
Saturday, January 13, 2007

What is doubt?

What is doubt?
What is doubt?
What is doubt?
Tell me what is doubt?
Yes, what is doubt?

When you don't have absolute faith in the result, then doubt arises. An example: Now it is daylight and the objects in the room are seen very clearly and there is no doubt in regard to what you see. At night when it is fully dark and you have to grope around and do not see any of the objects, there is no doubt about the situation. But at dusk, when it is half light and half dark, doubt can arise and you may see a rope and imagine it to be a snake and have fear.

Light is not full and vision is not clear. Full light is wisdom, and full dark is ignorance. Doubt arises when there is half dark and half light.

Ignorance and wisdom, when half and half, there is doubt. So one will experience doubt when ignorance and wisdom is mixed. You are not fully experienced. When you have proper experience and knowledge, doubt will disappear! Because you are not experienced, you are having this doubt.

We are doubting because we do not know the truth. Once one experiences truth, doubt will disappear. Truth is one and for all time, truth is truth. Whatever changes is not truth, we call that untruth. Once you were small, and you grew up. When you were small and now you are bigger is also no difference. Understand that it is the same you! All has merged into your present body. You are still You!

Dark and light are not different; they are one only. When the light comes, darkness disappear.....A small example; last night you ate an orange, in the morning it becomes a stool. It was fruit yesterday, but the bad, and the good are the same, only one, but in another form. The stool was once an orange!

Full concentration and one-pointedness should be applied to gain the experiences to achieve and understand truth. Whatever one don't love deeply or lack of passion, then concentration is not full.

When driving a car through a narrow or dangerous lane, one will need to concentrate on driving because one treasures and loves life, so as to avoid accidents. Because you have this love for the body, you concentrate on its safety. When you have deep love for God, then concentration on HIm will come automatically. Life is Truth, Truth is God. The unchangeable is Truth.

"Truth will always be TRUTH..... regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance..." W. Clement Stone

The truth is that we accept and believe that God is our heavenly father. God is Love, Love is God. When one think that God is the nearest and dearest to you, you will surrender completely to Him. When one fully surrenders oneself completely to God and becomes God's child, you don't need to tell God about what you need or want. He will give you more than you have asked for. Just like a mother to her child's needs and wants.

Have faith that God does everything for man's good. He never does anything to harm man or give him sorrow. But this faith you must believe and accept that God is the Creator of all... Remember...all divine words comes from divine source...

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