
Monday, January 22, 2007

Even when....even then....

Even when...even then....

Even when,.

People are less caring, less loving, less concerning,

share and love them.......

Even when,

People are less considerate, less truthful, less faithful,

lead and guide them.......

Even when,

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered,

forgive and forget their wrongs.......

Even when

People favor underdogs, but follow only top dogs,

pray for their safety......

Even when,

People really need help, but may attack you if you help them,

help them ...

Even when,

People are depressed because of themselves, but blamed you,

comfort them......


Even when,

People are senseless, aimless and loveless, and egoistic and selfish,

give them a hand......


Even when,

People turns their back on your help,

help and embrace them.........

Even when,

People accuse you of ulterior motives when you do good,

do good and persist.............

Even when,

You are successful, you will win false friends & true enemies,

succeed and move up another ladder......

Even when,

You tread on sharp and hard stones of life's journey,

move on, don't stop...

Even when,

What you spend years building, may be destroyed overnight,

build to stand tall......

Even when,

What you nurture and plant today, may be uprooted anytime,

plant and nurse them strong......

Even when,

What you sacrifice and contribute, may never be heeded,

carry on, be patient.....

Even when,

Life's journey is full of falls and pitholes,

gather your mights and drive on.....

Even when,

You do good today, and you be forgotten tomorrow,

do good even then...

Even when,

What you do to help, may be rejected and bring you tears and pains,

do it even then...

Even when,

You give the world the best you've got, and get kicked in your teeth,

give them the best.........

Even then,

Show your best,

Show your love,

Care and share the best to the world,

Renew your patience and spirit,

even when you are ill-treated.....

Even then,

Your tears, your heartaches will be counted,

You will gain from your pain.

God will count your deeds indeed.

Fear not, my dears,

for God says, 'Why fear when I am here?'

complied by Lucy

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