
Friday, December 22, 2006

Earl Mindell's terrible 20 to avoid....

Earl's Terrible twenty

[1] acacia gum[gum Arabic].

this additive, which is often used in cake frostings, gum and soft drinks can cause mild to severe asthma attacks and rashes in humans. This additive has caused fatalities in pregnant animals.

[2] alginic acid

this additive is found in ice-cream, cheese spreads, salad dressings, and the like. Preliminary studies show that alginic acid may cause abnormal fetal development, and therefore I believe it should be avoided by women who are trying to conceive and by already pregnant or nursing mothers

[3] aluminium

aluminium is widely used in many products, from white flour[to prevent caking] to processed cheeses[to facilitate melting] and toothpaste [as an abrasive]. Although this theory is controversial, many experts believe that aluminum is associated with senile dementia and memory problems and in fact, maybe a cause of Alzheimer's disease. In addition, aluminum may cause kidney problems, mouth ulcers, gastrointestinal problems such as colitis, and may interfere with the normal absorption of other minerals. Until further testing is done to certify the safety of aluminum, I would avoid it.

[4] artificial color

artificial color additives are widely used in the food supply, so widely used in fact that it is hard to avoid them altogether. However, I still try to limit my intake and I advise others to do the same. Children are especially susceptible to additives, which may contribute to hyperactivity and learning disorders. If your kids are constantly bouncing off the walls, check their diet for artificial color additives. Sticking to fresh, unprocessed foods, or foods that are additive-free will reduce the amount of additives in our diet.

[5] benzaldehyde

this additive which is used in many processed foods can cause depression in some people

[6] benzoic acid

this common additive which is found in many jellies, jams, margarine and soft drinks, among other foods may cause skin rashes, gastrointestinal upset in people of all age groups and hyperactivity in children. Avoid it if you can.

[7] BHA or BHT [butylated hydroxyanisole or butyalted hydroxytoluene]

this additive is banned in England, may cause liver and kidney damage, behavioural problems in children and can weaken the immune system.

[8] brominated vegetable oil

this additive may cause birth defects and growth problems in children and is considered unsafe by the FDA. However, it is still used in some foods and therefore, should be avoided by pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

[9] carrageenan

this is used as a thickening agent, may cause ulcerative colitis and colitis is a suspected cancer-producing agent.

[10] confectioner's glaze

is widely used on candy and drugs to provide a shiny coating.

[11] EDTA[ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid-salts]

this commonly used preservative may cause skin irritations, kidney damage, gastrointestinal upset, and mineral imbalances

[12] hydrolyzed vegetable protein

this additive has two strikes against it. First, it contains MSG and is high in salt, second it may cause brain and nervous system damage in infants

[13] iron salts[ferric pyrophosphate, ferric sodium pyrophosphate, ferrous lactate]

iron salts are added to enriched breads and cereals and other grains. I have several problems with this additive. First, I don't believe that it is adequately tested for safety. Second, recent studies show that too much iron can increase your risk of having a heart attack.

[14] monoglycerides and diglycerides, acetylated monoglycerides and diglycerides

this additive which is found in soy, corn, peanut or fat based products may cause allergic reactions in some people

[15] monosodium glutamate[MSG]

MSG gained notoriety when it became linked to 'Chinese restaurant syndrome,' a condition associated with heart palpitations, headaches, and muscular weakness that occurs following a meal containing this additive, a favorite of Chinese chefs. It causes high blood pressure, itching and other allergic reactions.

[16] nitrates

these additives prevent botulism, which is why they are used in so many foods. However, they form the powerful cancer-causing agent nitrosamine in the stomach and can be very dangerous. Therefore, avoid them or limit your intake.

[17] paraffin[wax]

waxes, classified as chemical preservatives are widely used on fruits, vegetables and candy to make them shiny and pretty and to retard moisture loss and spoilage. Waxes are made of vegetable oils, palm oil derivatives, synthetic resins[also used in car and floor wax], as well as other materials. Some people should peel their fruits and vegetables or buy organic produce. In addition, waxes can seal in insecticides and fungicides, making it impossible to wash them off. If possible, buy your produce from a local farm or farmer's market.

[18] potassium bromate

frequently used in baked products, this additive can cause nervous system or kidney disorders and gastrointestinal upset. It is also carcinogenic. Try to avoid it.

[19] propylgallate

this additive has been associated with kidney and liver problems and gastrointestinal disturbances. I don't feel that propylgallate has been properly tested, and that's why I think it should be avoided if possible. It is also usually found in combination of BHT or GHA, which may compound the potential problems caused by these additives.

[20] sulfites

these additives lost their GRAS rating because they can cause a severe allergic reaction in asthmatics and highly allergic people. In fact, several deaths have been attributed to sulfites. Sulfites are used at salad bars to prevent discoloration of vegetables, in many wines and as preservatives in many different foods. If a salad bar or greengrocer uses sulfites, by law they must post a sign warning customers. However, the produce may have been treated before it even arrives at the grocery, therefore people who are sensitive to sulfites should never graze at a salad bar. Sulfites also deplete food of vitamin B1.

* It is the matter of choice as to how we look at the above when buying foods that may or may not contain the above terrible twenties. I sacrificed at least half an hour to have this article written by Earl Mindell, typed so as to be able to share with you all. YOu can either believe or not believe, but my job is well done. But fear not that you are going to die due to the above terrible twenty that you have consumed unknowingly. Our kidney and liver are still working well for us, now that you all know these facts, it is wiser that we cut down those foods that contained the above terrible preservatives. At least, you will know how to choose and buy wisely and choose health foods only!

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