
Monday, December 11, 2006

forth reason.....

Forth reason
Different stages of growth [infants, growing toddler, teenagers, adults, pregnancy, the aged, the sick]
I always refer and talk about health depending on their age and situation. No two conditions or needs or diseases are exactly identical. Similarly, we advise on their specific needs. But generally speaking, the basic are still the same. The need for a balanced diet, the 7 classes of foods, proper exercises, how to boost our immune system, how to care for the family and loved ones.

Just to ask ourselves, what are we giving to our babies and growing kids? Do you happen to come across beautiful, healthy, robust and energetic babies? Just ask their mums, aren't they given good food and supplements? Their answers will be 'yes' and they will also tell you those tedious tasks in food preparing and how they are supplemented. Undeniably, these babies or growing kids need to be supplemented! I personally came across one baby who was so undernourished that he looks pale, with yellowish dry hair and looked so tired. His diet was only on maggie mee, some canned foods and worst of all he has only condensed milk to drink while he was a baby!

Are you as parents also aware of the growing period of your children, their puberty? A youngster will not grow forever, the best growing age starting from 12 till 21 for males and 12 till 18 for females. This is the most important growing stage that will so much determine his or her later years health. If his or her growth is retarded during this stage, much regrets will be there. Do you come across those who complained that they didn't eat well or were not being fed enough during their growing stage? They complained of being stunted and not well developed! Be aware of such conditions so that we will know what to expect and what to do with our kids.... of course, I myself is very specific on my own kids' growing stages and to make sure that they get the relevant and suitable foods. I want to make sure that they won't complain about my guidance and in the process of rearing them into beautiful ladies and be as tall as they should be.... and to be as beautiful as they should be... and to be as smart as they should be....

All pregnant ladies need to be supplemented with iron, calcium, protein, multi-vitamins for proper growth of the babies. I have seen ladies in distress, complaining lost of teeth, backache, numbness of limbs, abdominal pain, muscle cramps and swollen veins. Some might feel that we, women are lazy and are in pretence! Some just ignored us...and took it so lightly! But as a woman myself, I prefer to eat smart and stay beautiful and healthy. If we woman were to cry to sleep, to hide our tears and hide our pain, what is the meaning of living? just barely surviving??? We go through needles, scissors, cuts, pains untold, fear and stress... to give birth! Who will really understand? If we are not to love ourselves to look after ourselves during pregnancies, who is there to share our pains and stress? So, dear husbands..., do love and look after your wife who has so much sacrificed for the family! Happiness is shared, what about pain?

Take enough supplements.... to be prepared for those unseen tasks expected of a woman. Pamper ourselves with food and herbs supplements and some tonics too. Most men will be snoring away during the night while the woman needs to wake up occasionally to feed and care their toddlers. And the tedious work as a washwoman, cleaner, home-maker, baby-sitter...just name it.... and not even a day holiday! Not a day to be omitted! Be a smart woman, care for oneself.... if one day, you drop dead, ha.. the family will soon have another replacement! So who are you then? To sacrifice needs to be valued by all, not a walking corpse, I hope. Love oneself, feed oneself the proper nutritious foods.... you will be at least comforted!

The aged
Some people never gave a second thought about their parents or the aged. Maybe he or she thought that one day they will never grow old like them, what do you think? The aged always refer to our parents and those above 60 years old. Their teeth are lacking, poorer digestion and assimilation, chewing is a problem to them..... and there are certain foods forbidden especially when they are having diabetes or some other ailments. Sad to say, too many people have forsaken their parents and take things for granted. And their parents, waited patiently for their children to just give them a call... to give them comfort, to heed their needs. And most of the time, the aged are left to live alone.

I am here to emphasize the great need to spend time with the elders, to love and care for them. Remember the times they cook for you? It is now your turn to cook for them! Where is this word filial? Too many people are too busy minding their own business and lives, that they have forgotten that they still have parents. Even worse, they neglect them totally! Parents are always so patient to wait.... with open arms... for their beloved to be home...even till their last days....hoping and wishing....and waiting. forever forgiving and loving, our parents!

Care for them by buying supplements for them.... care for their health, care for their mental and emotional needs. Just do it, your kids are also watching. Monkey see, monkey do! The aged needs even more food and herbs supplementing and tonics too. Their health condition is also our responsibilities.

The sick
Nursing problem? Nobody loves to nurse especially the aged and sickly. haha... well, but we love to have someone to care and nurse us when we are sick, right? So we need to learn how to nurse our loved ones when required. And wishing them a speedy recovery. So it is a skill to know how to help them to recover. One must understand that the sooner one recover, the better we can leave behind misery!

Can you imagine a someone who cares for us patiently and whispering well-wishing words? Can you imagine this angel to be with you? learn to be that angel, it pays! Learn to feed them with easily digested food supplements, and it works miracles, I did that before.... I always recommend Nutrilite's Positrim, which is so easily digested and absorbed and at the same time with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for a day! Show your love through actions!

to be continued..

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