
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Arrogance is the one quality we must avoid at any cost..

Arrogance, the one quality we must avoid at any cost.
However much we are gifted, never pride yourself.

It is really the ego which spin the web
of illusion around your pure soul.

Once the web thickens,
then there is only darkness inside,
Any amount of light outside the web
can not illuminate the soul inside caught in the web.

Hence beware of the Ego,
which entices you into believing
that the ego really care for us.
It is a false phantom.

It is just like a parasite.
Ego needs a body to thrive,
a mind to play lulluby to it.

Enquire into its real identity.
It fleds away. The real identity
is that of the SELF.

Ego really assume the role
of the self and misguide us
into treachery and treson.

Why fall prey to its pleadings.
Remain strong intellectually
and stand on your ground which is the Self.

None can harm you any more.
March forward like lion cubs in the jungle of life.
Be moving till you reach your final goal.

from a divine source

Do not let the small ups and downs of life make you love your journey any lesser..

Do not let the small ups
and downs of life make you
love your journey any lesser.

Realize, My child, that
every defeat in life has a purpose -
Yes! It is that of a bigger success,
at some stage ahead.

Success is not the final win,
My child, but it is the balance
with which one is able to meet with any end result.

Depressions come in life,
only when one makes his desire
of being happy an obsession.

Happiness is not in what one
becomes or receives in life,
but it is the strength, where one
stays to be the self, alone.

Hence, do not make life the restless run -
but rise above it with purity and perch
yourself at the highest point,
where one sees the beauty of life
with the clearest vision.

The perfection of life can never
be attained by desires - hence,
do not put the undue pressure
on the self by wanting from it, continuously.

Life is the best, when one finds
the strength to accept it the way it comes to you!

from a divine source

Moodiness is nothing but the state of mental laziness..

Unable to face the ups and downs
of life's changes, one becomes moody in nature.

Moodiness is nothing but the state of mental laziness.

When one begins to lose the strength of his heart,
he breaks the link that allows the mind to focus upon the heart's strength.

When the mind loses its focus,
it, suddenly, has no direction.

It begins to lose its own strength
in the chaos of unsettling thoughts.

When the thoughts consume life
and try to give the self its direction,
one finds himself walking in all directions,
with no goal and no inspiration.

In such a state, one experiences a vacuum -
Yes! An emptiness, in which one lives
without the love for his own self!

In such moments, one expresses himself
by short outbursts of anger -
then sometimes by bitterness,
and other times, by remorse, repentance and self-pity!

from a divine source

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Be yourself always..

Be yourself, always

No matter what fear may bring
The wheel of life will only turn
You, My child, must see the center
Of that circle that never travels
To the whims of time and fate

Embrace all that comes as love
And release the fears that bind you to wish
Let all the pretenses fall
And rise to play life's every role
With the wisdom of the one reality
- the one truth
And in this wondrous experience of
love and truth

Find the peace of your own self.
Be yourself, always
Then only will you realize, O Love
That God lives
In you
As the simple sweet truth!

Yes! God expresses His Divine Will
Only when you find the courage
To be only you! Only you! Only you!
For only in the real you
Is the Divine presence!

from a divine source

Worth reflecting upon...

Worth reflecting upon......

Arthur Ashe, the legendary Wimbledon player was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983.

From world over, he received letters from his fans, one of which conveyed: "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?

To this, Arthur Ashe replied:

The world over -- 5 crore children start playing tennis, 50 lakh learn to play tennis, 5 lakh learn professional tennis, 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon, 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD " Why me?".

So today in pain I should not be asking GOD.......... "Why me?"

from a divine source

Monday, June 25, 2007

Separation is felt when love still exists at the physical plane...

Do not worry and make
the relationship small and petty..

Do not continuously waste time
in examing the relationship to
measure its give and take.

A pure bond of live is free,
it never suffers the pangs
of physical separation.

Separation is felt,
when love still exists at the physical plane.

Such kind of love is not truly existing
in the oneness but is attached to
the false illusions of differences.

Realize that the relationships
that are bound by illusions become a memory, too!

All that ever remains
alive and eternal is pure love.

Yes! Pure love can
never be destroyed by time,
circumstance and fate.

If you have truly loved,
you will never fear.
The one that fears his love
has truly never loved at all...

Man requires 5-6 hours of sleep daily...The body craves for more sleep, for one in the waking hours has abused it with the attack of his mind..

Man requires 5-6 hours of sleep daily.
The body craves for more sleep, for one,
in the waking hours, has abused it with
the attack of his mind.

The body, My child, is the
instrument of the spirit - Yes!
The soul is its only master!

If one will control its movements
by the chaos of one's own mind,
that body is going to age rapidly
and will break under the spell
and curse of man's wishes!

The health of the body is
dependent upon the focal
strength of the mind.

If the mind is able to
focus and concentrate
upon the goals that emanate
from the purity of the inner self,
then, such a one, will receive the
optimal use of his body and will
protect it from the dark shadows of disease and aging.

from a divine source

True love will never entangle his loved one in the web of his own fearful desires and impure thoughts..

True love will never
entangle his loved one
in the web of his own fearful desires
and impure thoughts.

The biggest and the best
selfless service you can perform
for your dearest one is to keep him
far away from the hopelessness
of your inner impure state.

In today's world, where the bonds
of love are weak and perishable,
the two that call themselves to be
"in love" do not spare each other
from sharing their wrongs and miseries.

In fact, the purpose of such
relationships has become to
support each other's wrongs and conceal them.

No wonder, in the present age,
the closest relationships are no
more holding their worth of
respect and love, and the strength
of their bonds are diminishing under
the pressures of evil difference..

from a divine source

Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Lord came to me like a dream one day and asked....'why do you sorrow?'

The Lord came to me like a dream one day and asked,
why do you sorrow I answered, Lord my life is so full of pain,
I canʼt face one more tomorrow.

The Lord sat down beside me, and gently took my hand.
He said, Let me explain to you and then youʼll understand.

Each sorrow is a stepping stone you must surmount each day,
And every stepping stone you climb is a sorrow thatʼs passed away.

The road of life is a mountainside, with crevices in which to be caught,
But as you struggle on your way, I, the Rock, will lend support.

Every stepping stone you climb, makes spirit and heart grow strong.
Exercising character and faith this road seems painful and long.

The way is paved with stepping stones, to uplift your heart and soul,
Though difficult they aid your way, to a City paved with gold.

I know that you are tired, for I too have walked this way,
My sorrows did they multiply, but I cleared the stones away.

I left my rock to lift you up, I left behind my story.
To give you strength to make your climb, to that special place in glory.

And never fear, the Rock is here, Youʼll never climb alone
Surmount lifeʼs sorrows, continue on,
For they are but stepping stones.

from a divine source

Be kind and gentle in every little thing you do..

Be kind and gentle
in every little thing you do.
A kind smile - a gentle word -
a warm touch will inspire the true self
to rise and awaken with its fullest glory.

Wherever you look, it is only a mirror,
My child, for, in every form of life
there is only the one reflection -
that of the self alone!

Hence, helping another
is only awakening your vision
to the true reality.

Embracing another
is only learning to love
who you really are.

Lifting another with
your confidence is only
finding the strength of the self.

Believing and trusting another
is only finding the strength of unshakable faith.

Guiding another is finding one's own way.
Hence, realize, My dear child, that in all the good you do -
it is only you that ultimately receives the wealth of all the pure efforts.

Remember only God, My child; forgive and forget the rest!

from a divine source

Kindness is not an act that favors one's selfish interests..

Kindness is not an act
that favors one's own selfish interests.

Such an act, is not kindness,
but only a pretense, whose fakeness
will be revealed to the receiver, sooner or later.

True kindness is giving
an unfortunate one the stability
and security of one's own selfless love
that he has gathered while experiencing
the ups and downs of the wavering life and its circumstances.

Such maturity comes,
when one envelopes the ways of life
within the wings of wisdom that reveals
before him the eternal truth.

Yes! It is only the awareness
to the truth that will give one
the persistence to be gentle,
even before the howling and
growling of the roughest waves of life!

from a divine source

Compassion is the master key that opens the doors to the heart that contains within it the gift of Divine Love..

Compassion is the master key
that opens the doors to the heart
that contains within it the gift of Divine Love.

Kindness, My child, is the strength
of a noble heart that is able to recognize
the pain within another heart.

Such a noble one, willingly,
takes upon his own self the task
of healing the wound and lessening
the pain with the one and only
one miraculous cure, his patience!

Yes! The virtue of patience
will overcome the rebellion
of the pain and will forgive
the every error of the self-attack!

from a divine source

The closer one begins to reach the highest peak of mountain, the more treacherous and steeper becomes the climb..

The closer one begins to reach
the highest peak of a mountain,
the more treacherous and steeper becomes the climb.

In the same way,
the earlier phase of one's spiritual journey is a little easier -
the higher one rises and comes closer to the truth,
the bigger seems the challenge in keeping one's inner faith.

Faith that is linked to one's own desires
is bound to shake and make you stumble.
True faith is the eye of the purest love.
Such faith can be developed and attained
by intensifying the discipline within one's way
of life that awakens the strength of inspiration.

It is only inspiration that gives the will to dedication.
True and continuous dedication to simpleness
and purity will find its way to an innocent and
childlike love that will depend upon the complete inner guidance.

When one begins to take every
small step in life only by the promptings
that awaken by the sense of his inner purity,
he, My child, begins to ignore, easily,
the fears of his mind and develops an intuitive power
that allows his love for the truth to become the true experience.

When one, over and over again uses
his intuitive power, he begins to develop
higher powers of concentration that allows
his awareness to the truth to become instantaneous.

When awareness begins to grow,
one only finds confidence in the self's language,
and such confidence gives one the steadfastness
of faith in the self's every choice.

The powers of selfless love, purity
and faith in the self will let one rise
to climb to the peak of concentration,
and the power of this inner focus leads
one's self to merge with the eye of the
Divine consciousness so that it experiences
its power as a part of the entire existence.

Hence, faith, My child, will come,
only when one is ready to love only the reality of truth.

from a divine source

Love is the wings that allow one to see the reality of the self much mightier than one's own selfish interests..

Love is the wings that allow one
to see the reality of the self much
mightier than one's own selfish interests.

Today, even the love between the parent
and the child is impure and selfish, hence,
they suffer the grief of their own misinterests.

Suffering, My child, is itself the
reflection of one's own selfish interest
from the love he has given.

A true lover is only content
in giving the joy of love and
does not count the ways of return.

Love that is given and remembered
will only wait, impatiently, for its due return.
Hence, to experience true love,
one has to be content with his love for the inner self -
only then, will he be able to give its strength and not worry,
if his gift has been rightly appreciated.

Looking for appreciation,
is only seeking the troubles of the future worry!

from a divine source

Be happy! Be happy! For whateve life brings whatever it takes is only an illusion!

Be happy! Be happy!


Whatever life brings
Whatever it takes
Is only an illusion

That enwraps you in its deceit
And blindfolds the spiritual eye
From seeing the rainbows of divinity

That emerge from the pure will
Of the true self!

Be content! Be content!

Realize, O child
That whatever time gives
It will eventually take back
Hence, lean upon the gifts
That the self brings its birth
And utilize its pure powers

To wipe all memories
Of losses and gains

Be free! Be free!

Fly, My child, with the wings of truth
And let not the sorrows of desires
Ever touch the courage
To remain perched at the highest peak

Let life come - let time go
But you, My child, must remain
The same, always

For you, there is no coming - no going - for
You are that part - that comes to be

The true love of life
And you are the whole that leaves a part
Of its pure love within the journey of life

Thus your link with life
Is not, My child, by birth or death
But it is with the love you bring
It is with the love you live
It is with the love you leave behind!

Live the life of love
And let love live, forever!

from a divine source

let us forget yesterday's anger and resentments, and let us remember that love and understanding will free us from resentments..

Let me forget yesterday's anger and resentment.
Let me remember that love and understanding
free me from resentment.

Let me forget all unkind remarks.
Let me remember that what others say
cannot hurt me unless I accept the offense.

Let me forget past injury and injustice.
Let me remember that divine love
works through me to forgive,
and to bless those who have
caused me trouble in the past.

Let me forget the faults and shortcomings
of my friends and companions.
Let me remember that by praising and
appreciating others' commendable traits,
I help them to express their true Inner selves.

Let me forget yesterday's
disappointments and failures.
Let me remember that today offers new
opportunities for success and happiness.

Let me forget the idle gossip
or the scandal that comes to my ears.
Let me remember that all I say about
others should be helpful and constructive.

Let me forget yesterday's aches and pains.
Let me remember that God's
pure life gives me health today.
Let me forget old fears and weaknesses.
Let me remember that God's
almighty presence is ever with me,
and God can work through me to accomplish good.

from a divine source

Monday, June 11, 2007

Wipe away your sins and earn God's grace by..

Wipe away your sins and earn God's grace by:

1) Treating animals and birds with love.
2) Protecting the helpless.
3) Taking pity and forgiving the wicked.
4) Compassion for the physically sick and handicapped.
5) Not talking ill of others in their absence.
6) Welcoming the most unwelcome and receiving them.
7) Loving those who especially criticize you.
8) Offering food to the unfortunate and hungry.
9) Forgiving and forgetting all's faults.
10) Sharing your riches with others.
11) Never ridiculing others' beliefs of God.
12) Doing your duty without any complaints.
13) Staying away from those who are upset by your presence.
14) Not giving way to temper.
15) Never being envious of other's possessions, situations or achievements.
16) Never betraying ones trust in you.
17) Standing up for that which is right.
18) Straying away from the untruth.
19) Carrying out every act with the knowledge of God's presence.
20) Being Godward and rising above humanity and becoming divine.

from a divine source

When anger comes, let it go...before it erupts..

When anger comes, let it go.
Let it go, before it erupts.
Like hot lava, that leaves everything bare.

Anger travels from your mind
Into the gaze of your eyes,
Into the words of your lips,
Into the acts of your hands.

It intoxicates you,
it weakens you emotionally.
It tires you physically
And drains you of your energy.

It makes you hurt others.
It fills fear in your children
And creates unhappiness
Within you and to all around.

Then why do you welcome it?
Shut the doors to anger.
Do not let it enter in your thoughts.
If it does, close your eyes.

Be determined not to allow to it to travel further.
Be victorious and take control of your senses.
You are it's master.
Know that and act on it thereby.

from a divine source

All physical ailments are directly related, to the state of your mind..

All physical ailments are directly related,
To the state of your mind.
Your body is in tune with your true nature within.

When your mind gets diseased,
With anger, jealousy, fear and worries,
The body becomes unbalanced too.

The more restless your mind,
The more the body suffers.
To cure your physical pains,
You must cure the pains in your mind.
You must dismiss and erase painful thoughts

That arise within you.
To do this, faith in God is necessary.

from a divine source

Friday, June 8, 2007

Do not dwell upon the wrong, open the keen eye and seek the way out of the wrong..

Do not dwell upon the wrong -
open the keen eye and seek the way out of the wrong.

Have faith, My child,
that the Sweet Lord
that has given you the love to stay
by the right will give you the grace
to recognize it, always.

Never attempt to protect a wrong,
even if it means that one, himself,
has to face complete humiliation.

Learn, My child, that in admitting one's own faults,
one only rises - never fails - never falls!

Do not be discouraged,
if the world laughs at your spiritual madness.

The one that has chosen God
must leave all ties that bind him
to be conscious of his worldly identity!

from a divine source

Do not believe immediately to what the eyes see and the ears hear...Use the power of the intellect and continuously discriminate and analyze...

Do not believe, immediately,
to what the eyes see and the ears hear.

Use the power of the intellect
and continuously discriminate and analyze,
completely, and only give the appropriate response with calmness.

Never give way to anger -
if one feels his loss of inner control,
one must stay away from the scene of the battle,
until he regains his own stability.

How can one defend himself,
when he is shaking with the inner attack of his own pride?

Do not fear the evil, My child - fear,
when you are not able to rise above the evil
with the strength of your knowledge of the absolute right.

Evil is only untrue - hence,
never give it the attention nor
the importance that allows it to survive.

Realize that evil only instigates - only threatens.
Call its bluff and stand before it with courage.

Let it not manipulate you, anymore,
and allow you to inflict its illusionary power
to destroy the reality of the self.

from a divine source

Spirituality is the science of right living, it is not a part-time affair and neither is life..

Spirituality is the science of right living;
it is not a part-time affair and neither is life.

Therefore no spiritual aspirant
can afford to deny or ignore spiritual principles.

If we want to have peace and joy all the time,
then we have to orientate our life towards this goal.

This may appear to be an insurmountable feat,
but one can reach the heights of spiritual bliss by taking one step at a time.

from a divine source

The tao of eating...

We should always sit down while we are eating.

We should not stand or walk when we eat.

Eat in a happy, calm and quiet atmosphere.

Never eat when angry, depressed, bored or upset.

Do not watch television or listen to radio while eating

Do not talk while eating. Simply concentrate on each morsel and enjoy it.

Eat in moderation, only as much as your body needs.
One must regulate the intake of solid food so as to fill 50% of the stomach.
25% of stomach can be filled with liquids and the remaining 25% is to be kept empty
for the free movement of air within the stomach.

One who eats one complete meal a day is a healthy person
One who eats two complete meals a day is a connoisseur
One who eats three complete meals a day is a sick person
One who eats four complete meals a day is a greedy person

Not even a morsel of the food we eat
is made purely by our own effort.

What comes to us in the form of food
is the result of the toil of many people,
nature's bounty, and God's compassion.

So we should never eat anything
without first praying with humility and gratitude.

While eating, if we imagine that our beloved God
is present within us, and that we are feeding Him.
This will make eating or feeding an act of worship.

As often as possible, the family should eat together.

Do not waste food

from a divine source

Do not dwell upon the wrong, open the keen eye and seek the way out of the wrong..

Do not dwell upon the wrong -
open the keen eye and seek the way out of the wrong.

Have faith, My child,
that the Sweet Lord that has given
you the love to stay by the right will
give you the grace to recognize it, always.

Never attempt to protect a wrong,
even if it means that one, himself,
has to face complete humiliation.

Learn, My child, that in admitting one's own faults,
one only rises - never fails - never falls!

Do not be discouraged,
if the world laughs at your spiritual madness.

The one that has chosen God
must leave all ties that bind him
to be conscious of his worldly identity!

from a divine source

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness..

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.

For beautiful eyes, seek out the good in other people.

To lose weight, let go of stress and the need to control others.

To improve your ears, listen to the word of God.

For poise, walk with knowledge and self-esteem.

To strengthen your arms, hug at least three people
a day.

To strengthen your heart, forgive yourself and others.

Touch someone with your love.

Rather than focus upon the thorns of life, smell the roses and count your blessings.

Don't worry and hurry so much...

Rather walk this earth lightly and yet leave your mark!

from a divine source

Choose to smile, rather than frown...

Choose to smile..... rather than frown

Choose to listen..... rather than speak

Choose to love........ rather than hate

Choose to build ......... rather than destroy

Choose to laugh ....... rather than fret

Choose to persevere..... rather than quit

Choose to praise ......... rather than criticise

Choose to work........... rather than gossip

Choose to accept …… rather than demand

Choose to heal .......... rather than wound

Choose to give............ rather than grasp

Choose to act.............. rather than delay

Choose to forgive........ rather than curse

Choose to help …….... rather than obstruct

Choose to pray........... rather than despair

from a divine source