Thursday, July 7, 2011

Let's talk about flowers...

The sunflower.. be the sun and the flower,
to shine and bring light and happiness to all who sees them...
The water lilies... be the lilies that grow well,
even amid dirtied strong currents of life.. be untouched..

Be the orchids that are so unique and so lasting..
Colors vivid and each petals are discovery themselves...
Be the morning glory, that brings glory every morning..
Be the marigold, that turns gold to every touch...

Be the echinacea, to bring relief to colds and fever..
That fights and build up our immune system..
Be the chrysanthemum flowers, that brings happiness..
by just looking at them and feeling them and smelling them..

Be the roses, that lovers woo their beloved...
Be the roses that brings joy to every successes..
Never to be left out and working into details..
To suit those purposes of life and occasions...

Be those names of the flowers...
That brings joy and happiness to newborn baby girls..
Be those who bring in flowers into our lives..
That will enlighten and brighten just any situations...

Be the one who plant than to pluck..
All these wonderful flowers that affect our lives...
Be the one who goes beyond its physical beauty..
To understand the CREATOR that creates all those beauty..

Well, it all comes with being kind and grateful..
See and hear with our hearts, there are many flowers in our hearts..
Love and care, be kind and gentle, not to bruise those petals..
Life is so good.. we see all these flowers in our lives...

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