Spiritual level
We can easily recognize a spiritually enlightened soul by his speech and actions. He will be someone who when approaching people be interested and concerned of their spiritual needs and journey. His speech will always be sharing on divine and unconditional love issues and how our God given talents can be put to use with right, good and noble intentions. He will always touch on spiritual health and wealth and more concerned on peace at heart and peace of mind.
Bliss and peace profound and abound, these people are dwelling more on page 2. [page 1 is -ve, page 2 is +ve] Read more from my first book called 'OUR 2 PAGES OF LIFE'
They are holy, wise, noble, humble, generous, kind, helpful, caring and loving. Most visible traits is their selfless attitude always sharing and giving services. You can see the passion and enthusiasm in them to uphold and maintain an atmosphere of love and peace.
They delight in sharing spiritual knowledge and most interested in spiritual achievements for all. You won't find ego, pride, selfishness, hatred, revenge or evil traits n such people. They do not need rules and regulations because they themselves are rules and regulations applied.
Since this is the highest level of all, he is inter-connected with good mind and steady emotions and a healthy body. His least effort will be dwelling on bodily needs and attention.
Unlike those who emphasizes on body, his is never captives of his body's needs and not easily upset at the slightest provocation or disturbance. Come, put in some effort to be knowing more on this highest level of understanding, our Creator.
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