
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Eighth reason..Go the extra mile! A healthier and happier winner you can be!

Eighth reason
There are so many of us who wants to go the extra mile. Are you one of us? Don't you understand? Well, perhaps you might ask, what is there to do with food supplements? What is there to do with herbs supplements?

People from all works of life spend millions and millions of money yearly to buy tonics, herbs and food supplements to maintain one's health and beauty. I dare say, some spend at least 20% of their income to maintain their health and beauty condition. Outstanding leaders, high professionals, distinguished personals, film stars, leading figures of the country do invest in tonics that will boost their health conditions and performances.

Truly speaking, taking reputable branded food or herb supplements [Nutrilites] is much safer and better than a someone who takes 'pills and drugs'. Some athletes and stage performers have no other choices besides taking those boosters....that provide temporary upsurge of energy needed to perform their best! Some pills have unseen side effects....All these people go the extra mile...and are willing to put in the effort in preparations to do their BEST! Are you not one of us? I bet you are!

So, needless to say, We take tonics, food and herb supplements so as to enhance our performances and energies..... and it is definitely a MUST to take all these supplements. It is indeed a smarter way to do so.......for definitely I am also taking them myself. If I can go the extra mile, so why not? Choose a brand that can be trusted and is there to stay..... in the years to come and as I have always mentioned, Nutrilite is considered to be the best of science, best of nature and best of people!

We are delighted to be one of the BEST! and to have taken one of the BEST food and herbs supplements and enjoying one of the BEST performances..... staying healthier and be a more beautiful you....

Remember the world's fastest man? He takes Nutrilite double X.... Asafa Powell...
go to his site and read his story. Nutrilite is proud to sponsor Double X to this fastest man ....... you can also watch his movie and listen to what he has to say...

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