
Friday, December 22, 2006

How to cope with tiredness....

There are many ways how we can cope with tiredness
[1] Breathe properly
Let me put proper breathing number one! Since there are 3 ways of breathing, too many are not breathing the correct way. This little word 'air' is not to be taken lightly. Don't tell me that you are too busy and not interested in getting to know about this. Who isn't breathing? Who is tired of good health? Who prefers to be ill or tired all the day long? If you are so busy as to ignore or neglect the proper way of breathing, one day you will be so stressed up that you will stop breathing! Please listen.

Once we stop breathing, we will die! Too many people die off without knowing WHY they die. How can one expect to live healthy if one is only breathing shallowly? How can one expect to survive healthy if one is barely breathing? It takes patience, time and proper guidance to learn and master this unique, priceless steps of proper breathing. Go for some lessons from xi qong, tai chi, yoga that emphasizes the importance of qi. Or get the most commonly wide spread 312 meridians for prevention and cure! If you tell me that you are not interested, you are telling me that you are tired of living, it is true! Don't forget that you are never alone, think of our loved ones and close friends and all those who care for you!

You can also refer to this example. Look at all those heavy vehicles on the road. The burden or load they are carrying are even exceeding their own weight. Look at the wonderful wheels and tyres! What is the secret of this? Air...Air...Air..... if the tyre is punctured, will the vehicle move? definitely no! Likewise in all living things that need air, we have to have enough air to keep us going. Proper breathing is the secret to longevity, strength, good health and overall well-being. Practise until it becomes a natural cycle or rhythm. It helps.

[2] eat your breakfast, don't skip it. A nutritious meal to start off the day
We are what we eat! The 7 classes of food required by our body shouldn't be missed. We need all those macro and micro nutrients, but not too much is enough. Too much of the good thing is not good. Over eating is never advised, under eating is never getting enough. Most of us know that there are such deficiency-caused illness like goitre, anemia, poor teeth and bones, rickets, beri-beri and scurvy just to mention a few.

I used to recommend a protein drink to start off the day with a multivitamin supplement blended with a green apple and some other vegetables. That's all for a breakfast and a lunch with little or no meat dishes, raw sprouts, some whole grains and fruits or some fish. I use minimal sugar, oil, salt and avoid preserved or canned foods. Taking a little white meat or natural foods is preferred than steak or red meats. In the evening, no eating after 8 pm.

Overeating will also make us tired and sleepy. Eat only 70% full is one of the requisite to live to a ripe age. Don't drown oneself with pills, medicines, cough syrups or drugs. You will need to pay an expensive lesson before it is too late. Go for safer natural herbs that can do the same job but with less danger. Therefore, eating is a skill.

[3] exercise enough
[4] rest or sleep enough
[5] stretching will help
[6] get some food/herbs/tonics supplements
[7] avoid excessive sugars and caffeine, trans-fats, processed foods
[8] think positive
[9] a change of lifestyle - late nights, over-indulgence of certain foods, over-drive
[10] get a good mentor/health consultant for advices
[11] get a body checkup
[12] get something to do/be involved in positive/meaningful activities

[13] get a salt bath[explained in one of my blog]
[14] get a good body massage
[15] aromatherapy will help
[16] alternate hot and cold baths/sauna can also help
[17] go for a detox programme

To sum up, being exhausted or tired is always with a cause, get to the root of the problem and have it solved. Have your lifestyle reviewed for the better. Laws are set to be broken if there is a better reason for it! Be geared to be healthy, that is our ultimate goals.

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