon of MSG[aji-no-moto], splash of green onions, a few spoonfuls of animal fat, that's all for breakfast....

{5] Bread and butter, coffee or milk? How nutritious is this?

[6] Porridge with salted fish, eggs, salted vegetables.... Look at this....

[7] Fried noodles, kueh teow, meehoon... oily, starchy, lots of MSG, some meats and fish balls...

[8] Dim sum...delicacies, white pow, dumplings, meat balls..

[9] sandwiches with tuna, eggs, sausages or hot dogs...

[10] A few pieces of dry crackers, a cup of cereals, oily kueh, oily pancakes, buns...

[11] some fruits and a cup of cereals to go with...

[12] some buns and water... and some even just go without any food or drinks!

and some more....

Choose wisely, our new day begins with a good and nutritious breakfast, to move us on, to keep us with energy, to enable our body system to work well. Here is one bad news for those who are too lazy to take a breakfast of any kind for years. His or her bile will grow stones. like it or not, it is a fact!

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