Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It plays to learn the skill of healthy eating... a lesson that our mums at home should be teaching, starting from the kitchen...

Here is a summary of the sequence of eating...

[1] small bowl of warm soup
[2] raw vegetables
[3] cooked vegetables
[4] fresh fruits
[5] carbohydrates [a few spoonful]
[6] meats/fish [sparingly]
[7] deserts
[8] small amount of drinks

This is the best order of eating when enjoying a buffet or a big dinner. Don't gulp down a big glass of cold drink especially soft drinks or sweetened drinks which is definitely not advisable for our digestive system. It will dilute our digestive enzymes thus upsetting our digestion in a long run.

As we have lots of vegetables and fruits to be the base of our food, the fiber inside these good vegetables will make our bowel movement move well and absorb excess fats/oils/sugars and cholesterol and be out of our body system just after a few hours in bulk!

Thus one can still enjoy good food when in a buffet or a dinner provided we don't start with meats or fish immediately.

But as in normal meals, it is best eaten simple and with less meats/fish and carbohydrates but more vegetables as a base.... Don't forget... most greens have abundant anti-oxidants and vital vitamins that keeps all of us healthier and happier!
