Saturday, June 4, 2011

For when I am weak, then I am strong...

Read several times
and understand its meanings...
and be more to accept this fact..
Because I was weak, now am strong..

When faced with problems and challenges,
one gets more experiences and stronger..
Because in the process, one learns to survive..
and win over all life challenges and hard times...

Aren't you now stronger than before?
Without challenges or problems,
How do we know that we can adapt to them?
How do we know that we can win over such situations?

All are tests and challenges
to make us a better person..
All are life experiences for us
to come out winners, not whiners..

Thus it is good that we are
constantly tested for our courage,
for our patience, for our forbearance,
for our moral values and character building...

Thus the presence of thorns in our flesh..

At the same time, it prevents
a person to become too proud..
or haughty or over confident....
Remember? pride goes for a fall...