
Friday, May 23, 2008

You must not lose heart, when you are disappointed.

You must not lose heart, when you are disappointed.
Perhaps your wish itself was wrong, or its realization
would have landed you in worse situations.

Anyway, it is the will of the Lord, and he knows the best.
Disappointments and distress are like the skin of the banana,
to protect the taste and allow the sweetness to fill the fruit.

In such dire straits, let your mind dwell on the splendor
of the soul and its majesty; that will keep you alert and brave.

from a divine source

God is in the heart of every being...

God is the heart of every being and so,
one has to love another as one loves God;
God is residing in one's own heart and so,
there is no need to fear or despair.

How can you hate another when
the God you adore is in him too.
If you love God, you have to love man also.

from a divine source

Character of children

More than all, the character
of the children must be made strong and pure.

Give them all the confidence and courage
they need to become good, honest, self-reliant children.

It is not enough if they learn something
by which they can make a living; the manner of living
is more important than the standard of living.

from a divine source

The strength of an individual lies in character, not in the wealth one earns.

The strength of an individual lies
in character, not in the wealth one earns.
One should be prepared to face any hardship to lead a virtuous life.

The country is in dire straits due
to the absence of men and women of character.

Materialistic wealth is not what we need today.
We need to earn the wealth of virtues.
Wealth cannot confer true happiness on you.

Women should develop the wealth of virtues
and also safeguard the honour of their husbands.

Both men and women should have good character.
Without good character, all your learning will prove futile.

from a divine source

If one lacks of character, one becomes feeble in all other respects.

The happiness that one derives
from virtues is far superior to the
happiness that we get from the possession of wealth.

Unfortunately, the educated youth
are striving for wealth, physical strength, and friendship.
But all these have little value without the wealth of character.

For men or women, character is the foundation.
If one lacks character, one becomes feeble in all other respects.
People of those days strove for noble character.

They were prepared to give up their
very lives for a righteous cause.
Women strived to uphold the honour of their husbands.

from a divine source

What can be more meaningful then to see all friends & strangers happy and healthy?

There are actually no strangers,
just friends-to-be!
There are actually no disputes,
just misunderstandings...

No one is born evil or bad.
No one is that evil or bad.
Be generous in what you think people are.
Be generous to give them CHANCES!

They bite when hurt,
they respond when angry,
they sulk when disappointed,
they revenge when in danger!

Give all people chances to recover,
give all people chances to discover,
give all people chances to be happy,
only then all of us will be happy!

Self-help comes handy in facing adversities...

Not that we don’t want to help
Not that we cannot hear the cries
Not that we don’t want to help
Not that we cannot feel the distress…

Self-help comes first
Self-help comes handy
Self-help help oneself first
Self-help help one to stand on his feet…

Sympathy and compassion
People hears your anguish needs
Loving and sharing your fears
Counting and soothing your tears…

Mentally be strong
Emotionally be strong
Your body hurts that I know
Under bricks and iron rods…

It is too difficult to accept
Such a sudden blow indeed
It is too difficult to accept
Millions of deaths and handicaps…

Casualties and fatal deaths
Be one young, old, rich or poor
What a tragedy so unexplained
What a sad thing so unexpected…

No words can convey
No prayers can replace
No money can recover the lost
The hurt, the lost, the suffering, the cost…

Our hearts bleed
Our minds shaken
Our body trembled
When the unstable rocks rumbled…

In spirit and prayers
In wishes to hasten recoveries
In monetary donations
In helps rendered so far…

Everyday, fight adversities…
Everyday, be mentally stronger
Everyday, be emotionally stronger
Remember, self-help fight adversities…

Monday, May 19, 2008

LIFE have to go on... bade farewell to pain and tears... look ahead...

What will happen, will happen.
What will not, will not happen.
We are destined to be living
in this decade, and it won't change.

We cannot have anything altered
It's populace too cannot be altered.
It cannot be grown
nor be thrown away.

Life is as it is willed
Life is as it has been predestined
No two lives will meet to come together
If not as willed or predestined....

The sun will continue to shine
and light up the universe....
our earth evolving and rotating...
The only constant is change...

Treasure all the rare moments
with your loved ones, treasure
what we have in hand, treasure our family,
our health, our well-being, our everything...
life have to continue, for you and me!

Bade farewell to tears
Not like us to continue for years...
Bade farewell to misfortunes
We have to dig future fortunes...

Bade farewell to fears
Not like us to continue our tears...
Bade farewell to the earthquake
No one hears you cry even if you try...

Bade farewell to loneliness
Be embraced by gentleness...
Bade farewell to pain
Or no future wealth to gain...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Post 667, if only one can look and search within...

Love is a feeling of peace and joy, love is doing the right thing, love is thinking of the right thing, love is being in the correct path and radiating warmth and peace. One feels the wonder of being in love, of being loved and the wonder of being able to love.

All of us delights in doing righteousness thus bringing us closer to genuine love. It matches our originality, it matches our reality, it matches our natural characteristics of being a human. We possess this purity as a babe and we contain love inside our body. Our instinct of love and sharing love is slowly being polluted as one discover the other side of darkness.

But why and how are we polluted? We definitely must remember that it is we who allow impurities to seep into our mind and body. We definitely must remember that we are given the choice to choose to either stay unpolluted or polluted.

Get a real picture of who we really are, where we come from and where we are suppose to go to...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Post 666, Everyday we are fighting adversities... But can we win the test?

Everyday we are fighting adversities...

And can you win the test? Who isn't facing adversities of certain degrees?

The tough side of the story is to how we can manage all those situations... Adversities come in all forms unexplainable and unexpected. Adversities struck all mankind thus are we prepared to face them or fight them or be crushed under them?

Seemingly true that we fear pain, we fear the unknown, we fear misfortunes, we fear disasters, we fear death, we fear separations, we fear illnesses, we fear discomforts, we fear difficulties, we fear failure, we fear poverty, we fear silence, we fear loneliness, we fear aging, we fear hardships, we fear darkness, we fear old age, we fear handicaps, we fear disasters, earthquakes, cyclones, storms, we fear being jilted, hurt, insulted, criticized, we fear changes, we fear disputes, we fear crimes, we fear wars, we fear heights and depths... and the lists go on and on...

What have we not known? What have we not seen? What have we not heard? What have we not been told? What is the best for us? What can be the best for us? What will be the best to happen to us?

The finger comes back pointing directly to our mortal flesh and bone, our mortal feelings and emotions, our mortal mind and thoughts... that all of us definitely would agree that it is never meant to last. Our mortal body is restricted, limited and will not live forever. All of us have to accept this fact that what we have accumulated, learned, allowed in our mind are restricted to our body needs and desires only!

Yet deep inside us, we know that we are immortal, meant to live forever... yes... there is something inside our body. Here is a soul which has no life span and which is immune to pain and death and to all adversities... Our soul who lives forever and is timeless and ageless...

Thus when we have this understanding, our attention will not be on our flesh or our body. We will shift our focus to something intangible, something imperishable, something that goes beyond. It is truth and will remain truth.

Get acquainted with your real self, search within, listen inwards, meditate and understand the real you. How much time do we spend on this understanding of immortality? How much time do we spend on finding peace of mind and peace at heart? It comes along to teach us to have equanimity towards pain and joy, richness or poverty, happiness or sadness and learning to be detached instead of being attached...

It pays to understand the depths of real living, real surviving of our souls instead of our body and mind. Yes, this realization will evoke in us a new outlook of what the real picture looks like. We see with our hearts, we hear with our hearts, we think with our hearts instead of using our eyes, our ears and our mind... Remember it pays to understand our inner needs...

What will adversities play? How will adversities affect us? Why should we win this fight? Who isn't without adversities? When can we win the fight? How long can we endure them? No one can go against nature normalities and win in the long run. Yes, nature will always take its course and balance it in its own ways, be it destructive or constructive. And eventually we have no choice but to live as harmonious and as balance as one is expected to.


Post 665, A Mother's lament! Is that your mum? Love cannot wait! Call her!

In the darkest night...
I feel your fear...
Dimmed light...
Luminuous night...

In the darkest night...
I feel your tears...
Unshed for years...
Deaf to many ears...

Love untold...
Love unfold...
She awaits...
Her kids returns...

She hopes...
She waits...
She wishes...
She wants....

To feel once more...
To clasp once more...
To embrace once more...
Her kids much more...

Too long the time...
Too long the wait...
Till hair so grey...
Till hands so wrinkled...

Yet she never gave up...
Yet she never failed counting...
Yet she never failed waiting...
Yes, she did that...

So far, yet so near...
So near, yet so far...
What has become of them?
Why not a call or a visit?

Hey... guys, is that your mum waiting?
Don't let your mum down...
Love can never wait,
so why wait? Call her!

Tell her you love her and celebrate!

Mum dearest, Happy Mother's Day, this is specially for you...

Mum dear,

No flowers nor cards can express how I feel...
No money nor gifts can express how I really feel...
Mum, I love you with my whole heart, this is real...
Mum, I love you with my whole being, this is really real...

Mummy dear,
Happy Mother's Day!

Mum dear,
No words nor songs can replace my love for you...
No promises nor kisses can replace my love for you...
Mum, I love you more than I can say...
Mum, I love you more than I can dare...

Mummy dear,
Happy Mother's Day!

But then I won't forget flowers and cards for you...
I won't forget to provide money and gifts for you...
I won't forget to sing you songs of my love for you...
I won't forget to plant and collect kisses for you...

Mummy dear,
Happy Mother's Day!Mum, I love you!

Post 659, How YOUR SPIRIT speaks about YOUR HEART!

YOUR spirit

Listen to me guys, this is the heart that lives LOVE. This is the altar of LOVE. Love is God, God is Love, thus it is God living in our heart... You cannot believe? Well, listen to me, do you often hear silent or inner voices whispering to you about what one should do or not do? Your conscience that dwells inside you is the greatest teacher in this world. Seek within! And hey, you always do things right after listening to this inner conscience from your heart. You will always feel the peace at heart after listening and doing things according to your heart. Who is inside you?

How much time have you allocated to listen to your inner voice? How much time have you allow yourself to seek within? Perhaps it is time you do so. Just learn to do nothing, relax and sit down and listen to what our heart tells us... Only then you will be amazed to hear LOVE whispering to you and only then all answers will be revealed.

Don't get busy for nothing! Heed your inner voice that calls you, that bides you to come closer, to attain a higher level of understanding and only then you will be guided towards achieving the proper path of life.

You feel great and at bliss when you find love, when you feel love, when you act in love, when you are in love, when you share love, when you understand about love, you will never be the same old you. You will feel wonderful, yes, so wonderful! We are the spark of Divinity, we are embodiments of LOVE!

Some of you won't believe because you cannot see LOVE! But can one see GOD? But you know deep inside you that there is this LOVE! And LOVE is GOD. All of us have these basic characteristics of GOD! I can assure you that when one apply these characteristics of GOD, one will feel the bliss that one cannot explain! You are actually getting closer to the answer, yes closer and be emerged in light!

Hopefully that one can really see, hear, listen with our hearts!

How YOUR emotion speaks about YOUR HEART!

YOUR emotion
This is the place where it gives birth to all your emotions... Luckily you only need to keep good and sweet memories. Luckily you know how to use positive emotions, like love, care, kindness, tolerance, patience, goodness, helpfulness, thoughtfulness, forbearance and many others!

Negative emotions will kill me. My heart will break! My heart will bleed! My heart will ache! My heart will find no solace. My heart will die without the fuels of proper emotions! I saw many of my other heart-friends that died and froze their smiles on their lips. The death of the heart will soon lead to more other deaths. My body will be expired too.

If you want to live happier, to live healthier, remember to plant all those positive emotions inside me. Keep away the weeds of hatred and revenge. Water it with constant positive self-affirmative sayings. Feed it well with love... If your love is true, nothing else will bother you. Love is the strongest weapon that you should build into your heart!

To forgive and forget? Yes, try this. The over-stressed heart of yours will be too thankful of your right attitude. Your sleep will then be so sweet and relaxing... after you learn to forgive someone who did you wrong. The world will be so much a better place to live, believe me, delete all hatred and sadness... your heart is not going to take it any longer..

to be continued

Post 657, How our MIND speaks about YOUR HEART!

YOUR mind...
This is the place where your will and determination lives. This is the place where you store all your knowledge, acquired or inherited. It is this heart that is born all those great qualities of life. You can have this heart to accomplish many great things too. You have this heart to do things fair and just, you have this heart to do all things right, you store peace in your heart so that you have peace of mind.

You store in your heart great virtues of life and you intend to do it proper and with discipline. You have self-control, you have the will to do things right!

to be continued..

Post 656... How YOUR body speaks about YOUR HEART!

YOUR body...

Hi, there guys, do you know that your heart is pumping your blood to be circulated all over your body? From toes to ears and to the end of every blood flow, circulating 2 and half circumference of this globe-distance every pump of your heart? Yet most of you are destroying me with stress, worries, strenuous work, drugs, contaminants, nasty fatty acids, cholesterols and even alcohol! Just imagine how ungrateful you are! Just imagine how un-understanding you are!

Ever thought of revising your diets? Stop killing me! Stop poisoning me! Stop pressuring me! Please stop or I will suffocate with blood clots, with plagues and my walls are hurting me, my muscles aching hard! I beg you to give me a break! My arteries might be blocked, might be stuck bad. I need to survive so that you can survive! I need to work so that you too can work! I need to flow so that you can live...

I need to be fed with CoQ 10, protein, anti-oxidants and some trace vitamins and minerals. I need to be exercised regularly, I need no drugs nor medicines... I demand enough rest, oxygen and my relevant nutrients or 'We' will shrink and die together!

to be continued...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Heart surgery or heart problems? Depression?

Our heart is that remarkable piece of muscle that has the strength to pump our blood without fail eversince 3 weeks we were conceived in our mother's womb till now.

Heart surgery certainly brings on depression, and depression can worsen our condition of our heart. Here it seems the body and our emotion is directly linked. Stress, worries and sleep disorders will affect one's emotion. They can be quite memory inhibiting and are more likely to be present in the control group, as a lack of mental stimulation can increase self doubt, decrease confidence and cause a form of panic.

Notably beta blockers , the common drugs taken by heart patients occasionally cause mood changes or depression. Heart disease, bypass surgery and mood are therefore linked. One of the few certainties is that depression after surgery is more common in people who had previous episodes of the disorder.

Some experts believe that alterations to the normal circulation and blood pressure during bypass surgery, or small clots that form during the operation, may damage the brain, at least temporarily.

A more likely explanation is that the onset of heart symptoms -- whether or not surgery is involved -- is often a patient's first serious brush with death. For many, it requires redefining oneself, marks the start of lifelong medicine-taking and makes ordinary activity seem dangerous, at least for a while.

The disruptions caused even by successful treatment can have significant effects on the way a person thinks, remembers, feels and acts. The near brush with death certainly awakes acute realization of the importance of staying alive healthy and the will to survive it.

If depression is just for a time being, then work out a health management programme. For the better not worst! For prevention and precaution. A lesson well learnt is a good sign of prevention! It is never too late!

Never stop trying! Just go on... move on...

Like the waves of the ocean, I never stop trying...
Like the moving of wings of birds in flight, I never stop trying...
Obstacles are there to strengthen my aspiration...
I will never stop trying...

What is procrastination or discouragement?
I never heed them, I never stop going on...
What is suffering or death approaching?
I never heed them, I never stop going on...

I welcome the energy of patience..
I welcome the energy of endurance...
I welcome the energy of perseverance...
I am persistent and will be in balance...

Everyday is a FIGHT ADVERSITY!

Life isn't about escaping without any scratches; it's tough, but it's the toughness that makes it worth living. We were made to face adversity, to stand up against the chaos and bring order to it. Those who are set out to play it safe and demand that other people make their lives easier are kidding themselves.

Heard about the importance of AQ? Adversity Quotient...

What is AQ?

AQ Adversity Quotient'

No matter what happened, we have to pass all adversities. We ought to pass all small and big tests alike.'

Who is without adversity?
Where is there no rain or pain?

To be able to face or deal with negatives is really a skill that all should master! Without AQ, a rich, young, successful professional, when jilted will still jump from the tallest building to end his life. That would be the end of the story. He couldn't manage his emotion nor could he pass his adversity test!

No journey of life is just a stretch of smooth and straight road. No one's life is made of honey and milk only. No one lives in beds of roses as one expect of life.

Know this story? It is about eating a chicken. Before one can have chicken meat to eat, ever gave a second thought of what has been done to the chicken before we can eat them? The bird have to be breed, caught, slaughtered, feathers plucked and chopped, then cooked and meats eaten without the bones!

Can we just eat the chicken raw like some other animals? Of course, not. Thus life is never without small tasks or challenges. Fear it, you fail, Run away, it follows you. Catch it, it still stays!

The only choice left is to have these small tasks solved or done with. Only then we can enjoy the fruits. Face all brave and fearless. We too gain valuable life experiences, learning and improving oneself as we go.

Our life journey is made more meaningful when spiced with challenges and tasks. It will strengthen our character and be fearless to further challenges in life. The skill in passing all these small and big tasks are expected of all of us.

Even when one possesses IQ, EQ, TQ, DQ, CQ or other Qs, lack of AQ makes things difficult and meaningless. This setback will hinder a person's success and he will have no strength or skill to deal with negatives of life. All wise men are said to be touched with certain levels of adversities of life. Master this skill and pass the test with doctorate!

Adversities come in the form of misfortunes, poor health, jilts, incurable sickness, accidents, divorces, separations, unstable marriage, miscarriages, retrenchments, handicaps, unemployment, poverty, debts, deaths, failures, bankruptcies, lost of fame and many uncountable defects of life.

Can we stand firm and steady at our feet to face them? To face them without tears or fears? Do we all have this ability or capability to pass these tests? How can one possess such AQ?

Be courageous and strong, face them, pass them, learn from them, treasure these valuable teachers of life. Adversities make one realize the importance of TIME and treasure TIME! And most important of all is 'learn to love, be loved and share our love and pass on LOVE... True love never die....'

Remember 'Everyday is a fight adversity!'