
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bad is a distorted aspect of good

Why is evil bad or good good?

Here is this banana. The skin is useless to us, so it is regarded as bad, but if there were no skin, the inside would not be protected. Do not regard anything as bad. If a person has done evil to you and you take it as evil or retaliate, then you also have become bad. But, by remaining good and not regarding others as evil, you gain the right to reform them.

Why the need to stand firm and the need to reform them? All humans should treat each other as brothers and sisters. If you treat them so, will you not lend a hand to help? They are your brothers and sisters! They know not what they are doing, they know not that what they did were so disastrous and hurting everyone concerned. They didn't realize that they are also hurting themselves.

If you have the divine spark in your heart, you will know what to do with these people. Follow the inner conscience where God dwells. Listen to gain inner wisdom that all are same.

God is real, bad unreal...........

'No person is wholly bad, for God is in every person's heart!'

Bad is a distorted aspect of good

Bad actions should be met with good deeds and good viewpoint, and the evil will be changed. The difference between good and bad is a matter of time. Food when eaten is good, in time, that food undergoes a change, is excreted and is called bad.

Whereas, truth remains the same and does not change with the passage of time. Therefore, the time sequence is just an imagination. Bad is a distorted aspect of good!"

Why does God allows bad?

Let's look at our 5 senses;

when we look at the negative sides...

the eyes draw you away into the realms of fleshly charm and sensual beauty,

the ears crave for salacious songs and talks,

the tongue overloads your digestive system,

the nose leads you into jungles of laboratories in search of artificial fragrances and scents,

the sense of touch seeks softness in silk and velvet and flounders man in mire.

But when one can master the senses and direct them in a more beneficient channels,

the eyes seeing God's footprints in stars and rose petals,

the ears hearing God's voice in the throats of birds and peals of thunder,

the tongue tasting God's sweetness in all that appeals to it,

the nose discovering fragrance in everything that results in the glory of God,

the sense of touch to clasp the hand of the forlorn and the distressed as the beloved children of God,

So, the same eyes, the same ears, the same tongue, nose or hands can do and be bad or good. The question now is why does God allows bad or evil to happen?

Well, God loves us so much that He let us have the choice to choose what you want to do with your eyes, your ears and everything. Before Christ's time, God's Laws were strict and death was the punishment for all evil or wrong deeds. After the birth of Christ, it is the era of forgiving and reforming. All of us are given the chance to reform.

By understanding the above, you have to nurse the 3 qualities, love, compassion and comradeship. To cultivate this attitude, you have to make your heart into a nursery of these virtues, only then it becomes a garden of paradise, where the weeds of anger, envy and greed do not strike root.


All divine messages come from Divine Sources. Who am I to teach these? No, I am just a pencil to do the job, because ordinary man cannot write spiritual knowledge. Spiritual health is not any health topics that can be written by doctors, scientists or any wise man. It comes from within, from an understanding or enlightenment that comes from God himself.

It is sharing, remember? Happiness is in the sharing of all good, meaningful things. From spiritual wisdom, one can write better about body, mind and emotion health. I must admit that the highest health is that of spiritual health, if one attains spiritual health, all other dimensions of health is of no problem. Yes, of no problem. There is this peace and bliss that radiates and commands our body cells and system, our mind and emotion to be at ease and at peace with each other. To be at ease is the answer to many problems and sufferings. Most of these diseases are caused by dis-ease, so when one is at ease with Mother Nature, with human races and realizing that he himself is a spark of the Divine, he will be so much healthier and happier in all 4 levels of health. It is not a matter to be taken lightly..... true....

Do write to me if there are certain things needed to clarify or anything that one needs to know more about the 4 dimensions of health..........

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