
Thursday, February 26, 2009

How repairing is our 'repair ability'? 你的修补能力能修的好吗?

How capable is our 'repair system'? How much can it really repair our body system?

Every day, every one of us are exposed to tear and wear. All of us are easily exposed to polluted air, polluted waters, polluted foods, UV rays, viruses, bateria, stress, illnesses, emotional disturbances, free radicals and natural aging.

"We wake up when the sun rises and sleep when the sun sets." Nature's law. Well, fair enough, we work and we rest, but are we willing to sleep when the sun sets? Thanks to Edison, yes, thanks to his invention. But do we not sometimes overuse this facility? And never feeling that time is enough for us?

Enough rest and sleep will revitalize and regenerate our energies. But do we really rest enough? Sometimes we rested but never felt really rested. And the food we eat. We are what we eat, we are what we drink, we are what we fill our stomach and lungs. What have we eaten? What have we drank? How clean is the air around us?

We study from school that our skin, cells, body organs, hair are made up of protein. So what protein have we been taking? How complete is the protein? How absorbable is the protein we take? And our eyes which need Vitamin A or carotenoids... Our body system is such a very complicated system that one needs to attend to every single part of our body.

Take a very careful look at what we have been eating and drinking. All these foods and drinks are the RAW MATERIALS that our body is using to grow, maintain and repair our body parts, from head to toe!

Ask oneself:
[1] do we consume ALL of those RAW MATERIALS that our body system need?
[2] do we consume ENOUGH of all those RAW MATERIALS that our body system need?
[3] do we consume TIMELY ENOUGH to have all those RAW MATERIALS to do the repairing?
[4] can one really understand what all these RAW MATERILAS should include?
[5] can one really understand what all these RAW MATERIALS can do for us?

We need not TAKE IN ACCESS, or too much BUT not even one should be missing!
什么都不多,一样有不可以少!This slogan should be referring to how much we need to take!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

健康5大方向。。。。5 questions to ask oneself???

Some questions to ask oneself:

[1] How much can your body repair itself from damages done daily?
[2] How much can your body fight against bacterias, microbes, germs or viruses?
[3] How much can your body detox all those chemicals or toxic chemicals we ate, we drink, we breathe unknowingly or knowingly?
[4] How much can your body stand the stress or pressure of work and life's expectations or adapt to environmental changes?
[5] How much can your body fight against free radicals or premature aging or aging itself?

1)你有修补力吗? [repair ability]
2)免疫力? [immune or fighting ability]
3)排毒力? [detox ability]
4)抗压力? [anti-stress ability]
5)抗老力? [anti-aging ability]

Here are some of these considerations that one should take. We grow and survive from just those food we eat and take. Do you think we can survive healthy from just the 3 meals we eat daily and have all the above abilities to maintain our health?

Think twice... and think back what have we eaten everyday.....

Monday, February 9, 2009

Here is an article on arthritis or gout for a friend...

What is Gout?

Gout or arthritis is a disorder which results from an overflow of uric acid in the body. Uric acid is a product which develops when the body breaks down purines. Typically, the uric acid will flow through the blood, pass through the kidneys and end up in the urine to be expelled from the body. When uric acid overflow occurs in the blood, crystals deposit onto the joints and tissues of the body. A great deal of pain and swelling can be caused by gout, which is one of the many forms of arthritis.

Symptoms of gout include:
Difficulty moving around
Kidney damage
Sudden pain
Itchy skin
Permanent joint damage
Peeling of skin
Kidney stones
Heat in the joints

Gout is more severe when the weather is more humid. It can become extremely painful sometimes unbearable. The big toe gets it first because of the shoes to experience the effects of gout. Then the ankles, knees, wrists, spine, elbows, and fingers are other common areas. But more often it occurs at our joints because of the difficulty our body can flush out uric acids.

Chronic cases of gout last for long periods of time and may eventually result in permanent disability. It is best to stop it at the start, not allowing it to deteriorate.

Early treatment is the best way to quickly eliminate gout. Prevention is better than cure.

Several ways to treat gout include:
Consuming enough clean water
Not eating foods with high purine content
Not eating foods with high uric acids [red meats and fish]
Maintaining a daily exercise routine
Getting adequate rest
Appropriate medication/treatments
Surgery to replace joints
Glucosamine helps
Food supplement for bones and joints
Maintaining healthy body weight
Avoiding alcohol use

Foods like red meats and fish that contains uric acids when taken in excess will worsen the problems. It will induce more pain and swell. Foods that has high purine content include varieties of beans, asparagus, scallops, herring, gravy, mushrooms and internal organs.

The food itself is of no problem, it is the EXCESS INTAKE and LACK OF CLEAN WATER TO FLUSH OUT that cause all these miseries. In some foods, purine can be extracted out!

Stretching of limbs occasionally will help to release the pain. But most of the time, gout is not the only problem, there might be other problems associated with gout.

I always emphasize on natural foods, thus one must reduce canned and preserved foods too. Always take fresh foods instead of salted or overnight stale food. The acidity of overnight foods are unexpectedly high.

Secret remedy:
Here is a simple thing one can do at home to reduce the pain. Fry some 50 gm of garlic till brown and hot. Wrap with a cotton cloth and rub the affected areas while hot. Try it several times a week and it helps.

Copper rings or keys when placed on the affected area will also reduce its pain.

Remember to drink more clean water and most important of all is to reduce weight. Most of these people are overweight and eat too much of the wrong food and never bother to exercise. A new health program to start with, a change of diet, a change of lifestyle will be necessary for a healthier and a happier you...

Cheers, be healthy and happy!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What are these 3 blazing hearts referring to? [part 3]

What are those 3 blazing hearts?

The 3 blazing hearts drawn in the middle of the base of the isosceles triangle can represents 3 posibilities, 3 answers and 3 situations...

The first heart to represent who you think you are.

The second heart to represent who you actually are.

The third heart to represent what other people think you are.

The blaze or the fire refers to the everchanging changes for the better or for the worst. Sometimes things happen to refine us, to educate us, to make us a better person. And again the power of choice is here again.

What are negative emotions? [part 2]

What are these negative emotions?

These emotions are negative and are destructive! It is a feeling so desperate and desolate! It gives birth to bad influence.s.. it gives birth to hell in heaven...

Negative emotions DESTROY! They include:
- Hate
- Hell
- revenge
- negative
- destructive
- fear
- unforgiving
- anger
- worries
- sadness
- kills
- dislike
- unkind
- selfish
- sacastic
- inhuman proctises

Of course, the lists continue... Fear not, all of us are given the power of choice. The power of choice, to choose to be at the state of positive emotions!

Be tuned to a better emotional mood, be acquiring to improve our EQ!It can all start from being patient... have patience in everything! Slow to anger, slow to revenge, slow to fight back... and you will feel so much better!

This is taken from my health forum open for discussions. It can be reached at

What are positive emotions? [part 1]

Positive emotions? Yes, positive emotions.

I have a great picture drawn and hung on the wall to summarize the power and destruction of emotions.A big dagger, in the form of an isosceles triangle is drawn in the middle of the diagram.

Three blazing hearts are drawn inside the triangle. The base of the triangle is given degrees of seriousness, or percentages all starting from the middle. The top of the dagger is enhanced with another small diagram written 'spiritual values' while the handle of the dagger is drawn with some beautiful lotus.

One side of the dagger is written positive, the other negative.What have I written to sum up these positive emotions?

Positive emotions CREATE!

Positive emotions include:

- Love
- Joy
- Heaven
- constructive
- peace
- forgiving
- hopeful
- truth
- faith
- trust
- like
- giving birth
- happiness
- kindness
- tolerance
- forbearance
- human values
- light

Positive emotions will bring a person peace at heart and peace of mind. More explanations to follow...

This article is written for my health forum. It can be reached at

Friday, February 6, 2009

These are apples of different colours, but without the skin, they are the same... apples are apples...

Human beings live in this planet we called the 'earth' but sometimes divided by religion, race, colors, places, backgrounds, cultures, beliefs and differences or opinions. But we all are creations of our Creator who is the master of the cosmos, of this universe and all the other planets.

One should not allow the color of our skin to differentiate between one another. If one is born a black or a white or yellowish, can we change the fact and deny this very fact? No, we can't. We are born with our own colors of skin but it doesn't really matter.

Racial discriminations isn't going to help to attain peace and harmony. Check this out, if we were to close our eyes and listen well with our hearts, the other person sitting next to you is also breathing and his heart beating! There isn't any differences. Only when one opens his eyes that he knows his color is different!

All are brothers and sisters, all should live with love and unity..All are one, be alike to everyone! This is a message from a divine source!

People keep distance among one another due to differences of opinion. In fact, you are not different from others. Today they may appear to be different, but tomorrow they may come close to you.

All are brothers and sisters! Hence, all should live like brothers and sisters with love and unity. "All are one; be alike to everyone." This is God's special Message.

Cultivate your nature in such a manner that the very feeling of anger does not enter you...

Several fuels like petroleum, coal,
etc. are extracted from deep within the earth.
Wherefrom did they arise in the first place?

Over a long period of time,
they have accumulated deep inside.
Now they are making their appearance outside.

In the same way, evil tendencies
like desire, anger, hatred, etc.,
are accumulated in you, hidden in you.

Sometime or the other,
they are bound to come out.
So, take care that they do not
even make their entry into you.

You should discriminate and
ensure that only good qualities enter you.
This is the true human value.

The very attempt to control or
restrain your anger is a sign of weakness.
In fact, you have to cultivate your nature
in such a manner that the very feeling
of anger does not enter you.

from a divine source

Doctors did the most difficult part! You just do the easiest, be healthy!

When in the hospital, I look at doctors on duty with wonder and awe, doing all those most difficult jobs that no one else are willing to do. These doctors touch, comfort, cure, cut and sew, listen and explain.... when facing some of the most ill patients! They have to attend to every ugly wounds, tear and wear of our body parts, swollen and infected flesh and blood!

I can feel their silence, their frustrations, their distresses, their hopeless shaking of their heads, the awareness of death approaching and yet sometimes nothing can be done to help! There are uncountable cases of death that just slipped through their fingers and yet they have done their very best!

Death to them is without a blink of an eye. These doctors are given new very ill cases at the same time. And very soon, their new patients will be joining the crowd of no-return. Maybe few will understand their situations, few will really appreciate what these doctors contributed, but they are there to fight to the last breathe!

Inside their hearts, an inner voice is always vivid, 'Why come for treatment so late?' Why at this last stage? Where is this miracle cure? Where is this miracle machine? Why can't we get 100% recovery for all these treatments?' Yet the number of patients keep lining up!

They care, they cure, they give treatments, yet these cancer patients crawled in but seldom or never walked out!

I don't want to emphasize on pain, on sufferings, on endurance and fear or stress of all these patients. I need not describe any scenes of what went on inside the operation theatres, the emergencies, the ICU wards, where cold steel and warm blood fights between life and death!

Why should I take all these problems to write such articles? The main purpose is to instill an awareness of being healthy. To prevent is so much better than cure. Be healthy, be responsible for your own health, your families and loved ones. Don't encourage and allow the war of cold steel and warm blood to continue! It is a matter of life and death!

I salute all doctors, all those wonderful doctors who have contributed that very much in these fields of treatments and cures. But we should at least try to lessen their nasty jobs, their noble jobs, their ever-increasing jobs BY KEEPING OURSELVES HEALTHY! This is the easiest job given! Take heed, don't join the crowd linning up to be 'slaughtered'!

Pls take note. Visit my health forum. Http:// I have posted many health issues in this forum.

You want to be attractive, right? Be healthy!

To just want to be healthy is not enough, to acquire and stay healthy is a MUST! People used to say, easier said than done... well, it is!

Keeping and maintaining total health is a strong habit that one should acquire. It needs patience, it needs persistency, it needs knowledge, it needs day to day reviews and health routines such as adequate exercising and appropriate dieting and a balanced diet to look after...

But anyway, we come to this world only once... and we need a healthy body to do what we want to do.

We need a healthy body and a healthy mind. We need to plan our own health program and follow it with discipline. That is for the start. Plan a food pyramid that belongs to us and work out the plan as planned!

Soon it will be a habit... an excellent habit, a thumb-up habit that will ensure that we are on the right track... just keep it up, just do it and WOW... good health is upon you!

You will then look so youthful, so healthy and radiant with both eyes sparkling with energies and that is what we call... or we say... "ATTRACTIVE"Agreed?

This world can be a much happier place to live if...

Can you imagine a world of happy and healthy people with understanding smiles, encouraging nods and warm handshakes? And people whose eyes shine with friendship and love? And selfless people all ready to help each other?Well, go ahead and visualize this world to be full of these people, to be full of these wonderfully emotionally stable people.

Let us be surrounded with graceful people who are kind, who are understanding, who are generous, who are patient, who are forgiving and who speaks softly and never irritates you.

There will be no grumpy people, no complaining people, no selfish or greedy people. And they have peace at heart and peace of mind. No suspicion, no competition, no cheatings, no lies, no abuses, no fear, no fights, no revenges, no criticisms, no condemning or yelling at each other....

How wonderful this world will be then. How lovely this world will be then. And loving and caring people always ready to help, to guide and to share...It is such a nice feeling, such a peaceful feeling and that each are enjoying brotherly and sisterly love.

Yes, it will be, it will happen... BUT IT ALL STARTS FROM US, WE as AN INDIVIDUAL to learn to be at peace with each other. Yes, it all starts from us, do we have those loving qualities?

The string of change starts from we ourselves. We ourselves need to change, only then the world will change for the better. Only then we will be enjoying 'heaven on earth', otherwise it will be 'hell on earth'!

To break a rock is never with just one blow... perhaps it is the 30th blow! But those 29 blows were never wasted!

Patience is the word. Persistence is another word. It is never easy to break a rock. One needs a big hammer to crush it after giving it several blows. Perhaps it needs the 30th blow to crush the rock! Remember that all the previous 29 blows were never wasted!

Thus for whatever we have decided to do, be persistent. Be patient and one day we will see the results.

Fear not of challenges, most of us do eat chicken but we must take the trouble to get it killed, feather plucked, cleansed, chopped and cooked...

Fear not of challenges, like most of us do take chicken meats. We couldn't possibly just take and eat it raw or with its feathers on. If we want to eat some chicken meats, we need to take the trouble to have it killed, feather plucked, cleansed, chopped and cooked.
Even before one eat, one needs to be careful of the bones.

Thus life is never a bed of roses. Patience, forbearance, work, time, persistence, applied intelligence are all part and puzzle of life. Life is interesting indeed to where and when we must apply brakes or speed the way towards achieving what we intend to achieve.

Peace and contentment can be won only by surrender to God...

Even the most comfortable house
equipped with all the luxuries man craves for,
cannot endow one with peace and contentment .

That can be won only by surrender to God,
who is the very core of one's being.
God is the source of contentment.

Attaining Him, the spirit can be immersed in joy.
God alone feeds all with bliss. If God is not shining
in the firmament of the heart, how can one even live?

from a divine source

Revere your mother and father as God, make them happy!

Revere your mother and father as God.
You must understand that parents are verily God.
If you make your parents happy,
the whole world will be happy.

It is meaningless to worship God
without revering one's own parents.
First of all, offer worship to your mother
as she is the one who has given you birth.

It is because of the nobility of the mother
that the children attain good fortune.
The parents have given you their blood,
their wealth and have brought you up with
great love and care, sparing no pains.

So, you must love your parents
and be grateful to them. That is true devotion.
There is no greater devotion than this.