
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Total health and happiness...a must to read, friends..

my tooth aches terribly..... I hate it..... I am hopeless, I cannot stop the pain.... I cannot eat.... where is God?

this is a jumbled up of body, emotion, mind and spirit, can you find them individually?

4 dimensions of health.... a clearer picture of total health and happiness....

I should have written earlier about the 4 dimensions of health. The 4 levels of health which I classify as body, mind, emotion and spirit. Total health and happiness is only complete when it touches on the whole instead of just partial. All of us should learn to be aware that we cannot separate our body, our mind, our emotion and spirit and treat it as something of its own.... Holistic ways refers to a more complete approach towards the sum of it than to separate it,

I repeat.... Therefore, a sick person whose body aches is also stressed and not feeling well and low in spirit.

aches = body

stressed = mind

not feeling well = emotion

low in spirit = spirit

Physical or body health[we are what we eat]

Let us go back to the very basic, to what we studied in our school. We study about human body, its many different cells and the varied systems of our body that includes skeletal, excretory, muscular, lymphatic, endocrine, digestive, nervous, respiratory, reproductive and blood circulatory. We study about our skin, our 5 senses, nutrition, deficiencies, food, balanced diets, exercises, the 7 classes of foods and healthy foods. As a teacher, we can briefly go over these chapters in a month or two to teach. But when we really come to study those detailed varied systems of our body, it may take several years to specialize. All doctors are trained to be experts on the biology of our body and how it works and how a diseased body can be cured and operated on. These doctors are doing their jobs excellently.

When our body fails us or is at dis-ease, there are symptoms that show. One can easily get a doctor's help and be cured. However, we shouldn't take for granted to put all our hopes or depend on our doctors to keep fit. Doctors cannot put scrambled eggs back into the egg shells too, no matter how hard they can try. The less one goes to see a doctor, the healthier one is. Do you know that there are cases where the patients couldn't stand the pain of the body and jumped from the top of a tall building to commit suicide? Pain is the most unbearable task of our physical body.... it produces cold sweats, irritations, frustrations and body shivering and numbness and more....

Let's have a look at the sickness of our body. These sickness include underweight, overweight, dizziness, cold, nausea, body numbness, no appetite, cold sweat, discomfort, pain, sleepless, sleepy, headache, dental pain, cuts, bruises.......and the like.. are referring to the physical body. When one is physically fit, it is just the opposite. When one is physically fit, he looks healthy and won't have the above problems..., understand me? Next, let's look at our emotional health.

Emotional health[we are what we feel]

Emotions are closely related to feelings. Feelings of uncontrolled anger, guilt, unhappiness, hurt, disturbances, fear, frustration, mixed feelings, insecure, loneliness, anxiety are all classified as negative emotions. I am just pointing out some of the examples of these negative emotions to make one realize and be aware of the dangers of emotional problems.

Unstable emotion is a kind of sickness that will become even more complicated when his or her physical and mental health deteriorates and interferes with his overall health!

This is a very alarming state of emotion that needs immediate attention. A hole in a dam will soon bring destructive disasters if not mended on time. A small hole or puncture in a boat will bring unpredictable tragedy if not mended on time too.... believe me... every disaster can be traced back to the root or we call it the source. Prevention is too important. Do things wise, think wise too, don't plunge yourself into this deep dungeon where rattle snakes and centipedes live. It is a nightmare, believe me.. be emotionally balanced.

There are ways as how to maintain emotional balance. A better understanding of the power of emotions needed to be explained, look out for these topics...that I will also be sharing. For the betterment of all mankind, remember, destruction is easy, construction is never easy. but if your fort is built on proper foundations of knowledge and positive emotions, it won't be easily destroyed, as least one can stand up and say, I am happy and I am strong... Dare you to live 100!

So, how can we manage our emotions? It is wilder that the wildest horse and extremely difficult to manage. What can we do?

[1] go for an understanding of being detached, duality and equanimity[spiritual realm]

[2] counteract the negative emotions with the grapes of virtues. The bigger branch of grapes of virtues, the easier one can control one's emotion.

[3] if one is a keen and faithful believer, then pray to God for strength and persistence to remain emotionally free

[4] since all the 4 are interelated, don't miss out all necessary steps to remain healthy either in the form of body, mind, emotion or spirit.

[5] be keen to desire to want to be emotionally fit, no one can help if you deny HELP of any kind, from any source.

Understand the previous blogs that I emphasized and explained about emotions shared by Anthony Robbins. Read until one understands. If one needs further clarifications or understandings, just write to me... my email is provided. Take the initiative to go the extra mile...if you want to be who you want to be.

Mental health[we are what we think we are]

He looks normal, can eat, can drink, can smile or cry, and can sleep. But he doesn't know what he is doing, how he is feeling and why he is like THAT! He is mentally retarded. Is this also a sickness? How should we classify these people? And some are so dangerous that they are kept under bars and being wired or even electrified! It pains me terribly, makes my heart bleeds...when I see these people and their destiny.... why the pain? why the suffering? why the difference? Why the need to lock them up? They are humans like us... We classify them as sick mentally. So, how can we help? how should we help?

Let's look at some of our mental attitudes. It is the thinking, the mind that either creates or destroys. Our mind sometimes are blank, empty, restless, lack of confidence, lack of faith, lack of purpose, lack of determination, lack of initiative, lack of purpose, hopeless and filled with negatives......

Brain Waves A, B, O are referring to the power of mind and I strongly recommend that these subjects should be taught in school too. It is a very exciting subject whereby I used to share in most of my trainings and teachings. When one is in Brain Wave A, all good things will happen because we are using the power of positiveness and concentration. When all positiveness are focused, great power and ability will be generated. To be focused means doing it with absolute concentration.

All of us should be tuned at Brain Wave A to receive the BEST, to gain the BEST, to feel the BEST! For anyone who wants to achieve his or her goals, he or she must be tuned at Brain Wave A. The power of Brain Wave A will be enhanced when it is practised in a group instead of an individual. Too many wonderful things will happen when we are tuned at this brain wave. Whatever our mind can conceive and believe, we can achieve. I used to share this phrase, and it is true. Get out of Brain Wave B which is full of negatives. I never would like to discuss these negatives. To discuss is to remind people of it too, so, I will be using these negative words very sparingly. It is never too good to remind ourselves about negativeness. Just don't mention about it! Brain Wave O is a resting or we call a sleeping mode.

Spiritual health[we are who we actually are!]

This might be something out of one's expectations when I am explaining about spiritual health. Can one accept this idea of a mortal-flesh body embodied inside is an immortal spirit? There is this immortal spirit embedded inside our body, do you believe this? When we are alive, we are bound to emphasize body, mind and mental health which we can easily understand. But when it comes to the spirit of which is invisible and intangible, one will find it so difficult to understand.

Let's trace back to the where we come from?...Scientists, sages, saints, heroes, all great inventors and philosophers, great men eventually all agreed that there is A CREATOR of this universe.... Some knows and acknowledge HIM, some don't know HIS name, some are not willing to accept HIM! It is HIM who created us, man who can live with a body and died when this something leave behind the body.. Dead, but are we really dead? Is that the end? think twice....... Comparing the time when we are living and the time when we will be dead, which is longer? We are too naive to just worry about our living body and ignore the long, long, eternal sleep when our spirit is being released.... and what and how and why and where is this spirit comes or originates from? Should be from the CREATOR, right? and eventually, where will this spirit go?????

When a person is alive, the spirit is already in existence. Only when the body dies, one can realize the spirit in full. You see, when a mother is alive, the children will be embracing and kissing her with intimacy. But when the mother breathed her last breath, all her children knew that she is gone although the body is there! All her children will know that she is dead! Why? It is just this something....something gone! What is this thing called? Life? Spirit? It is this thing life gone or is it the spirit? The spirit leaves the body and is free at last? We need an understanding......through meditation, through spiritual awakening and through prayers to get closer to the answers.

The answers will be revealed only the day we live behind our mortal body... The day will come too when our spirits will be released.... Our body is just an empty shell and soon to rot and left only dust..... from dust to dust...amen.... heard about this? By the time one understands, it might be too late, because we won't have any body to make up with our mission and vision.

It is so much wiser if one can understand how to achieve spiritual health and enlightenment while one is alive and knows what is going on. This is the ultimate goal, we have to make use of our mortal body to achieve spiritual bliss and to be prepared for the 'eternity' to come... Our spirit will eventually be cleansed and prepared before one can go back to the source of our origin, the CREATOR without doubt. As we are all God's children, we will be returning to where we come from.... As Christians believe, back to our heavenly father... to rejoice and live/merge with HIM for eternity as promised.... forgive me if you cannot accept my explanations. well, remember? To err is human, to forgive divine...

Remember, this is just a brief introduction to the 4 dimensions of health. Just on physical health, a few trains are still not enough to carry those materials whereby now we are into this total health and fitness? and that also includes love and happiness? this is too vast a subject that one cannot see the beginning nor the end. Provided we remain as humans, provided we still survive, provided we remain breathing, there is no limitations.

Our human brains will be so much awakened to be a healthier person that the future is into global interest...into a realm of total awareness that we human beings will survive well. A more quality survival instead of barely surviving.... that all of us deserve! We are all children of God.

can you imagine all earthlings in this world, healthy and happy in all ways? yes, one day...that one day will come where all of us will be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit?

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