
Monday, April 28, 2008

The 2 tables... for a new friend I came across today... a smile that bridged the friendship...

One table is recently bought.
It looks brand new, it is in perfect condition.

The other table is already 15 years old.
It doesn't look good. It needs repair, needs
some polish, needs some adjustment.

Which table do you think will last longer?

A more appropriate answer can be
the first table which is new and in good condition.

The other table which has served
15 years might be the loser, perhaps.

But what is there to do with our health?

The answer is not a definite answer
that the first table will last longer.
In the case of destruction, an axe
can bring the new table into pieces.
If one bang on the table, kicked it,
poured acid or burn it, the new table
will also be destroyed.

Likewise, the other table when given
the proper repair, some polish,
proper care will last longer.
It depends on how we treat these 2 tables.

Likewise, a healthy people if indulged in bad
and destructive habits will kill him over-night.

But a someone who is kind to himself,
treat himself well, take extra care, understands
himself well, manages his health well will prolong his life.

Please remember this, my friend, Chris..

When there is health, there is hope, when there is hope, we can have everything...

It suddenly dawned me that I should write more on these everyday tips of getting healthier and happier. Very recently, I came to know of several health shocks that happened to some of my close friends and new friends. It has been a while that I haven't really blogged about body and mind health.

Many of us took our body's health for granted. Or most of us take for granted that our heart will beat for us, our lungs filtering our air, our kidney filtering our blood, our liver, our bladder and many others. We over-ate, we over-worked, we over-stressed, we over-looked, we over-slept, we over-drank.... Too much 'over...' just gone too far away from the law of nature.

What have we done? Are we greedy? Are we too serious? Are we not doing our jobs well? We did set good models, good examples to many, but what has happened to our physical body? Something has definitely gone wrong.

The day is 12 hours broad daylight, 12 hours dark. The invention of bulbs, lights have added to our working hours. Actually we cannot see in the dark. Our energy levels are a little down, meaning for us to rest and be rested. But deadlines, responsibilities, crazy goals, unrealistic breakthroughs have unknowingly forced us to become supermen and superwomen. But are we?
Can we?

The spirit of winning, the spirit of being the best, the aspiration to becoming wealthy, the dream of becoming a role-player , the will to set records, to succeed, to move up the ladder of success, to rule, to have power have all led us astray, beyond and crawling over the limits.

We can if we think we can. Of course, one is aware of the potentials inside us. But too many people have stretched their energies too hard. Too many people are stretching the hands of the clock. Too many people have stretched their gray matters too hard, forgetting that our body system needs to be rested, to be relaxed, to be fed only the necessary, to be cleansed, to be exercised, to be given proper food and fluids.

Atlas, the body eventually cries out to be attended to! The body refuse to work! The body refuse to heed your command! The body is boycotting you! Something is out of balance... and I always call it dis-ease. Our body is 'not at ease' thus now complaining.... Yet part of our mind screamed to be attended to! Part of our mind says 'No!' Part of our mind says, "It will not happen to me!"

Poor guys, poor poor child... Nothing is without a cause. There is no smoke when there is no fire. Our body is screaming to our mind to STOP! Our body is screaming to our mind to "STOP POISONING!' Our body or later our mind is screaming to our body to FIGHT! Sad to say, something is lost.... something is missing... something is not working! Something has gone wrong!

Well, be aware that our body needs to be rested, to be cleansed, to be fed the appropriate food and drinks, to be given the right kick. What is so difficult about it? Why should we be so harsh on our body? Why haven't we allow ourselves to rest and be relaxed!

Yes, be aware that we ourselves are wholly responsible for our body health. We are what we eat! We are what we think we are! Ask this question, are we in harmony with Mother Nature? Are we in balance with Mother Nature? Are we principle-centered?

Are we on the right track? Are we healthy body, mind, emotion and spirit? Stop and be aware of the balance and harmony of Mother Nature! Think twice.... think wise...

Stir-fried mixed vegetables for lunch? Just a plate of these wonderful vegetables will do...

A plate of stir-fried 5 colored vegetable with a little ginger and cornstarch will be extremely good for dieters and all those health-conscious. This plate contains high fiber and different colored vegetable provides variety in nutrients that will boost our health. Cook it waterless and without too much seasoning. A dash of iodized salt will do. Don't cook it too salty. Vegetables when cooked too salty will be difficult to taste the original natural goodness of the greens..

What do you eat for lunch? Popia?

I wonder if some of you are also popia lovers... go for vegetable filled popia.. It is not only delicious but also nutritious. Avoid frying, can just steam and then just eat your full... This is a healthy food. Suggested fillings can be mengkuang, taugeh, green spring onions, sweet cabbage, carrots, chillies, long beans or some prawns.

Friday, April 25, 2008

You fear the presence of God, and I fear your presence without Him...

You fear the presence of God, and I fear your presence without Him.

8 Precious Gifts...


But you must REALLY listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening.


Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and handholds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends.


Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you."


It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet. A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life.


A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job" or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day.


Every day, go out of your way to do something kind.


There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others.


The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone, really it's not that hard to say, "Hello" or "Thank you."

from a divine source

The language of our heart should be expressed through sympathy, kindness, service, love and brotherliness...

You should not attach so much
importance to the language you speak.

It is the meaning that is important,
the feelings you express, the behavior you adopt.

The language of the heart is expressed
through sympathy, kindness, service, love, brotherliness.

That is the language that really matters;
that language can be understood by every one.

from a divine source

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Whenever you are lonely, you shall hear God's voice from within...

Whenever you are lonely
you shall hear God's voice from within.

The greatest proof of God's presence within you
is that you always wish to live for God..
sometimes with your awarenessand sometimes without.

The Creator shall teach us the perfect way of life, a life of pure, unconditional love...

The Creator shall teach you the perfect way of life..
a life of pure, unconditional love.

The Creator alone test you...then again in that test
the Creator alone shall help you to succeed.

Why should one fear tribulations and trials?

Be aware of truth alone and ignore the calls of nature's destruction...

The Creator, Himself shall bear many pains,
so that you can learn to live
with the awareness of truth alone
and ignore the calls of nature's destruction.

Our Creator does not change His mind, He changes our ways with His examples..

Our Creator does not change His mind,
He changes your ways with His examples...

Be ever in the consciousness that you are but the shadow of our Creator, His image...

Be ever in the consciousness that you are
but the shadow of our Creator, His image.

Then, no harm can hamper you.
Our Creator walks along the royal road of Truth;
the shadow, holding on to Him, by the feet,
falls on hollow and hill, fire and water, dirt and dust.

So, if you hold on to the feet of the Lord,
you can be as unaffected as the shadow,
by the ups and downs of life.

How wonderfully one MUST feel,
to understand that our Lord loves us so,
relax.... and feel His presence, and peace be with all of us.

Article 636... to have equanimity towards grief and joy.. is to be emotionally steady

When a plane flies across the sky,
it leaves no mark on it, no streak that lasts,
no furrow or pothole that interferes with further traffic.

So too, witness all the feelings and emotions
as they cross your mind, but, do not allow them
to make an impression on you.

This can be done by inquiry, by quiet reasoning
within oneself, more than by listening to lectures or study of books.

from a divine source

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Posting 635... How can we truly raise our standard of living?

The educational system must be based on the four principles
of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. But, this has not happened.
Therefore, we find it burdened with problems.
It is full of conflict and confusion. Humility, detachment, discrimination, eagerness to serve others, reverence, renunciation -
such virtues are absent among the educated.

No one is prepared to give up; every one is anxious to grab.
A garland can be made only when we have flowers, thread and needle.
A system of education needs intelligence (flowers), devotion (thread)
and the spirit of renunciation and service (needle) to become beneficial.

Raising the standard of living must also mean raising ethical,
moral and spiritual standards. Then only can education lead
to progress in human values and harmony in social life.

from a divine source

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Moderate food intake is the best precaution for a healthy life...

Simply because tasty food is available
and is being offered, one is tempted to overeat.

We have air all around us, but we do
not breathe in more than we need.

The lake is full, but we drink only
as much as the thirst craves for.

But overeating has become a social evil, fashionable habit.

The stomach cries out, 'Enough,' but the tongue insists on more,
and man becomes the helpless target of disease.

He suffers from corpulence, high blood pressure and diabetes.
Moderate food is the best precaution for a healthy life.

from a divine source

It is foolishness to brood over mishaps and mistakes once committed and punish yourself for them...

It is foolishness to brood over mishaps and mistakes once committed and punish yourself for them. What is good of ill-treating the body for the sake of correcting the mind.

6 basic enemies of man - lust, hatred, delusion, greed, envy and pride...

The mind is subject to varying moods -
sorrow or joy, anger or fear, love or hate.

For all the diseases arising from the mind,
the basic causes are two - (attachment and aversion).

The mind is filled with these twofold feelings.
Consequently, it tends to forget its basic human nature.

The mind in this state considers the six basic enemies of man -
lust, hatred, delusion, greed, envy and pride - as virtues.

These six vices can poison a person's entire being.
He then forgets his inherent divinity and ceases to be human;
he is a victim of infamy.
But a person filled with good feelings enjoys peace and happiness.

from a divine source

Fill the world with love...

There is no discipline equal to service
for smothering the ego and filling the heart with genuine joy.

To condemn service as demeaning or inferior is to forgo these benefits.
A wave of service, if it were to sweep over all lands,
catching everyone in its enthusiasm, it would be able
to wipe out the mounds of hatred, malice and greed
that infest the world. Attune your hearts so that
they will vibrate in sympathy with the woes of your fellowmen.

Fill the world with love.

Never brood over the past when grief overpowers...

Never brood over the past; when grief overpowers,

you do not recollect similar incidents in your past experience

and add to the sum of your grief; recollect rather incidents

when grief did not knock at your door, but you were happy instead.

Draw consolation and strength from such memories

and raise yourself above the surging waters of sorrow.

from a divine source

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

If you allow the wind of doubt or the sun of despair to affect the pot of bliss that you have filled in your heart, it will evaporate quickly..

If you allow the wind of doubt
or the sun of despair to affect the pot of bliss
that you have filled in your heart,
it will evaporate quickly.

But if you keep the pot in the
cool waters of good company and good deeds,
it can be preserved undiminished for ever.

Bliss also grows when you dwell
on it in silence and recapitulate the
circumstances which yielded it.
That is why ruminationis held so
important a part of spiritual effort.

from a divine source

Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast...

Love is patient; love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, it always trusts;
it always hopes, it always perseveres.

1 Corinthians 13:5-7

from a divine source

Words to ponder.... isn't it strange?

Words to Ponder - isn't it strange?

Isn't it strange how a 10 dollar note seems
like such a large amount when you donate
it to a church or to a Poor person,
but such a small amount when you go shopping?

Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long
when you're at a church or temple,
and how short they seem when you're watching a good movie?

Isn't it strange that you can't find a word
to say when you're praying, but you have no
trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend?

Isn't it strange how difficult and boring
it is to read one chapter of the Bible,
but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel ?

Isn't it strange how we need to know
about an event for church 2-3 weeks
before the day so we can include it in our agenda,
but we can adjust it for other events in the last minute?

Isn't it strange how difficult it is to learn the facts
about God to share it with others, but how easy it is to learn,
understand, extend and repeat gossip?

Isn't it strange how we believe everything
that magazines and newspapers say, but we
question the words in the Bible?

Isn't it strange that We Hear and Read Holy verses
and teachings and still try to Practise other things ?

Its Strange isn't it ?

Ask yourself.... what we are doing and what we have been doing and what we are going to do????