Friday, June 10, 2011

There are many great teachers or mentors that we meet in our lifetime, treasure them as much before they disappear.. they are not here just for us..

Yes, in our life-time...
We meet many people..
Some comes with a reason...
Some comes within that season..
Some are there for a life-time...

But, we have to recognize...
These group of special people..
Whom we call teachers or mentors...
Treasure them when with them..
They are not here just for one person...

They bring with them grapes of virtues...
They impart knowledge, wisdom and love...
They correct, they guide and lead by examples...
Our eyes, our ears only then are open and acute..
Remember, they are not here just for one person...

Remember to respect, to love, to abide..
Their precious teachings and experiences...
Their work is to sculpture and reshape us...
To be a better specimen and human...
Yes, They are here for everybody...

The world is their home...
The sky is their blanket...
Their teachings... their life missions...
Their unconditional services and love....
Yes, Be grateful that we have their one day...

They want no rewards from us...
Just this self realization that we are human..
Humane enough to see care and love endowed...
In every living creatures on this planet earth...
That we are parts and whole of this cosmos, never alone...

Complete their teachings
by passing them to many more...
This is what they always say..
pass on the care and love...
For the purpose of peace in humanity...