
Monday, January 22, 2007

You believe, you achieve... we just command our senses to...

.......Believe is the secret to achieving to maximize our body senses.... to work well... easy...just command our senses to do so............

Every part of our body listens to our command too. Here is another interesting issue that is also a real story of how we make full use of our senses.

I have come across an aged couple, the husband over 70 years old, and the wife nearly 70. The wife is still robust and healthy and funny enough, no silver strains of hair can be found on her head. Her hearing terrific, most aged people over 70 have lost their hearing capabilities or some left only 30%.

The wife used to listen attentively to most conversations. She always makes full use of her ears to pick up any noise. I dare say that she loves to hear things and concentrated on her hearing instead of seeing. The more we use our senses, the more acute and skillful it becomes. Most old aged people have poor eyesight and hearing capabilities. So, it is a possible discovery that old people can hear as well as just anybody younger if they learn to make it happen.

Use it or lose it, our senses can be nursed to maintain at its best conditions. One shouldn’t dismiss our natural birth rights and forget our inner healing power that is an asset, a gift for all, a gift that all of us have.

I understand that the aged woman always tell herself that she can hear proper, she has the need to be able to hear everything, she wants her ears to be in top condition, and here it is, she has a perfect hearing ability. That was what I got from talking to her. She added, winkling her eyes, my eyesight is excellent too.... the secret is 'just to use it, or lose it.' self affirming? Positive thinking?

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