
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Post 770. Your only problems in life is your negative beliefs...

The only problems in life is one's negative beliefs. If only one can belief that we are whole and healthy physically, mentally and emotionally, nothing can get into our way towards achieving better health.

We are what we eat, we are what we feel, we are what we think we are...
Get the problem solved, at least learn to accept positive beliefs..

3 conditions that one needs to be in
[1] believe in evidences/proofs
[2] the will to change for the better
[3] a way/a plan to work out for the better

Seeing is believing, changing for the better, follow the right path... a positive change awaits all of us!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

You can tap into the healer within.... to heal, to improve, to love and to be at peace with yourself...

It is not difficult to communicate with your own subconscious and tap into the healer within. You can trust your own internal computer system which is your subconscious mind. Our mind is capable of storing vast amounts of information.

Let's look at it in a simple way, it has been said many times that we humans use only about ten percent of our brain. What is really meant by this is that the conscious mind needs about 10% of our brain’s resources. In other words, thinking, moving about, making choices, planning, seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling are all conscious activities, and take up 10% of our processing power.

By then, what is the other 90% of the brain doing?

If the conscious mind takes up 10% of your brain, we can refer to the other 90% as the subconscious mind. This silent and unconscious majority of the brain is constantly busy storing information and keeping your body systems running efficiently. It also is important to understand that the subconscious mind exerts an unseen yet profound influence over the things we do and how we behave and feel.

Most people give little thought to their subconscious minds. But imagine for a moment having to take over the functions that your subconscious mind performs. Imagine the difficulty of instructing your digestive system how to digest your lunch, or telling your cells how to create enzymes and proteins.

What about your heart beating or breathing in air, moving in and out of your lungs every moment of everyday. And you think you have full control of all?

Under certain circumstances, memories return to them when a certain area of the brain is stimulated. Someone might suddenly remember a scene, a smell, or a sound from a particular moment in their life when stimulated.

Often these flashes of memory are about events or scenes that would be unremembered under normal circumstances. In the same precise spot, the same memory will be re-lived.

Our sub-conscious mind is an amazing recording device. Certainly everything that you’ve ever done in your entire life has been logged in your subconscious mind. Every face you’ve ever seen in your life, every taste, every voice, every song, every smell, every touch and every sensation you have ever experienced has been recorded by your subconscious.

Every illness, every virus, bacteria or mould that has ever invaded your body, all your disappointments, all your thoughts and feelings, and the entire history of every cell in your body have all been stored well for reference.

Your subconscious is also aware of any trapped emotions that your body may be harboring, and it also knows exactly what effect these trapped emotions are having on your physical, emotional and mental well being. All of this and more is locked away in the subconscious mind.

Thus, definitely your subconscious mind is also aware of exactly what your body needs in order to get well. Be willing to be at peace with yourself because we are fully responsible for our own health! Tap your healer within!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Post 767, EFT? emotional freedom techniques...

EFT refers to emotional freedom techniques. EFT is very safe where emotional relief brings physical health. It is also a self help method which often works where nothing else will. There is no drugs involved and with high success rates too.

EFT offers great healing benefits, said Deepak Chopra, MD.

It is a surprising natural healing aid that one can use for almost everything.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is an emotional, needle free version of acupuncture that is based on new discoveries regarding the connection between your body's subtle energies, your emotions, and your health.

EFT has been reported successful in thousands of cases covering a huge range of emotional, health and performance issues.

This quote by Eric Robins, MD captures the essence of EFT:

"Some day the medical profession will wake up and realize that unresolved emotional issues are the main cause of 85% of all illnesses. When they do, EFT will be one of their primary healing tools .... as it is for me."

Though it is quite new to many, EFT is easy to learn. One can go online to check on more of this wonderful emotional release, called tapping. Easy to learn yet effective...

Love is only complete when I bring more people onto the road of success!

Love is only complete when I bring more people onto the road of success! Why am I saying so?
There are too many cases whereby I cured, I treated, I shared, I taught, I consoled, I helped but when on their own, the old sickness came back again.

Thus the best gift of love that I can share to many is to lead them onto the road to achieve total success.
What is total success?

Total success means a package of success which awaits all of us that include love, health, family, freedom, financial security, beauty and personal development!

Sour grapes? You might say so, but at least one should believe in 3 things, [a] evidences [b] hope [c] goals of life to achieve[don't deny]

All these of which we have many. The only step one can do is to follow us, just come along...

My handphone is 0138018033, my skype is lucy8033 and lucymei8033. My yahoo messenger is sibuangel. Well, it is just a call distance away... Come and join my 101educare programs...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy visualizing brings forth good health...

Our body system is always responsive.
Our body system always defensive...
Especially our brain who is the mastermind...
Feel and think great, our brain minds it...

Imagine 'happy visualizing'...
Our brain hears it and records it!
And orders our person to feel happy...
If only one understands its chemistry...

Likewise, if you dwell in sad memories..
Our brain hears it and records it!
And orders our person to feel sad...
If only one understands its chemistry...

Our brains are just responding...
To all those states of emotions...
Our brains are just ordering...
So why should we choose bad emotions?

Thus memories happy or sad...
Disturbs or promotes our well-being...
Thus dwelling and rehearsing memories so sad...
Will retard and reduce our well-being...

Refrain from dwelling and repeating negatives...
You are actually afirming oneself to become sick...
Those are just sad memories and our brain doesn't know it!
But the effects are the same, and makes you more sick!

If we dwell and repeat great feelings...
You are actually affirming oneself to becoming healthier...
Those are just wonderful memories and our brain doesn't know it!
But the effects are the same, and makes you healthier!

Blame no one, complain no more,
It is nobody's fault,
just your brain playing the tricks...
Complain no more, blame no more...

It is nobody's fault,
just you who keep on revising on bad memories...
And harm yourself you did,
And remind yourself you did...

All those which needed to be forgotten,
All those which needed to be forgiven...
Reprogram your brain with happy memories..
These happy memories will boost our energies...

Think twice...
Say twice, get them done thrice...
It pays to stay positive...
Create, don't destroy....

Tell me, which one will you pick and reaffirm ourselves? Blame nobody, it is nobody's faults, don't complain. Other people's naggings will not depreciate your overall feelings if you are in full control...Be smart to understand and get the right things done!

Beware of 2 negatives, 'good things, talk less less', 'bad things talk more more...'

"Good things, talk less less, bad things talk more more"

好事讲少少[good things minimizes]
Funny that some people emphasizes on so much negatives...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on love so little...
Funny that some people emphasizes on money so little...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on time so little...
In actual fact, it was never that serious...

They have many positives, yet they couldn't find any...
They have many loved ones, yet they didn't see any...
They have so much money, yet they said not enough...
They have time to watch television, yet is not enough...
So, they complain and grumble all their lifetime...

坏事讲多多[bad things exaggerates]
Funny that some people emphasizes on so much depreciations...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on loneliness so much...
Funny that some people emphasizes on sufferings so much...
Fancy that some people emphasizes on poverty so much...
In actual fact, they are so much better off...

It was just a scratch, but they said it was bent...
It was just a redness swollen, but they said it was serious...
It was just a day of hard work, but to them it was ages...
It was just a minor incident, but to them great misfortunes...
What can we do or communicate with these people?

Be aware that there are these people so false...
Seemingly to me they are born with a discount...
These people needs help, though they look so false...
They aren't collecting any points that they can count...
Poor fellows, why choose a road of no return?

What can one do to undo these faults-gathering folks?
What can one do to rid their negative thoughts and ways?
They feast on negatives, they delight in savouring rumours...
They collect bad news, they discuss on lovelessness...
They feed on bad luck, they empasizes on loneliness...

Dare you to live with these people so ignorant!
Dare you to challenge them and make them straight!
Forbearance, patience, love, be kind, be forgiving...
Caring, sharing, guiding, feeding and be understanding...
Give them time, grow with them, love them unconditionally...

That is the only thing we can do, to pass the test...
Only then you will understand humanity and God's test!
Don't fear them, don't condemn them, they know not of their faults..
Don't isolate them, don't scold them, shower them with more love...
Indeed, we all come from our Creator and back we will be, together...


Don't quit, never quit!

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When we might have won had we stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faltering man.
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the winner’s cup.
And he learned too late when the night slipped down
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver lining of the clouds of doubt
And you can never tell how close you are –
It may be near when it seems afar.

So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.
For we know the Father above looks down,
He sees our struggles and holds the crown.

He knows the way though it’s rough and drear,
He will give strength so we need not fear.
He offers to you the refreshing cup
Of the water of life; then in faith look up.

Continue on ‘til the crown is won
Which he will give when our work is done!

divinely sent

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Whatever you eat, you get the belch of that only...

Whatever you eat, you get the belch of that only. If you eat cucumber, you cannot have the belch of mango. So, whatever you do, you are bound to experience the consequences of it. Therefore, see good, do good, say good, be good, and experience good results.

One have to suffer the consequences of their actions in future...

Some people derive some sort of satisfaction by hurting others. But they have to suffer the consequences of their actions in future. They are unable to realise what difficulties they will have to face.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hi, folks... Visit my Japan blog...

Hi folks,

Last night I just came back, from where?

Haha... back from visiting the 4 great cities from Japan... Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe and Nara. As usual I will blog it inside my new blog just for travelling in Japan. You are all invited to 'come' to Japan with me. There are hundreds of nice photos taken in 4 cities...

Visit my blog.

Friday, November 28, 2008

We are what we eat...

We are what we eat...

Eat well, we get well...
Eat fine, we will be fine...
Eat rotten, we get rotten...
Eat poor, we get poor health...

Eat plenty, to feed all cells...
Eat variety, to produce lively cells...
Eat well, our immune system fights well...
Eat poor, our immune system is defeated...

Eat balance, our body metabolism is balanced...
Eat unbalanced, our body metabolism becomes out of balance...
Eat excess, you get overweight...
Eat in distress, you get indigestion and wait...

A multitude of illnesses follow...
A multitude of dis-eases follow...
So, who should we blame?
So, who is at fault, say its name!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Good news! Join this health forum,

This is an exciting way of sharing health issues and topics. All of you are most welcomed to drop in some ideas and open for discussions, and all and all is for the benefits of all who are health-conscious and would like to win the race of good health for all!

Click on this health forum, specially built for all....


Post 750. Something exciting is going on! I joined a health forum just yesterday!

Total health is best captured in 4 dimensions...
Who suffers a bad headache and doesn't feel stressed?
Who suffers a bad headache and still can think straight?
Who suffers a bad headache and is still in peaceful spirit?

Think twice, add twice, measure twice, the carpenter's rule...
Be thankful and grateful, Mother Nature's rule...
Eat right, rest right, exercise right, act right, the health rules...
Live right, sleep right, find right, spread right, the health rules

Love right, feel right, smile right, talk right, the emotion rules...
Think right, learn right, invest right, install right, the mental rules...
Visualize right, meditate right, pray right, the spiritual rules...
Forgive right, forget right, be selfless, true love's rules...
Remember, total health is best captured in all 4 dimensions...
Remember, total health is best nurtured in persistent actions...
Remember, total health is best spread to all corners of the world...
Remember, total health is best when in the embrace of Mother Nature!
This was just one of the thread I posted just now. Look for

Life is good, live it!

Life is good, live it!
Life is fine, enjoy it!
Life is precious, treasure it!
Life is wonderful, be grateful!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Face all adversities with a smile, and smile to face and adjust all adversities...

Easier said than done, right?
Smile means many things...
S = simply accept it
M - make the most of it
I - introduce and accept new ways
L - love isn't destroyed by handicaps
E - enthusiastic to live out the best of you!

Where is there no rain?
Where is there no pain?
Cheers to those who pass this adversity test!
Cheers to those who understand God's test!

"Your impatience is my patience..".

Your impatience needs my patience!
Why be irritated and agitated?
There are times that we need
to sort things out or be sorry....
Why should one be that hurt
when what we need is just to relax???
Why should one not pass the test
when what we need is just to ignore???
His impatience needs her patience....
Her impatience needs his patience....
Do we learn from there or
wait for the volcanoes to erupt???

It is necessary to get rid of negative shortcomings with firm determination and to achieve success in life for here and hereafter...

Be Honest

If a person once entangles himself
in falsehood and intrigues, in spite of making countless efforts,
he can never get out of it, and day-by-day
he will keep moving toward his downfall.

We never improve our personality
keeping these elements within us or as a part our habits.
When we are successful in concealing our first dishonest act,
it is easier for us to commit the second one.

When it goes on for some time,
to be dishonest will be almost a part of us.
Our conscience will not prick us anymore.

Lies, treachery, manipulation and fraud
are such aspects of one's personality,
which will lead to failure, insult and defamation.

It is necessary to get rid of these
negative shortcomings, with firm determination,
in order to achieve success in life for here and hereafter.

Honesty is one of the pillars on which
the moral survival of the world depends.

from a divine source

Friday, October 31, 2008

Love is Divine...

Love is Divine.
To render an act fit
to be offered to God and pure enough
to win His Grace, it has to be
a manifestation of love.

Love is not affected or
modified by considerations of
caste, creed, or religion; it cannot
be tarnished by envy, malice or hate.

Preserve love from being poisoned
by these evils; endeavour to cultivate
a broad mind, uncontaminated by feelings
of hatred and parochialism.

The root of all religions,
the substance of all scriptures,
the destination of all paths,
the inspiration of all individuals is the Principle of Love.

It is the firmest foundation for man's mission of Life.
It is the Light that ensures peace and prosperity in the world.

from a divine source

If anyone talks ten words at us, if we reply at all, let us reply with one word...

If anyone talks ten words at us,
if we reply at all, let us reply with one word.

Do not quarrel, retaliate or
bandy words with anyone, giving tit for tat.

The color of glasses you wear determines the color in which things appear to you...

The color of glasses you wear
determines the color in which things appear to you.

If you wear red glasses,
everything will appear red.

If you wear green glasses,
everything will appear green.

Pure thoughts make the world appear as pure.
If you view things with a loving heart,
the whole world, the whole creation will appear to you as a reflection of love.

from a divine source

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happiness is something one decide on ahead of time...

Happiness is own made,
Happiness is own baked...
Happiness is something one decide,
ahead of time....

Happiness is a great deal...
Happiness is a real booster...
Happiness is tapped,
ahead of time...

Close your eyes to visualize happiness...
It glows and you will feel the warmth expanding...
Chose to venture into fields of happiness...
It is the Intention of the Divine to be accepting...

Be receptive of great happenings...
Be grateful of all creations and happenings...
Give before you take...
Pray and give thanks before you eat...

Be happy, choose to be happy...

Be an appreciator, not a depreciator...

When one appreciates, one looks at values...
When one depreciates, one subtracts values...
Choose to appreciate, to look at each other's values...
Choose not to depreciate, it loses one's values...

Be priceless and of value...
Be attentive to adding values...
You are intended to be of value...
Just that you misplaced your values...

Be of value...

Post 730, The power of choice... Allow yourself to open to the doors of happiness...

Somebody criticises you,
Somebody offends you,
Somebody condemns you,
Somebody purposely angers you....

What can you do?

Where is there this defense system?
We aren't going to allow anger or sadness to interupt us...
Where is there this immune system?
We can close the door to despite and hurt!

Yes, there is...

Just apply the power of choice...
Just do not allow our emotions to be disturbed...
Just heed not what was being thrown at you...
We listened, but we never heard it's meaning that was meant to hurt....

Yes, there is..

The power of choice....
Choose not to be disturbed...
Choose not to open the door of your heart...
Forgive them, they don't know their wrongs....

Yes, there is...

Learn to undigest and delete...
Learn to reprogram and regenerate...
Why allow negative energies to influence us?
Why allow low energies to distract us?


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Viewing uncensored videos or movies is bad influence for most people...

I used to be on the move, sometimes I am on board a ship, sometimes flying and occasionally by bus. Yesterday morning, I happened to be on an express boat heading to a small town upstreams.

Kapit was my destination. I was travelling along Rejang River and bought a seat at the first class cabin. I was enjoying my cruise and was familiarizing its environment. I was relaxing and visualizing happily in my own sweet dimensions when I was abruptly jolted awake...

Just a few seats in front of me, was a television set and was playing a video. I couldn't possibly shut out my ears or eyes and was unintentionally watching the video too. If I am not mistaken, the video was about doomsday! Worst still, the other movie that followed was another video, Tokyo's shock, something to do with machine girl.

It contained such cruel, disturbing, revolting and foul languages repeated and emphasized on murdering as if these people were a pack of chickens lead to slaughter! Definitely I know that it was never real! But I found it really disgusting. I might be too sensitive, one may say, but definitely I won't let my small children watch them.

I describe it as such bad influence, unknowingly planting these seeds of hostility spiced with foul languages unsuitable for most people with unstable minds. Our eyes are like a camera, recording what we see and then installed inside our brain cells.

Won't it be better that we install beautiful, meaningful, graceful and educational pictures or languages inside our brain cells? It is quality Moral Quotient that most people are lacking... If we have this power of choice, please choose carefully... we are what we see, learn and acquire... Choose to feel peaceful and grateful... life definitely is beautiful...

There are certain energies that are low and negative.. that make one very unhappy and un-successful....

There are certain low energies that one should be aware of. Such low energies are collectively known as emotional disturbances that include:
- anger
- hatred
- frustration
- fear
- worries
- suspicion
- irritation
- impatience

The more low energies one allow into us, the further away we are from success... Thus think twice what to allow inside us. Thus to be unhappy, one needs to wander into the garden of low energies... be careful of what we allow inside us... Invest in things we do or feelings that make one feel real GOOD... Thus the importance of being emotionally stable. Learn to apply the power of equanimity towards emotions too.

心想事成 what our heart wants, can be fulfilled...

Many a times, our heart, our mind, our goals can be realized. But how many can allow oneself to go nearer to achieving them? If our mind wills it, our goals can be achieved.

Like one great phrase said,"What our mind can conceive and believe, we can achieve!' But how many of us can believe so? How many of us dare to put in efforts to focusingly allow it to happen?

The power of intention, the law of attraction, if there is a will, there is a way, and in mandarin, 心想事成 and some others of the same kind all explains that one can achieve one's goals if he really allows his goals to become alive.

We have many wishes, just mere wishing, but why not put this phrase,'Your wishes be done' into our mind to convert them into positive energies that will align us to the highest source of power that will realize our wishes! It is a mere change of mind to want to succeed or not. As simple as that... and it works!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Money is just a piece of paper in the eyes of God... it is we who put value into them...

Midas Gold Touch you have...

Turning all things into gold and cash...

But gold is cold, it is lifeless...

And time is precious, relationship priceless...

Treasure this friendship...

Genuine friendship is rare treasure...

Look at the gold that shines so cold...

It glitters but it cannot buy love or friendship,

my dear soulmate...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Money may provide all the comforts and conveniences, but can it confer mental peace?

Money may provide all the comforts and conveniences,
but can it confer mental peace? No. Only spirituality can grant peace of mind.

There are 2 forms of love, one binds you to God, the other binds you to the world...

There are two forms of Love.
One binds you to God.
The other binds you to the world.

The mind is responsible
for either of these states.
The mind can be compared to a lock.

If you turn the key to
the right, the lock opens.
If you turn the key to
the left, it gets locked.

The heart is the key
to the lock of the mind.
If you turn the key towards the world,
you have attachment and bondage;
when you turn it towards God, you achieve liberation.

That is why, it has been declared
that the mind is the cause of human
bondage or liberation.

When it is filled with wisdom,
it makes a man a saint.
When it is associated with ignorance,
it turns into an agent of death.

Do not carry heavy and unwanted luggage with you...

Life is like a train journey.
You have a long way to go.
You must learn to make
your journey comfortable.

Do not carry heavy and
unwanted luggage with you.
That will make the journey miserable.
Similarly, do not indulge in fault-finding
and picking quarrels with others.

Don't desire to have the
best things for yourselves only.
Share with others around,
the good things you are given.

Anger, hatred, envy, jealousy,
these are the heavy luggage
God ask you to avoid taking with you in the journey.

Respect and revere your parents as God.

Respect and Revere your parents as God.
Offer salutations to them when you wake up
in the morning, before you go to school and
when you go to bed at night. Never argue with them.
Try to convince them with love.

Remember that as you sow, so shall you reap.
Whatever you do to your parents, your children
will do the same to you. Never talk to them rudely. Be obedient.

Why should we attain perfect equanimity?

There is a tendency to interpret
renunciation as merely giving up worldly attachments.

Renunciation truly means
attaining perfect equanimity.
People may criticize you or praise you,
take them both with a sense of equanimity.

One may try to harm you while
another may try to do you a good turn;
treat both situations with equanimity.

In one business venture, you may incur a loss
while in another you may make a profit; treat them both alike.

Equanimity is the hallmark of spiritual attainment.

Don't remain inside your 'hard shell', come out and be yourself..

We are kind enough to give,
We are human enough to feel,
We are passionate enough to love,
We are compassionate enough to love...
but atlas, life is the other way...

Life isn't what we ought to get...
Life isn't without troubles and hate...
Life isn't without getting jilted...
Life isn't without getting hurt...
and atlas, we do hide inside our shell...

We lost our smiles,
We lost our hopes,
We lost our appetites,
We lost our directions...
and atlas, who will really understand?

Families want us to get well...
Friends came knocking on our shells,
Colleagues came showering concern,
All prayed for our safe and immediate return...
and at last, we crawled out of our shells...

Be brave, be courageous...
Be strong, be adventurous...
Life is all on different learning stages...
Life is all about living out the best of ages...
and at last, we succeeded in crushing negatives...

Cheers... the sun once again shines...
Cheers... the stars once again twinkles...
If you yourself cannot appreciate happiness...
Who is going to help you build your happiness?
so, eventually, we agree to be at ease and live in happiness!

Fill your heart with love and chant the divine name...

Fill your heart with love
and chant the divine name.
Only then can you attain Divinity.

Perform all your activities with love.
Love should originate from the source,
i.e., the heart and not by force.

Today people chant the Divine name,
not from source, but out of force.
No benefit accrues from chanting
the Divine name unless it is done wholeheartedly.

Anger is not a human quality...

Humanity can rise to Divinity through sense control.
When you get angry, remind yourself
that anger is not a human quality;
it is an animal quality.

Anger is the quality of a dog.
When you are angry, tell yourself,
"I am not a dog, I am a man."
Similarly when your mind wavers, tell yourself repeatedly,

"I am not a monkey, I am a man."
Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence
are the true human values. Losing any one of these
values amounts to losing one's life principle itself.

from a divine source

The body, mind, senses and intellect are all negatives in nature...

The body, mind, senses
and intellect are all negative in nature.
Only the conscience is positive.

Just as the microphone is useless
without the current, so also are
the body, mind, senses and intellect
without the conscience.

from a divine source

Do not hate, harm or criticize anybody...

The conscience that exists in
every one is one and the same,
just as the current that flows
through different bulbs is the same.

All are one. So, do not hate,
harm or criticize anybody.
He is a noble one, who conducts himself
without hurting others and not being
troubled in the process himself.

Give up vices like smoking....

In order to have sacred thoughts,
give up vices like smoking, consumption
of non-vegetarian food and intoxicants.

Do not waste food, money, time and energy.
from a divine source

Man is bound to face the consequences of his actions...

Man is bound to face the
consequences of his actions,
be they good or bad, small or big.

It is most essential for man
to understand this truth and act accordingly.

Before undertaking any action,
enquire whether it is good or bad, right or wrong

The mind must become the servant of the intellect, not the slave of the senses...

The mind must become the servant
of the intellect, not the slave of the senses.

It must discriminate and detach
itself from identification with the body.

The kernel of the ripe tamarind fruit
is not attached to the outer shell;
likewise the mind must be unattached
to this shell called the body.

Strike an unripe tamarind fruit
with a stone and you cause harm
to the pulp inside; but, when you
strike the ripe fruit it is the dry rind that falls off;
nothing affects the pulp or the seed.

The mature aspirant does not feel
the blows of fate or fortune; it is the
unripe one who is wounded by every blow.

from a divine source

from a divine source

Actions depend on the mind, the mind on thoughts...

Actions depend on the mind, the mind on thoughts.
As are the thoughts, so is the action.

Hence, for the world to be peaceful
and prosperous, man should foster truthful thoughts.

Today man has strayed away from the 3-fold path of truth, righteousness and sacrifice

Today man has strayed away from
the three-fold path of truth, righteousness and sacrifice.

As a result, humanness is on the decline.
It makes one really wonder whether a true
human being exists in this world at all! It is said,
"The proper study of mankind is man."
A true human being is one who has harmony in thought, word and deed.

divinely sent

Attachment causes pain...

Attachment causes pain, and detachment results in joy.
But, you cannot easily detach yourself from activity;
the mind clings to something or the other.

Make it cling to God, let it perform all actions for God
and leave the success or failure, the loss and the profit,
the elation or the dejection, to God.

This is the secret of Peace and contentment.

Follow the heart, do not follow the head, lest you should be caught up in the mire of worldly life...

Follow the heart, do not follow the head,
lest you should be caught up in the mire of worldly life.

Head puts you in many dangers.
If you follow the head, you may lose your head itself!

Turn your vision inward.
Follow the heart, which is the source
of all the noble qualities like truth, righteousness,
peace, love and non-violence.

from a divine source

Beauty is not related to the body, it originates from character and purity.

Beauty is not related to the body, it originates from character and purity.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Grief is the feet and joy the head, both are part of the same entity...

Grief is the feet and joy the head;
both are part of the same entity.
You cannot welcome joy and reject grief at the same time.
You cannot have the obverse without the reverse.

The diamond is at first just a
dull piece of stone, a hard pebble.
Only when it is cut by a skilled artisan
does it shine brilliantly like a flame.

Allow yourselves to be treated
by the Master so that all your dullness
will disappear and you will emerge
effulgent as a resplendent diamond.

from a divine source