
Thursday, January 11, 2007

Part-time devotion for full-time payment?

It is not that our Lord has no desire to remove the suffering, but how is it possible for God to accept part-time devotion and give full-time payment?

Spiritual level...

"Faith must be such that it should withstand the ridicule of the ignorant, cavilling by the worldly and the laughter of the low-minded.."

"It needs absolute faith and real effort to believe and accept the Formless God that one couldn't see or touch, but it doesn't mean that God isn't existing...."

People say; 'Seeing is believing! I will believe in God only if I see Him' But are all things seen, heard, touched or tasted, as real as they seem? Is it the eye that sees? Your eye may be seeing, yet if your mind is elsewhere, you will not observe anything at all. You see things only through the illumination of the Self. You love, because the Self is Love. You know, because the Self is knowledge itself.

Mind health.......

"A sound mind ensures a sound body and a sound body ensures a sound mind. The 2 are interdependent. Similarly, health is essential for happiness and happiness or a capacity to be happy whatever may happen, is essential for physical health too."

It is man's mind that is really responsible for his illness or health. He himself is the cause or motivator of either. So when it comes to healing or curing, the necessary faith has to be created within his mind for the purpose. All what God does is to invest him with the confidence, will and power to cure himself. It is God's abounding love reciprocated by the intensity of the devotee's faith in Him that produce the desired result.

Emotion health.......

Anger is also a major cause of ill-health, besides being dangerous for other reasons. It brings a long trail of camp followers, each of whom adds its share to the final ruin.

Anger is one's own enemy,

Peace is the protection shield

Compassion is the true relation...

Happiness is verily the heaven...

Misery is the hell...

Do not worry about ups and downs, loss or gain, joy or grief. You are the maker of those ups and downs and if you but care, it can all be one smooth level.

Body health...... just do it...

Plant divine wisdom in your heart, water the sapling with love, manure it with faith and courage, and keep off the pests with the insecticides of good practises and companions, and at the same time sing praises! Be grateful that we are humans and not animals, be grateful that we can think and act, not like the beasts, remember we are blessed in all ways...

Count our blessings, count even those blessings in disguise.... yes, those blessings in disguise that comes in the form of sickness, sufferings, financial difficulties, misfortunes, accidents, insults or any adversities.... you cannot accept these facts, but one day...yes, one day you will understand what I am saying.........

Be comforted....

For every act of God's grace known to you, there are a thousand others you do not know.

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