
Saturday, December 23, 2006

Healing is not just touch and prescribe... it needs more than that....

Early this morning, I received a call from a very familiar voice, and she was non others but my cousin. she told me that her mother has been sick for more than a week. Her head feels giddy, her limbs cold, no appetite and her heart palpitating and hearing drumming in both her ears..... she has seen two doctors, given injections and some medicines, but she is still feeling not well.

They soon arrived. Waiting in anticipation for their arrivals, I was still writing one of my blog. I welcomed them warmly and let them be seated. I could sense the chill of her mother's limbs and at the same time, looking at her pale face. She looked tired and was fighting for her breath! I took her pulse, and I knew what was wrong with her. Do you want to know? Well...the root of the problem..... She has been worrying and angry with one of her children for long. She was so angered and frustrated, yet couldn't get the matter solved. She was too unhappy and angry with herself for not being able to solve the problem. She 'swallowed' all the anger and got 'indigestion'! She was still angry at what her 'black sheep' did.

Frequent bout of anger, frequent sadness, frequent anxieties and worries deplete her of her happiness and joy as a mother. It eventually lead to chest pain which most women will feel. These women's 'tang chong' becomes blocked, blood circulation feeling 'jammed'! The more the women kept to themselves those sorrows and worries, the more sick she feels. Her immune system goes to a nosedive. A cold wind will easily make her sick.

How to make her smile and feel better?

She is a pure vegetarian and does not consume any living things for at least a decade! Some can recommend some animal protein but she couldn't take. She is also not willing to take food supplements too. Some vitamins I have spared her was still left untouched. She was stubborn in a way...

3 important steps to make her smile...
[1] teach her to breathe deep and slow..... she followed, it works helps.. her face turning a little pinkish... her head less giddy[just after 10 minutes]
[2] gently massaging her specific areas on her hands, back, ankle and backbone with allano, a body lotion that I have been using for decades. Slowly her limbs get warmer... halfway, I got her a warm energy-giving drink...[protein]
[3] talk to her to release her troubles, her built-up tension, her worries... how to inhale good memories and exhale bad memories.... told her how to uninstall negative thoughts...

That was what I did. My third daughter was also with me, I told her to give her those relevant reflexology massage. She has a 'born-given-gift' in massaging away tiredness and sickness too! They were surprised to see my daughter who could do the same, good and effective job! We spent more than an hour, talking and sharing tips on how to be healthy! I reminded them about proper cooking and eating the appropriate foods. Eventually, she can smile and she feels so much better. I told her daugher to buy her some food to eat, she was feeling hungry then..

I gave her some homework too. To be continued until she fully recovers.
[1] eat sprouts, the superior foods daily
[2] reflexology - her hands and ankle[twice a day for 15 minutes each]
[3] practice the breathing exercise, twice a day for half an hour each and to uninstall negatives..
and.......must keep in touch with me to report her improvements...

When it comes to angpow, I told her not to give, but she was too clever, she said that it was not for me, she gave it to my third daughter... who was with smiles...

For such a case, it is a proven method that proper breathing is the answer to 'jammed up emotions' and 'blocked feelings'.......... I am not describing the details how it can help yet.. just believe this God-given free gift called 'air' Never underestimate the importance of proper breathing!

So, it is not the chicken or rabbit meats that can be eaten for better health, one needs love and care, concern and consideration that can help and will cure. Massaging the appropriate areas will be 'tonics' for better health too. Effective cures does not necessarily be expensive! Remember, there are more poor people out there then the rich! Who will be willing to help them then?

At the same time, I told my daughters not to be lazy to learn or practise, the more we do, the more experience we gain and be improved. My daughters agreed.

Learning is about practise, practise, practise, just do it, only then one will gain experience and obtain the skills and knowledge that he or she wants! There is never a short-cut! It is not about learning theories only, but practical works the best!

Look at things from physical, mental and emotional angles so as to make sure that he or she is benefited from their visits to see us... time is valuable for all...

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