Do you know that there is 5 kg of toxemia in our body? Better believe it...
It is 'safe and smart' for just anyone who understands the importance of detoxification of our body, be it cleansing of liver, of colon or blood.
One has accumulated as time goes by, all different types of 'toxin' and 'waste' inside our body system. To flush out is the best way! When our body is contaminated with toxemia and acidosis, it is the best breeding ground for germs and virus that feed on them. And is that what you want to keep inside your body and be prone to diseases?
Some wastes are so stubborn that water cannot flush them out. These wastes or toxemia are not water soluble thus needs good emulsifiers or fats to dissolve them and expel them. It is a chapter, an important chapter that all of us need to study and be involved in the cleansing processes!
Get rid of the rotten fish and the flies will disappear! This is a concept, but some might not agree. Ask yourself, what have you done in all these years to cleanse or to clear the clog inside your body? What has made our body so acidic?
Due to our body chemistry that can process and manufacture food and drinks, we have to be thankful to all those vital organs like liver and kidney or lungs that have not stopped a second to put things right.
Too many people tend to eat what they feel they like to eat or tempted to eat but never gave a second thought of what is actually needed by our body!
Well, if you feed the wrong fuel to the motor vehicle, will it run? Let's say we use water instead of petroleum into our oil tank, will the car go? Definitely NO!
So, ask yourself, have your eaten healthy or just to please our palate or just to feel the fullness of our stomach? If the answer is no, then you better start doing the cleansing job... go for detox before it is too late. It pays to clear our clogs in our body.... before our body complains and get destroyed... who? We, ourselves destroyed our own body!
Remember, all of us have an 'inner doctor' that can heal itself... it also means THE BALANCING ACT/CURE that our body is capable of doing it. Start with...'DON'T POISON OUR BODY WITH THE UNNECESSARY FOOD STUFF'! We will become what we eat... because we are what we eat!
One has accumulated as time goes by, all different types of 'toxin' and 'waste' inside our body system. To flush out is the best way! When our body is contaminated with toxemia and acidosis, it is the best breeding ground for germs and virus that feed on them. And is that what you want to keep inside your body and be prone to diseases?
Some wastes are so stubborn that water cannot flush them out. These wastes or toxemia are not water soluble thus needs good emulsifiers or fats to dissolve them and expel them. It is a chapter, an important chapter that all of us need to study and be involved in the cleansing processes!
Get rid of the rotten fish and the flies will disappear! This is a concept, but some might not agree. Ask yourself, what have you done in all these years to cleanse or to clear the clog inside your body? What has made our body so acidic?
Due to our body chemistry that can process and manufacture food and drinks, we have to be thankful to all those vital organs like liver and kidney or lungs that have not stopped a second to put things right.
Too many people tend to eat what they feel they like to eat or tempted to eat but never gave a second thought of what is actually needed by our body!
Well, if you feed the wrong fuel to the motor vehicle, will it run? Let's say we use water instead of petroleum into our oil tank, will the car go? Definitely NO!
So, ask yourself, have your eaten healthy or just to please our palate or just to feel the fullness of our stomach? If the answer is no, then you better start doing the cleansing job... go for detox before it is too late. It pays to clear our clogs in our body.... before our body complains and get destroyed... who? We, ourselves destroyed our own body!
Remember, all of us have an 'inner doctor' that can heal itself... it also means THE BALANCING ACT/CURE that our body is capable of doing it. Start with...'DON'T POISON OUR BODY WITH THE UNNECESSARY FOOD STUFF'! We will become what we eat... because we are what we eat!