
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Miracle 3 .... [part 4]

Miracle 3... the answer to one's prayer...

Something happened to Mary. Mary became a target of 'criticism', she was worried. She was worried because of a big misunderstanding of which she herself have caused due to her naive-ness. A lot of people like to feast on negatives, joining the crowd to exaggerate and adding or subtracting. from the rumours. What was actually a harmless suggestion became distorted and created an unbelievable impact on too many people. She told me about what actual1y happened. She was alarmed to have created such an unnecessary, meaningless misunderstanding that was a pain to her.

1 Peter 6: 8-9

'Love one another as brothers and be kind and humble with one another. Do not pay back evil with evil, or cursing with cursing; instead, pay back with a blessing, because a blessing is what God promised to give you when He called you.'

Ephesians 4:29-32

'Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you...... Get rid of all bitterness, passion and anger. No more shouting or insults, no more hateful feelings of any sort. Instead, be kind and tender-hearted to one another and forgive one another. As God has forgiven you through Christ.'

Mark 11:2:6

'And when you stand and pray, forgive anything you may have against anyone, so that your father in heaven will forgive the wrongs you have done'

She just rented a place with her partner and renovating it to be a center for future activities of their global business. She herself have been giving tuition in her home for about 6 years. Since her business is growing, she decided to terminate her tuition classes. What was left were a few students. Thinking not to clash with the programs and her office she rented, she decided to go upstairs to find out if there is a room available for rent. She met the principal, a nice man who talked with patience. She suggested that if there were to be a room left unused, she could rent it for her class from 6 till 8pm. At the same time, she can watch over her 5 kids, 4 studying in secondary and one still in primary. Of course, after talking to the principal, he told her that there was no class available.

She was worried for the place, but happy for him that he has good business. She told him that these students have been with her for long and wanted to follow her. Their parents way of educating is just sending them to where the teacher is, and leave them for the teacher to discipline them. That explains the long hours Mary spent with them. She emphasized that since they shared the same staircase, they can still be friends. She thanked the principal and left the office. The tuition school was at the 2nd floor while hers was at the 1st floor.

So, Mary decided to talk to her partner. She offered $200 for the use of the place and talked to him that she had no other better place to go. Making sure that it won't clash with their programs and other activities as arranged. After considering for a while, he agreed. So Mary put it at half past four to half past six and rearranged it to be for 4 days per week!. But there was a pair of brothers who would come as early as two until six. Mary told her partner that the place can be more lively with just some children and her kids too. That was the situation.

A few days passed, something was wrong, Mary's partner started to receive several calls regarding conflicting... And the landowner even personally visited the office. But Mary and her partner started their meetings as planned and arranged for all the activities. They even had a Wok Party on Sunday evening where more than 60 of their distributors came. The program sheet was distributed and the place promoted. Programs were announced and things were going on smoothly.

Mary didn't think much of it, since then, she had a place to keep her students temporarily. But things weren't as simple as she thought. A misunderstanding was being brewed up and getting more distorted. Eventually, the landowner felt that they couldn't sign the proposed agreement. It was only after a week, that was a Monday that they suddenly realized the urgency of the matter. Things seemed out of control and there was something about 'beating up' Mary if they met. Something really was wrongly conveyed. A misunderstanding that was such a small matter but meant so much to others was heated up. Mary talked to her partner, her partner even offered his house for the tuition, Mary was so touched and immediately told the students to move to her home. saying that it was her responsibility to do so.

She was pained, she felt uneasy, she felt the unfairness, she felt the need to settle the dispute, which was all caused by some misunderstanding. She was confused, as usual, she called upon God for advice. And you know what she got?

Below is the spiritual comfort and advice that she would like to share. It is actually an answer to her prayers. She always talk to another spiritual friend who will give her faith and strength on spiritual needs. She received this message from her friend far away and after reading for a few lines, she knew that it was specially for Mary. She herself also experienced the 'creeping feeling' of the presence of God and knew that all things are pre-destined. It was such a precise timing when Mary needed such comfort and out of the blue, someone sent this message for her, from a someone Mary herself didn't even know. Well, I do agree that it is the work of the Divine.

'When one is sunken in the confusion of being able to make the right choice, and that one, with faith, humbleness, and loving surrender knocks on My door for the answer, know that for such a devout soul, I, Myself, will open the door to his appropriate path and will stand before him in the most obvious manner as his only response. For the one that has accepted Me as the only truth, yet struggles to swim against the tidal currents of the worldly delusions, for such a one, I will become the strength of his arms that will paddle his way across the rough ocean of life and will bring him to the safety of My shore. The one that stands for justice and divine principles, yet fears the outcome of its short term pain and agitation, for that brave one, I will become his shadow that will follow him in the nights of failures and the brilliant days of success. The one that becomes the victim of assault for being the voice that only chants the truth, that one, O child, I will embrace, I will protect and I will respect. Know, My dears, that the one who gives up all relations and friends and makes Me his only own - the one that battles each attachment, only to win My love - the one that faces all indignities, only to be able to face Me with purity - the one that displeases himself, only to please Me - the one that commits his every moment to My service, that one, only lives in the human body, My dears, but is actually, in all true reality, only Me!

Know that behind every sacrifice lies My breath - behind every truth, lies My strength - behind every patience, lies My forgiveness - behind every acceptance, lies My will, and behind every virtue, lies My fragrance. The one that performs his duty and plays his role to the fullest of his ability without the expectations of the rewards of honor, fame, recognition and gratitude, such a one, has found the truest and infinite glory - Mine!! Worldly honor, My dears, will make you the hero, today and will make you the villain, tomorrow. Once you are the hero in My eyes, know that no blame of imperfection can ever touch you. Once you have accepted each thought, each word, and each act as Mine, no pride can ever smear you. Once you have seen and recognized Me, no veil of untruth can ever cover you. Once you have bonded in the sweetness of our love, no temptation can ever draw you. Once you have made Me the strength and goal of your mind, no doubt nor fear can ever intimidate you.

Inspire yourselves by surrounding and submerging each moment with the peace of God. Influence and direct each part of you towards My light. Each attempt will only addict you, even more, to be in My company, alone. Every form of Me that rejects you, will only make you more determined to purify yourselves, a little more. Do not fear the several falls that lie ahead, for each fall will only allow you to be more balance and more cautious. Perfection dwells in the one that is not afraid of making several attempts, for perfections comes only, My dears, with practice. Spiritual perfection will only come, when one has made a full commitment of his own free will, without falling under any external pressures to please or compete. Spiritual perfection will only come, when one stops to bind himself to limitations and recognizes his true source of infinite strength. Stop waiting, My dears, for God to come to you. He has come as you! Believe it! Practice it! Reveal it! & Attain it!'


Mary told me that she wasn't provoked even a little bit, she told me that she has forgiven these people and with God in her heart, there is nothing to worry. Like those scriptures shared above, all human race are brothers and sisters to each other. She kept reminding her partner to do things positive and be calm and cool. She was glad that her partner did things right and proper and was also not at the least provoked. Hopefully, things would turn out fine. Let God's will be done. Love will melt even the hardest or most stubborn heart.

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