
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Miracle 2 ... [part 3]

Miracle 2 - a near accident....

There are some great phrases found in the bible that can be referred and can help us out during difficulties or challenges or needing guidance. Here is another miracle that I would like to share too. One school holiday, Mary and her family went travelling to Brunei. Her parents also was with her. She herself was pregnant with her fourth child. On her return journey halfway back, she nearly met an accident. Her hubby was driving quite fast, but of course not speeding, around 80m/h. They came to a bridge. There were some kids who were playing at the bridge.

Accidents are 'odourless' A BM expression...."Kemalangan tidak berbau!'...... nothing seemed strange, the boys were playing there. Just within 100 ft from the car, suddenly one boy turned his motor bike and blocked the way. He was trying to change a position. With the car's speed, they couldn't possibly have enough time to stop. Mary closed her eyes, expecting the worst, thinking of nothing else, but yelled for help, called God with urgency. Embracing her younger child, she screamed expecting the worst impact, with the rest of the occupants too surprised to say anything. I guess all of them screamed..... but Mary's hubby felt a hand that took the wheels and swayed just properly without even scratching the iron bars of rails of the bridge and was safely driven over. They stopped to glance back, the motor bike was still blocking the way. And it was as if nothing did ever happened.

But all of them inside the car were badly shaken and frightened. They couldn't believed that by then, they were safe and sound. An accident on the bridge with such an impact will land the whole family, car and all in all into the swift flowing river. And one can imagine, a pregnant lady, 3 young kids, 2 aged and a man inside the car. I guessed if something did happened to Mary's family, it would be a first page news in any newspaper in Malaysia. But they were saved! Sarawak is famous for all its streams and rivers... and there are so many bridges to cross for most journeys.

Such are cases in time of emergencies, such is the situation where there is this win/win situation. We prayed, we are answered because we believed. All things start from believing and accepting. With strong faith and determination, don't be distracted by temptations especially when on the spiritual path of wealth and health.

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