
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Mummy...mummy, why can't we see God?

Mummy, mummy....why can't we see God? one day, my boy asked me while he was watching his grandpapa reading his bible.

Oh, my child, All that you cannot see, hear or understand cannot be ruled out as non-existent. Even if you flash a powerful light in front of a blind man, he will see only darkness.

Oh, my child, all that you cannot see but feel are also in existing. Can you see air? Can you see love? But you know that there are there... We can feel them...

Likewise, people having no interest to know more about divinity or God is not at all interested to go further to understand. How can we human beings use our human brains to understand or describe our Creator? Our Creator who creates this universe and all its inhabitants? But if one closes one's eyes and try to listen to our inner inspirations inside our heart, you will feel something...yes...feel that special feeling...a feeling of connectedness...the spark of divinity that all of us possess...

Likewise, people having no faith will not perceive God even if you show God to them. They do not have eyes to see divinity and they proclaim that there is no divinity. A blind man can neither see his body nor describe his looks, but it does not follow that he has no body.

Thank you, mum, he smiled in agreement, embracing me hard, just to feel the spark of divinity in each other.

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